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Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, SE 1/4 of Section 24, 1955-1972
Names Mentioned
Lewis Simes,Blanche Simes,Consumers Power Company -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan , SE 1/4 of section 24, 1837-1940
Names Mentioned
Daniel Boutell,Martin Van Buren,A Van Buren,David Boutell,Calvin Hart,Jane Hart,Lavonus Gray,Mary Gray,Lavoncus Gray,Joel Chapman,Phylinda Chapman,John Murray,John Galloway,Martha Galloway,Cornelius Davis,Mary Davis,Winfield Cramer,William Miller,Sarah Cramer,Charles Chambers,Anastasia Murray,Michael Murray,Mary Boutell,Mary Murray,Alice Murray,Alice Lannen,Ella Murray,Elizabeth Murray,Willis Lyons,Lois Murray,Ellen Murray,May Mccarthy,Julia Mcdonnough,Raymond Mccdonnough,Edwin Mcdounnough,Thomas Mcdonnough,Elizabeth Mcdonnough,Julia Mcdonough,Raymond Mcdonough,Edwin Mcdonough,Thomas Mcdonough,Elizabeth Mcdonough,Ellen Mcdonough,Ellen Mcdonnough,Joe Zakich,Nellie Mcdonough,Consumers Power Company,Lewis Simes,Blanche Simes,Clyde Holmes,A Mayotte,William Crapo,Isaac Cook,W Watson -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, NE 1/4 of Section 24, and SW 1/4 of Section 19, Deerfield Township, 1836-1940
Names Mentioned
Ephraim Whitney,Lorenzo Boutell,Daniel Boutell,Martin Van Buren,A Van Buren,Samuel Goodenough,Lucy Goodenough,Thomas Hosner,Amos Temple,Chester Hazard,John Mccabe,Chauncey Boutell,Polly Boutell,Ira Boutell,Alice Boutell,Helena Boutell,Helena Mehlberg,Robert Boutell,Fannie Boutell,Cyrus Perry,Mary Perry,Oscar Perry,Arthur Montague,Hannah Perry,Lillie Garland,Betsey Boutell,Warren Worden,Thomas Jackson,Jane Jackson,Alanson Blood,Sarah Blood,Albert Blood,Abel Dunning,John Sackner,Cynthia Dunning,Arad French,Emily French,Mary Bradt,Allebertus Knapp,Laura Knapp,Catherine Worden,Patrick Dean,John Jackson,Fred Lee,Bridget Dean,William Barker,Jane Barker,Luella Monroe,Albertus Knapp,Consumers Power Company,Orrin Hart,C Crandell,Frederick Lee,Dennis Shields,Horace Johns,Charlotte Tompkins,A Thompson,Abraham Bradt,Evrid Jackson,Isaac Jackson,E Jubb,Rose Fawcett,Maria Jackson,Lillie Jubb -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, Section 25, Section 24, 1926-1942
Names Mentioned
C. A. Kelley,Harry Gross,State Savings Bank Of Royal Oak,Herman Heeg,Depositors Liquidation Corporation,John Miner,Joseph Dodge,William Cudlip,Charles Hewitt,Gladding Coit,Kathleen Hart,Caspar Lingeman,R. J. Hodgson,Lou Etta Proper,Fred Nelson,Benjamin Taylor,Eva Taylor,M. D. Watts,F. F. Nelson,State Of Michigan,Reconstruction Finance Corporation,Gedeon Siewike,Interlocking Cement Stave Silo Company,Gideon Siewike,William Shiek -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, SE 1/4 of Section 23, and SW 1/4 of Section 23, SW 1/4 of Section 24, Section 25, Section 26, 1836-1940
Names Mentioned
Leah Packard,William Packard,William Stroud,Thomas Goldsmith,Noah Ramsdell,Emily Stroud,Zalmon Holmes,Emily Holmes,Joannah Goldsmith,Mary Ramsdell,Horace Cook,William Ramsdell,David Winton,William Winton,Sarah Winton,Gideon Ramsdell,Emma Hannan,Daniel Case,Frederick Lee,Elizabeth Cook,Emma Diamon,William Van Winkle,Hosea Rogers,Asenath Rogers,Mary Mcfayden,Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan R. R. Co.,Donald Mcfayden,Horace Burdick,Girty Ramsdell,Judd Yelland,Thomas Gordon Jr.,Mary Gordon,Estella Mcfadyen,William Layton,May Layton,Consumers Power Company,Amanda Bush,Joannah Mckane,Arthur Montague,Will Griffith,Sarah Griffith,William Slider,John Layton,Doris Layton,Ira Davenport,Ezra Frisbe,John Davenport,Joshua Waterman,Emma Diamond,Gertie Ramsdell,Rollin Persen,John Neary,Polly Rogers,Alonzo Fresbee,John Stelzer,Matilda Hoyt,Lewis Westphal,John Preston,Belle Preston,Mcpherson State Bank,William Mcpherson,Eric Reiner,Ira Marble,Peter Bush -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan , SW 1/4 of Section 19, NW 1/4 of Section 30, NE 1/4 of Section 24, NE 1/4 of Section 25, 1836-1939
Names Mentioned
Lorenso Bennister,Daniel Boutall,Ephraim Whitney,Daniel Boutell,Martin Van Buren,A Van Buren,Lorenzo Boutell,Lorenzo Bannister,Thomas Kirby,Richard Hooper,Matilda Hooper,Revo Hance,Mary Hance,Samuel Willetts,Oliver Willis,Polly Boutell,Clark Hart,Sarah Hart,Chauncey Boutell,Jane Boutell,Betsey Boutell,Samuel Goodenough,Lucy Goodenough,Thomas Hosner,Amos Temple,Chester Hazard,John Mccabe,Ira Boutell,Alice Boutell,Helena Mehlberg,Helena Boutell,Robert Boutell,Oscar Perry,Hannah Perry,Lillie Garland,Consumers Power Company,Fannie Boutell,Cyrus Perry,Mary Perry,Arthur Montague,Orrin Hart -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan, Section 31, Section 22, Section 35, Section 36, Section 15, Section 14, Section 24, Section 13, Section 29, Section 33 1970-1974
Names Mentioned
Ann Arbor Bank & Trust Company,Lester Rutter,Bessie Rutter,William Mccauley,Mrs. William Mccauleys Addition,Frank Vosmik,Fay Vosmik,Robert Juvinall,Doris Juvinall,Newton Plains Subdivision,Thomas Kanocz,Kelsie Kanocz,Shady Shores Colony No. 3,James Jancwski,Mary Jancwski,Fox Point Beach Subdivision,Clarence Markeson,Margaret Markeson,Pleasant Lake Hills Annex,Melvin Janowski,Dorothy Janowski,William Damm,Jacqueline Damm,Ore Lake Little Farms Subdivision,Henry Crouse,Weatherwood Realty Company,Nobles Plat,Green Oaks Frce Methodist Church,Everett Lower,Elsie Lower,Cornwell Acres Subdivision -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan, Section 31, Section 13, Section 24, Section 30, 1873-1943
Names Mentioned
John Rolison,Ella Rolison,Samuel Phelps,Smith And Mcphersons Addition,William Mcpherson,Jennie Mcpherson,Edward Mcpherson,Rosa Mcpherson,Hiram Smith,Harriet Smith,John Knapman,Belle Knapman,Nelson Benjamin,Lydia Benjamin,Alice Davis,Alice Benjamin,Theresa Benjamin,Albert Davis,Eugene Stowe,Charles Prosser,Lillian Prosser,Henry Bidwell,Julia Bidwell,Vivian Van Volkenburg,James Van Volkenburg,Arthur Stansell,Robert Van Volkenburg,L Prosser,Beulah Prosser,Sophia Peck,Charles Hyne,Wilhelm Fischer -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan, Section 30, Section 31, Section 29, Section 20, Section 24, Section 12, Section 6, Section 7, 1833-1935
Names Mentioned
Horace Comstock,Andrew Jackson,A Donelson,Sarah Comstock,William Noble,Nobles Plat,Roxey Noble,Proxey Noble,Olney Hawkins,Mary Hawkins,Orson Quackenbush,Josiah Turner,George Hand,Stephen Nelson,Elizabeth Quackenbush,Mary Clark,Cloe Clark,John W,William Rhody,Ann Mariah,James W,Jacintha Clark,Benjamin Clark,William Clark,Bradford Campbell,William Mccauley,Benjamin Cushing,Witney Jones,Lauren Hewitt,William Cobb,George Axtill,George Greenaway,Lucy Cobb,Edward Greenaway,Helen Greenaway,Henry Rorabacher,Amanda Rorabacher,William Stuhrburg,Detroit And Howell Plank Road Company,Lyman Judson,C Trowbridge,Patrick Mclaughlin,Catherine Mclaughlin,John Mclaughlin,Ebenezer Perry,Flora Mclaughlin,Belle Mirnham,John Murnham,Daniel Morrison,Frederick Stuhrburg,Mary Stuhrberg,Frederick Stuhrberg,Carl Stuhrberg,Loi Stuhrberg,Catherine Stuhrberg,William Stuhrberg,William Wilnkehaus,Louis Fulton,Henry Rosabacher,Myrtie Fulton,William Holderness,Ethel Holderness,G Dimmick,J Munsell,Citizens Savings Bank Of Owosso,Guerdon Dimmick,Estelle Dimmick,E Maccrone,C Collins,Jonathan Lovelace,O Timewell,E. E. Maccrone & Company,Steve Ruben,Olicer Davis,Citizens Depositors Corporation,Sarah Albright,Charles Beurmann,Henry Bigham,Henry Bingham,George Artell,Homer Beach,First National Bank Of Brighton,James Cummiskey,Max Buek,H Willoughby -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan SW 1/4, NW 1/4, and W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Section 24 and NE 1/4 and E 1/2 of SE 1/4 of Section 23 1836-1930
Names Mentioned
Jacob Bendernagel,Johanna Bindernagel,Jacob Bindernagel,William Staples,Hannah Staples,Samuel Ferguson,Eralzy Ferguson,Daniel Case,Erulza Ferguson,Nancy Ferguson,Harriet Ferguson,Eralza Ferguson,S Ferguson,Asa Prior,George Prior,Frank Prior,Benjamin Clark,Elizabeth Burley,Helen Sheldon,Irma Beagle,Henry Clark,Edgar Clark,Isabelle Clark,Willis Lyons,Jennie Clark,Isabell Shoults,Isabell Clark,John Carter,W Watson,Kate Prior,W Beach,John Moore,Adaline Moore,Seymour Moore,John Morse,Adaline Morse,Seymour Morse,James Mcdonnell,Alexander Mcdonnell,Alex Mcdonnell
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