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Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan E 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Section 10 1834-1945
Names Mentioned
Evander Fisher,Richard Lyons,Andrew Jackson,C. I. Donelson,William Seymour,Ann Seymour,Charles Seymour,Caleb Benedict,Samuel Conely,Rebecca Conely,John Mcclements,George Conely,William Conely,Benjamin Conely,John Conely,Francis Conely,Thomas Conely,Mary Beach,Henry Conely,Eliza Conely,Martha Lyones,William Graham,John Adam,John Swegles,Israel Arms,Julia Arms,John Arms,Eliza Graham,Sylvester Calkins,Harriet Calkins,Austin Goucher,Lydia Goucher,Martha Arms,Thomas Walsh,Mary Walsh,Christian Schliter,Mary Schliter,John Placeway,Carrie Placeway,John Shaw,Emma Shaw,William Koplick,Jessie Koplick,James Mccarthy,Benjamin Clark,Kate Clark,Ella Wood,Louis Quick,Jessie Quick,Jane Skinner,Jane Dwight,John Harper,Lavina Harper,Nehemiah Taylor,Lewis Quick,William Felt,Willis Lyons,Loucille Felt,Celestia Parshall,William Bidwell,Herbert Rhodes,Beulah Rhodes,Elizabeth Fisher,Theodore Turan,Aaron Kelly,Mary Kelly,Charles Kelly,C. G. Young,Constantine Young,Lucy Oldfield,John Shaw',Edgar Durfee,Ira Bingham,Daniel Marsh,Mary Campbell,A. B. Kice,Thurber Cornell,Horace Hallock,Asher Bates,Eurotus Hastings,Abner Bates,Charles Stewart,Ashen Bates -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan W1/2 of the SE1/4 of section 14 1837-1917
Names Mentioned
John Allstadt,Martin Van Buren,Mary Allstadt,Gunther Allstadt,Harriet Ferguson,Eralza Ferguson,Nancy Ferguson,Samuel Ferguson,Jay Ferguson,J Dickinson,James Bennett,Lewis Chase,Mattie Bennett,Mary Chase,Almond Bliss,Nattie Bennett,Cyrenus Morgan,Sarah Morgan,Chester Morgan,Hatt Blakely,John Blakely,Dell Hamilton,Benj Clark,Albird Davis,George Royce,Electa Morgan,Elvira Vanamburg,Hattie Blakely,Della Hamilton,Howard Vanamburg,Walter Placeway,Cyrenius Placeway,Elmer Placeway,James Edgar,Lucy Morgan,Grace Vanamburg,Linnie Placeway,W Placeway,Ada Morgan,Alvira Vanamburg,James Hamilton,Myrtie Hamilton,Henry Finley,Henry Love,Cyrus Morgan,Thomas Love,A Thompson,C Morgan,John Brown,Jennie Morgan,Watkins Reality Company,Myrtie Odell,Edna Euler,Maria Clark,H Love,Kingsley Morgan -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan, Section 19, Section24, Section 28, Section 21, Section 22, Section 23, Section 27, 1833-1942
Names Mentioned
Ephraim Allen,A J Donelson,Dolly Allen,Cornelius Van Alen,Lucas Van Allen,Lydia Van Allen,Lewis Gates,William Bradley,Dibgy Bell,Samuel Skinner,Joshua Lathrop,R H Lathrop,Albert Crane,Teh Detroit And Howell Plank Road Company,Benjamin Vealy,Caleb Power,Elvira Power,Alanson Dickinson,Hiram Paddock,Johnskinner,Weltha Paddock,Jane Dickinson,Henry Hartman,Caroline Hartman,Charles Dorr,Aaron Kelly,Anna Maria Dorr,Lewis Dorr,Sophia Dorr,Herman Dankers,Carstan Dankers,Charles Fishbeck,Adelheit Dankers,Margaret Dankers,Margart Bitton,Margaret Bitten,William Fry,Helen Fry,Harry Bitten,Adalade Dankers,Margaret Francis,M Burton Francis,Ansel Monroe,Henry Gerkin,Harriett Porter,Arthur Greenwood,Agnes Francis,Benjamin Bontwell,Jacob Conrad,Caroline Behrens,John Becker,Josepd Nollins,Mary Josephine Francis,Mina Brock,Caroline Musch,Maria Webber,C Augusta Webber,Eugene Stowe,Oliver Trudeau,Capitol Land Corporation ,Woodland Shores Holding Company,R S Hartill,Carl Peters,William Panzer,Fred Woodworth,Gikles Kavanagh,Alfred Bachman,Irvin Kennedy,John Hagman -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan, NW 1/4 of Section 19, Section 24, Section 28, Section 21, Section 22, Section 23, Section 27 1833-1941
Names Mentioned
Ephraim Allen,Dolly Allen,Cornelius Van Alen,Lucas Van Allen,M B Francis,Lydia Van Allen,Lewis Gates,William Bradley,Digby Bell,Samuel Skinner,Joshua Lathrop,R H Lathrop,Albert Crane,The Detroit And Howell Plank Road Company,Benjamin Vealy,Caleb Power,Elvira Power,Allanson Dickinson,Hiram Paddock,John Skinner,Weltha Paddock,Jane Dickinson,Henry Hartman,Caroline Hartman,Charles Dorr,Ansel Monroe,Aaron Kelly,Anna Maria Dorr,Lewis Dorr,Sophia Dorr,Herman Dankers,Carsten Dankers,Charles Fishbeck,Adelheit Dankers,Margaret Dankers,Margeret Bitton,Margaret Bitten,William Fry,Helen Fry,Harry Bitten,Adalade Dankers,Margaret Francis,M Burton Francis,Harriett Porter,Henry Gerkin,Arthur Greenwood,Agnes Francis,Benjamin Bontwell,Jacob Conrad,Agnes Greenwood,Henry Crippen,V P Vealy,Caleb Powers,Arthus Greenwood,Joseph Collins,Ira Mcgiveron,Emma Mcgiveron,Mary Josephinen Francis,L Gibert,Ida Goodsmith,William Panser,Woodland Shores Holding Company,Richard Hartill,Benjamin Vealey,John Becker,Eugene Stowe,Henry Conrad,Caroline Musch,Maria Webber,C Augusta Webber,Lewis Conrad,Oliver Trudeau,Capitol Land Corporation,R S Hartill,Carl Peters,Fred Woodworth,Giles Kavanagh,Alfred Bachman,Irvin Kennedy,John Hagman -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan SE 1/4 of Section 27 and NW 1/4 of Section 26 1955-1973
Names Mentioned
Harold Mondol,Joanne Mondol,John Jacoby,Barbara Jacoby,Val Jacoby,Beverly Jacoby,Lloyd Mccabe,Detroit Edison Company,Gregory Coleman,Bessie Coleman,Charles Tierney,Beatrice Tierney -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan E 1/2 of of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 27 1966-1973
Names Mentioned
Detroit Edison,Jennie Jacoby,Val Jacoby,Jerry Jacoby -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Section 27 1973
Names Mentioned
Clayton Smith,Erna Smith -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan E 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 27 and NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 28 1933-1971
Names Mentioned
Detroit Edison,Liptak Homes Inc.,Joanne Mondol,John Jacoby,Barbara Jacoby,Edward Waddell,Elizabeth Waddell,Vivian Mondol,Frank Foland,Mary Foland,August Schmadtke,Mae Schmadtke,Boss Engineering,Loretta Grostic,Jennie Jacoby,Val Jacoby,Jerry Jacoby,Joseph Pernick,Shirley Jacoby,Lloyd Mccabe -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan W 1/2 of SE 1/4 and E 1/2 of SE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 27 1835-1901
Names Mentioned
Richard Lyons,Joseph Flanders,Samuel Ketchum,C. P. Bush,Minerva Bush,Auditor General Of Michigan,Charles Bush,Lavina Ketchum,Eliza Flanders,Franklin Parker,Martha Lyons,Timothy Warner,John Beach,Mary Beach,James Toncray,Betsey Toncray,Lucretia Warner,Henry Williams,Margaret Williams,Frank Bidwell,Benjamin Conley,Margaret Conley,Samuel Conely,Rebecca Conely,Isaac Stanfield,Hannah Stanfield,James Pettibone,Emily Stebbins,Emily Collins,Alfred Stanfield,William Stanfield,Charles Stanfield,Martha Toncray,Sarah Pentlin,Phoebe Williams,Carry Stanfield,Rhoda Stanfield,Laura Stanfield,Albert Hinchey,Hannah Messany,Hannah Hinchey,Luella Stanfield,Chester Thompson,Mary Buck,Sedgwick Dean,F. E. Bidwell,Elizabeth Bidwell,Aletta Powers,Robert Power,Hattie Power,William Power,Georgia Tomlinson,Egbert Albright,Mary York,Lelia Albright -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Section 27 and SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 26 1835-1962
Names Mentioned
Isaac Platt,Robert Lane,Ellen Lane,Jemima Pye,Auditor General Of Michigan,Timothy Warner,Edward Livingston,Margaret Livingston,Marion Platt,William Brown,Mary Brown,Samuel Sheffield,Polly Sheffield,Lovisa Smith,Alfred Warner,George Warner,Lucretia Warner,Henry Warner,Herbert Warner,Laura Warner,Pure Oil Company,E. F. Clagett,Claude Fawcett,J. T. Warner,Judson Warner,Ora Morgan,Willis Lyons,Daisy Warner,Esther Yerkes,Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company,Ida Green,Ida Greer,Robert Bleakly,Jennie Bleakly,Federal Land Bank Of Saint Paul,J. C. Cook,J. J. Reibestein
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