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Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 and the S 1/2 of Section 9 1839-1950
Names Mentioned
David Guile,Joshua Sheffield,Lucy Sheffield,Frederick Hyne,Harriet Hyne,Frederick Miller,Andrew Waddell,Frederich Hyne,Alva Preston,Harvey Sheffield,Albert Miller,Friedericke Miller,Elias Sprague,William Pharis,Isaac Sprang,John Powell,Debora Powell,Harriet Pharis,Electus Land,Emily Sprague,Cyrus Hayner,Cynthia Hayner,Henry Lane,Alonzo Keyser,Mary Keyser,Edwin Alger,Betsey Alber,Conrad Hayner,Truman Sprague,Steam Saw Mill Machinery,Isaac Teller,Louisa Teller,David Niles,Sarah Niles,David Cable,Jason Mcfail,Harriet Mcfail,Michael Meir,Mary Meir,Luther Greener,Charles Kelley,Elva Kelley,William Trowbridge,Starkey & Co.,N Hickey,Lucinda Sprague,Susanna Trowbridge,Michael Meier,Mary Meier,Ada Trowbridge,Charles Trowbridge,Bertha Pierce,Seeley Trowbridge,Fredericke Miller,Robert Cowen,Malissa Cowen,Ida Trowbridge,H Farmer,R Florance,C Todd,Mabel Todd,Mabel Pemberton,Anthony Trowbridge,Tom Trowbridge,Edward Pierce,Mamieve Acker,Mamieva Clymer,Donald Machin,Ruth Machin,Harry Sheffield,John Weinmeister,R Person,Emerla Sprague,J Van Deusen,George Taylor,Mary Taylor,Irene Clark,John Clark,Edward Browning,Nathan Hickey,W Beach,A Thompson,Francis Monroe,Samuel Teller,Jessie Mory,George Dudley,Hosea Rogers,Thomas Gordon,William Finley,Ellen Finley,George Foster,Ersula Foster,Miles Bullock,Hugh Loughlin,Polly Rogers,Azenath Rogers,Will Antcliff,Delos House,William Antcliff,Austin Barney,Cecil Bohm