Browse Items (53 total)
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, SW 1/4 of Section 22, and SW 1/4 of Section 20 of Deerfield Township, 1835-1935
Names Mentioned
,Martin Van Buren,A Van Buren,Samuel Sanford,Henry Teller,Michael Thatcher,Henry Hartman,Joseph Teller,Jasper Teller,Samuel Teller,Caroline Teller,Lucinda Teller,Seth Easton,John Tompkins,Cynthia Easton,Abram Gurnel,Rhoda Gurnee,Abram Gurnee,Jane Gurnee,Willis Gurnee,Carrie Gurnee,Estella Lannen,Henry Finley,Mcpherson State Bank,Lavern Teller,Velera Teller,William Mcpherson,Eric Reiner,William Antcliff,Raymond Cook,Eva Cook,Joseph Collins,Ezra Sanford,Ira Davenport,Edward Buckley,Glenn Yelland,Ruth Swick -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan , NE 1/4 of Section 20, 1837-1960
Names Mentioned
Joseph Hynes,Mary Hynes,James Chambers,Almon Whipple,John Swigles,Joseph Swigles,Amry Whipple,Miranda Chambers,George Palmer,William Palmer,Sally Palmer,William Rogers,Fanny Rogers,Thomas Reese,Electa Reese,Eudelmer King,Franklin Washburn,Anderena King,Fred Steinacker,Elizabeth Steinacker,Carl Steinacker,Irene Steinacker,Shirley Maier,George Maier,Norris And Smith,J Norris,C Smith,Pure Oil Company,Consumers Power Company,Wonderland Oil Company,Merle Hiuggins,M Warden,Pan American Petroleum Corporation,Aaron Kelly,William Williamson,Neil Hearn,R Person,Richard York,Hosea Rogers,David Kellogg,A Thompson,Audrena King,E Rice,Sheriff-gozlin Roofing Company -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan , SW 1/4 of Section 20, NW 1/4 of Section 19, 1836-1939
Names Mentioned
Frederick Ringe,Martin Van Buren,A Van Buren,Frederick Harnet,Rosina Ringe,John Gehrken,Hosanna Ring,George Sayles,Rosanna Ring,Fyirlnnorss Ricyn,John Adams,William Curtis,John Sawigles,Eli Barnard,Parden Barnard,Whitney Jones,Ely Barnard,Langford Berry,Cassius Austin,Eliza Barnard,Aristeen Barnard,Louis Howlett,Robah Curtis,Rhoba Curtis,Isaac Bush,Emil Anneke,Stephen Sayles,Thomas Purdy,Henry Kelley,Lorinda Kelly,Henry Kelly,Henry Diamond,Ellen Diamond,Dudley Crawford,Lorinda Kelley,Emily Crawford,Albert Crawford,Maude Crawford,Eugene Stowe,Maude Smith,William Antcliff,Norma Crawford,Consumers Power Company,Evelyn Graves,Ora Koch,Margaret Koch,C Rudolph,Joseph Collins,William Mckellops,Chauncy Henry,Chester Hazzard,Adeline Euler,Michael Meier,Emma Crawford,Laverne Smith,Cora Rudolph -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan , NE 1/4 of Section 20, NE 1/4 of Section 19, 1836-1934
Names Mentioned
Alvah Ewers,Jane Ewers,George Sayers,Frederick Ringe,Claus Tribken,Rosina Ringe,Moses Sayles,L Hewitt,Moses Sayers,Edgar Purdy,Dewitt Holbrook,William Wesson,Levi Cook,Winslow Wilcox,William Duncan,William Ewers,Charles Ewers,Jane Parkinson,William Parkinson,H Dean,Charles Evans,Leroy Heath,Sarah Duncan,L Heath,Hugh Cullen,Mathew Cullen,Mary Cullen,Franklin Rhodes,Frederick Steinacker,Adam Steinacker,Elizabeth Steinacker,Amelia Steinacker,Adda Kice,Gustave Steinacker,Norris And Smith,J Norris,C Smith,Pure Oil Company,E Clagett,Otto Steinacker,Shirley Steinacker,Lillie Steinacker,John Carter,W Watson,James Newcomb,Gustavus Baetcki,John Becker,A Thompson,E Drewry,First National Bank Of Howell,Harold Albright,Ila Albright,Federal Land Bank Of Saint Paul -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan , NE 1/4 of Section 20, 1836-1945
Names Mentioned
Martin Van Buren,Alvah Ewers,Jane Ewers,Charles Hammond,Moses Sayles,Lewis Hewett,George Sayers,Edgar Purdy,Randolph Manning,William Ewers,Dewitt Holbrook,William Duncan,William Musson,Winslow Wilcox,Levi Cook,Hiram Nowland,Sara Duncan,Leroy Heath,Sarah Duncan,Dewit Hollrook,Hugh Cullen,Mathew Cullen,Mary Cullen,Franklin Rhodes,Frederick Stanacker,Adam Stanacker,John Carter,Frederick Steinacker,Adam Steinacker,Amelia Steinacker,Elizabeth Steinacker,Neil Jensen,Carl Steinacker,Irene Steinacker,Howard Steinacker,Clara Steinacker,Norris And Smith,J Norris,C Smith,Pure Oil Company,E Clagett,Consumers Power Company,Kenneth Steinacker,Margaret Steinacker,W Watson,Frederick Stenacker,Adam Stenacker,James Newcomb,Homer Beach,Albert George,Charles Herbst,Henry Steinacker,A Thompson,Patrick Bergin,William Harper,Elizabeth Olsen,Frank Bush -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, NE 1/4 of Section 19, NE 1/4 of Section 20, SE 1/4 of Section 18, 1837-1941
Names Mentioned
Martin Van Buren,A Van Buren,Alvah Ewers,Bert Hoisington,Myrtle Hoisington,John Maxwell,Delia Maxwell,Norris And Smith,J Norris,C Smith,Pure Oil Company,Consumers Power Company,Dewitt Steinacker,Janette Steinacker,Nicholas Bohm,Elizabeth Bohm,William Antcliff,Orval Antcliff,Willis Lyons -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, NE 1/4 of Section 19, NE 1/4 of Section 20, 1836-1943
Names Mentioned
Alvah Ewers,Ken Olsen,George Sayles,Jane Ewers,Frederick Ringe,Rosina Ringe,Claus Tribken,Moses Sayles,L Hewitt,Edgar Purdy,Randolph Manning,William Ewers,Dewitt Holbrook,William Duncan,William Wesson,Levi Cook,Winslow Wilcox,Charles Ewers,Sara Duncan,L Heath,Hugh Cullen,Mathew Cullen,Leroy Heath,Reuben Taylor,Jane Taylor,Charles Potter,Levina Potter,Knud Olsen,Peter Olsen,Mary Olsen,George Woodworth,Elizabeth Olsen,Elias Maxson,Joanna Maxson,Phenias Butler,W Hendryx,Lusana Butler,Olive Butler,Oliva Mcclellan,Oliva Butler,Frank Mcclellan,Sobiski Butler,Mina Butler,Charles Butler,Alpharette Butler,Milton Butler,Caledonia Morrison,Caledonia Butler,Samuel Morrison,Alfaretta Hoard,Alfarette Butler,Francis Hoard,Fred Olsen,Christie Olsen,Sarah Olsen,Mabel Olsen,Norris And Smith,J Norris,C Smith,Pure Oil Company,E Clagett,Carl Olsen,Doris Longbotham,Kenneth Olsen,Doris Olsen,Willis Lyons,Consumers Power Company,Doris Longe,Hazel Olsen,Eva Kelley,William Roberts,Conrad Hydorn,Elias Maxon,Waterbury Hendricks,Susanna Butler,Waterbury Hendrys,William Mckellop,Andrew Pless,Elizabeth Lewis,John Stelzer,George Dudley,Frank Bush -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, SW 1/4 of Section 20, NW 1/4 of Section 19, 1836-1934
Names Mentioned
Frederick Ring,Martin Van Buren,A Van Buren,Rosina Ringe,Frederick Ringe,Frederick Harnet,Claus Tribkin,Fransiska Tribkin,George Sayles,John Adam,William Curtis,John Swigles,Ely Barnard,Parden Barnard,Whitney Jones,Langford Berry,Cassius Austin,Eliza Barnard,Aristeen Barnhard,Pardon Barnard,Louis Howlett,Emil Anneke,Isaac Bush,Stephen Sayles,Thomas Purdy,Frank Bush,Eli Bowen,Anna Bowen,James Walsh,Bridget Walsh,Alpheus Boyd,William Boyd,Anna Johnson,Julia Steward,Mary Ketchum,Nettie Fox,Teressa Kelly,Phillip Boyd,Benjamin Boyd,Maggie Leedle,Susan Chard,Eugene Stowe,Julia Stewart,Theressa Kelley,George Leedle,Maggie Boyd,Asa Petteys,Margaret Petteys,Phillip Frederickson,Rena Frederickson,John Frederickson,Tena Frederickson,Edith Frederickson,Willie Frederickson,Gustave Steinacker,Otto Steinacker,Shirley Steinacker,Gustavo Steinacker,Lillie Steinacker,Amelia Steinacker,Norris And Smith,J Norris,C Smith,Pure Oil Company,Franziska Tribken,Claus Trirken,Frederick Ringe,William Mcpherson & Sons,Neil Ohearn,Ely Brown,Anna Brown,Van Rensaeller Angel,Hosea Rogers,A Thompson,Elizabeth Olsen,Knud Olsen,Howard Bohm,E Drewry,Emma Schrepfer,Harold Albright,Ila Albright,Federal Land Bank Of Saint Paul,Susan Boyd,Anna Boyd,Julia Boyd,Mary Boyd,Teressa Boyd,Nettie Boyd -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, SE 1/4 of Section 20, 1931-1946
Names Mentioned
R Schrepfer,Bessie Schrepfer,Consumers Power Company,Union Joint Stock Land Bank,J Fouser,R Osborn,Eric Hibbard,Ruth Hibbard,Gleaner Life Insurance Society,H Hackett -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, SW 1/4 of Section 18, NE 1/4 of Section 19, NW 1/4 of Section 19, NE 1/4 of Section 20, 1836-1963
Names Mentioned
Conrad Hayne,Alvah Ewers,Frederick Ring,A Van Buren,Martin Van Buren,Frederick Ringe,Irene Hayner,George Hayner,Alexander Gilleland,Allices Gilland,Alexander Gilland,Alica Gilend,Alexander Gilend,Allices Gilleland,Benjamin Ostrander,Mary Ostrander,George Shrepfer,John Bohm,Jane Ewers,George Sayles,Charles Hammond,Moses Sayles,Lewis Hewett,Edgar Purdy,John Abbott,Randolph Manning,Elias Masson,Joanna Maxon,Elias Maxon,Alexander Gillaland,Alice Gillaland,Alice Gilend,Alice Gilleland,Alice Gilland,Barbara Bohm,Silas Smith,Mary Smith,Phineas Butler,Susanna Butler,Rosana Ring,Flavius Crane,Anna Crane,John Swegles,John Adams,Ezra Miner,Anna Miner,Nathan Grant,Sarah Grant,Henrietta Lewis,Frank Lewis,Irelle Stewart,Grove Cook,Ida Cook,Willis Lyons,Clifton Cook,Lucy Cook,Norris And Smith,J Norris,C Smith,Pure Oil Company,E Clagett,Consumers Power Company,Wonderland Oil Company,Merle Huggins,M Warden,Pan American Petroleum Corporation,George Mahaffy,Conrad Hydorn,Conrad Hidona,Hosea Rogers,Ida Lee,A Thompson,Carl Weimeister,Catherine Loughlin,Alfred Garlock,Emory Garlock,Bert Sprague,E Drewry
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