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Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, NW 1/4 of Section 36, NW 1/4 of Section 26, SW 1/4 of Section 25, NE 1/4 of Section 35, 1836-1923
Names Mentioned
Levi Mosher,Ambrose Mosher,Chancey Fisher,Martin Van Buren,A Van Buren,Sarah Mosher,John Corwin,Cyrus Beers,Sarah Head,Maria Head,Guy Roberts,Abner Roberts,Ann Head,Clara Head,James Lewis,Susan Lewis,William Gannomy,Mary Gannomy,Priscilla Roberts,Susan Roberts,Plat Of Chemungville,William Hosley,Holland Hosley,Henry Thorton,Eliza Hosley,William Nortrip,Pamelia Nortrip,Thomas Goldsmith,Sophia Goldsmith,Henry Fay,Esther Fay,Isaac Vandercook,Edward Fisher,Cornelia Fisher,Isaac Cook,Alanson Blood,Sarah Blood,Esther Fisher,Abigal Cook,Abigail Cook,Charles Chambers,Martha Chambers,Alfred Doolittle,F Monroe,Myron Doolittle,V Cook,I Cook,John Hecox,Ida Elwell,Nellie Stokes,Emma Frazer,Ella Showers,Adelbert Hecox,William Hecox,Charlotte Hutchins,Phoebe Ridgeway,Anna Hecox,Sarah Showers,Theodocia Hecox,Ernest Vandercook,Marguerite Vandercook,Ella Hecox,Alonzo Frisbee,Anna Frisbee,Frank Johns,Alfred Watters,Alice Watters,William Snell,D Taft,Mary Snell,Alfred Waters,Alice Waters,Charles Hurry,Cora Hurry,William Brown,Sophia Brown,Francis Monroe,W Beach,Charles Beurmann,George Dudley,John Ryan,Henry Pardee,Louisa Pardee,William Van Winkle,Miles Bullock,A Thompson,Dotia Hecox,Earnest Vandercook,E Drewry -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, NW 1/4 of Section 36, SW 1/4 of Section 25, NE 1/4 of Section 35, 1836-1962
Names Mentioned
Chancey Fisher,Martin Van Buren,A Van Buren,Chauncey Fisher,Isaac Cook,Alanson Blood,Sarah Blood,Esther Fisher,Abigal Cook,Alexander Frisbee,Abigail Cook,Henry Fay,Mary Frisbee,James Dickerson,Jacob Debarr,Elmer Dickerson,Della Erwin,Sarah Kleckler,Dickersons Addition,Charles Kleckler,Ethel Kleckler,Ethel Bucknell,Alice Pearce,Alice Kleckler,Myrtle Fawcett,Myrtle Kleckler,Willis Lyons,Malachy Roche,John Stelzer,Francis Cooley,Edwin Pearce,James Taft,George Woodworth,Clarence Pearce,John Jordon,Arthur Pearce,Johnathan Merrill,Amelia Neeley,Edwin Stokes,T Pearce,Esther Isham,James Tazziman,J Pearce,Wiolliam Stokes,Ella Tazziman,Harriett Porter,George Switzer,Millie Switzer,Mahlon Pearce,Harold Ikens,Vera Ikens,M Bullock,Mary Wilbur,Alexander Mcpherson,Thomas Birkett,Maranda Dickerson,Homer Beach,Elizabeth Sherman,Miles Bullock,Walter Rathbun,Alonzo Fay,Joseph Brown,A Thompson,J Brown,John Wiggelsworth,Elizabeth Wriggelsworth,Mcpherson State Bank,R Larsen -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, NW 1/4 of Section 36, SW 1/4 of Section 25, NE 1/4 of Section 35, 1836-1937
Names Mentioned
Chancey Fisher,Martin Van Buren,A Van Buren,Edward Fisher,Cornelia Fisher,Isaac Cook,Alanson Blood,Sarah Blood,Esther Fisher,Abigal Cook,Alexander Frisbee,Mary Frisbee,James Dickerson,Jacob Debarr,Johnathan Merrell,Amelia Neeley,Frank Carlson,Elizabeth Carlson,William Vaughn,Agnes Vaughn,Agnes Vaughan,William Vaughan,Emily Peckens,Marcena Peckens,M Bullock,Marion Dickerson,Francis Cooley,Mary Wilbur,Maranda Dickerson,Alexander Mcpherson,Thomas Birkett,Elmer Dickerson,Edward Stokes,James Johnson,Homer Beach,J Pearce,T Pearce,Elizabeth Sherman,James Taft,George Woodworth,William Erwin,Clarence Pearce,Arthue Pearce,John Jordan,Miles Bullock,Walter Rathbun,Jacon Debar,Alonzo Fay,Samuel Tomian,E Drewry,Stanley Haynes,Carol Haynes,First National Bank In Howell -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, NW 1/4 of Section 36, SW 1/4 of Section 25, NE 1/4 of Section 35, 1836-1916
Names Mentioned
Chancey Fisher,Martin Van Buren,A Van Buren,Chauncey Fisher,Edward Fisher,Cornelia Fisher,Isaac Cook,Alanson Blood,Sarah Blood,Esther Fisher,Abigal Cook,Henry Fay,B Durfee,Van Durfee,David Mason,Mary Mason,Myron Fay,William Fay,Laura Fay,Mary Snell,D Taft,Everett Johnson,Clara Johnson,Daniel Taft,Alonzo Frisbee,Charles Pratt,Anna Frisbee,Eddie Winchell,Hattie Winchell,Jane Durfee,Elias Durfee,Jacon Debar,Jacob Debarr,John Weimeister,H Pierce,James Crawford,John Pearce,Thomas Pearce,C Mason,Helen Pearce,Benjamin Durfee,Thomas Goldsmith,A Kice,D Frisbee,Wesley Crittenden,Sumner Frisbee,Dorr Frisbee -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, NW 1/4 of Section 36, SW 1/4 of Section 25, NE 1/4 of Section 35, 1836-1937
Names Mentioned
Chancey Fisher,Chauncey Fisher,Martin Van Buren,A Van Buren,Edward Fisher,Cornelia Fisher,Isaac Cook,Alanson Blood,Sarah Blood,Ann Blood,Esther Fisher,Abigan Cook,Alexander Frisbee,Mary Frisbee,Jacob Debar,Edward Hart,Lyman Vandercook,James Dickerson,Jacob Debarr,Edward Stokes,James Taft,Florence Taft,William Stokes,Amelia Neely,Johnathan Merrell,Frank Carlson,Elizabeth Carlson,Nellie Stokes,Emily Frazee,Nellie Garrett,A Hecox,Eva Handy,Earl Handy,M Bullock,Henry Fay,Francis Cooley,Mary Wilbur,Maranda Dickerson,Alexander Mcpherson,Thomas Birkett,Elmer Dickerson,James Johnson,Charles Pratt,J Pearce,T Pearce,Homer Beach,Elizabeth Sherman,Edwin Pearce,William Erwin,George Woodworth,Clarence Pearce,John Jordan,Arthur Pearce,Walter Rathbun,Alonzo Fay,John Stelzer,E Sargent,A Thompson,Albert Thompson,Sarah Losford -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, NW 1/4 of Section 36, SW 1/4 of Section 25, NE 1/4 of Section 35, 1836-1944
Names Mentioned
Chancey Fisher ,Chauncey Fisher,Martin Van Buren,A Van Buren,Edward Fisher,Cornelia Fisher,Isaac Cook,Alanson Blood,Sarah Blood,Esther Fisher,Abigal Cook,Alexander Frisbee,Henry Fay,Mary Frisbee,Jacob Debar,Edward Hart,James Dickerson,Jacob Debarr,Francis Cooley,Maranda Dickerson,Elmer Dickerson,H Cooley,Esther Moody,Reuben Burrows,Herman Dubois,James Taft,Florence Taft,Clarence Pearce,Mary Pearce,Harriet Hearse,Frank Dickerson,Lulu Dickerson,Frank Filkins,Mary Filkins,Don Van Winkle,Willis Lyons,Sarah Fisher,Howard Geer,Mabel Geer,M Bullock,Mary Wilbur,Alexander Mcpherson,Thomas Birkett,Edward Stokes,James Johnson,J Pearce,T Pearce,Charles Pratt -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, NW 1/4 of Section 36, SW 1/4 of Section 25, Ne 1/4 of Section 35, 1836-1929
Names Mentioned
Chancey Fisher,Edward Fisher,Cornelia Fisher,Isaac Cook,Alanson Blood,Sarah Blood,Esther Fisher,Ann Fisher,Estner Fisher,Abigal Cook,Van Derfee,Benjamin Durfee,Henry Fay,B Durfee,Jane Durfee,Elias Durfee,David Mason,Wary Mason,Augusta Durfee,Aaron Durfee,John Galloway,Hiram Carns,May Carns,Isaac Whitehead,Louisa Whitehead,Abigail Cook,John Pearce,Thomas Pearce,Laura Durfee,Sarah Cook,Charles Morgan,Elmira Morgan,Mary Frisbee,Francis Cooley,L Durfee,Harry Durfee,Etta Durfee,Etta Mccormick,Thurman Mccormick,John Terhune,Anna Terhune,Margaret Thayer,Alexander Frisbee,James Dickerson,Maranda Dickerson,Maranda Dickinson,Elmer Dickerson,James Taziman,Ella Taziman,Thomas Goldsmith,Mary Wilbur,Alexander Mcpherson,Thomas Birkett,F Cooley,Sarah Cooley,Edward Stokes,Walter Rathbun,Edwin Pearce,Della Erwin,James Taft,George Woodworth,Clarence Pearce,John Jordon,Arthur Pearce,Alonzo Fay,John Stelzer,James Tazziman,First National Bank Of Howell -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, NW 1/4 of Section 36, SW 1/4 of Section 25, NE 1/4 of Section 35, 1836-1944
Names Mentioned
Chancey Fisher,Martin Van Buren,A Van Buren,Chauncey Fisher,Edward Fisher,Cornelia Fisher,Isaac Cook,Alanson Blood,Sarah Blood,Esther Fisher,Abigal Cook,Alexander Frisbee,Mary Frisbee,James Dickerson,Francis Cooley,Jacob Debarr,Elmer Dickerson,J Pearce,T Pearce,Dickersons Addition,Arthur Pearce,Isaac Whitehead,Louisa Whitehead,Elias Durfee,Abigail Cook,John Pearce,Thomas Pearce,Van Durfee,Benjamin Durfee,Helen Pearce,Huldah Pearce,John Jordon,Kate Dickerson,Etta Isham,Eva Staley,Mary Goodspeed,Frank Dickerson,Lulu Dickerson,Martha Johnson,Fanny Jordon,Martha Erwin,Florence Staley,George Woodworth,Nettie Woodworth,Mahlon Pearce,Malachy Roche,John Stelzer,James Taft,Della Erwin,Clarence Pearce,Johnathan Merrill,Amelia Neeley,Edwin Stokes,Esther Isham,James Dicherson,James Tazziman,William Stokes,Ella Tazziman,Harriett Porter,John Reader,Electa Pearce,Hazel Cavanaugh,Hazel Pearce,Alice Flintoft,Alice Pearce,Persis Hinze,Persis Pearce,Portia Peery,Portia Pearce,Willis Lyons,Esther Yerkes,Mary Wilbur,Maranda Dickerson,Alexander Mcpherson,Jacon Debarr,Thomas Birkett,Edward Stokes,Homer Beach,Charles Pratt,James Johnson,Elizabeth Sherman,Jacob Devar,Miles Bullock,Walter Rathbun,Alonzo Fay,John Stelser,A Thompson,William Erwin -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, NW 1/4 of Section 36, SW 1/4 of Section 25, NE 1/4 of Section 35, 1836-1946
Names Mentioned
Chancey Fisher,Martin Van Buren,A Van Buren,Edward Fisher,Cornelia Fisher,Isaac Cook,Alanson Blood,Sarah Blood,Esther Fisher,Abigal Cook,Alexander Frisbee,Mary Frisbee,Jacob Debar,Edward Hart,Lyman Vandercook,Jacob Debarr,Martha Debarr,Charles Pratt,James Dickerson,Francis Cooley,Malachy Roche,John Stelzer,Levi Mosher,Edwin Pearce,James Taft,Della Erwin,George Woodworth,Clarence Pearce,Elmer Dickerson,John Jordon,Arthur Pearch,Johnathan Merrill,Amelia Neeley,Edwin Strokes,T Pearce,Esther Isham,James Tazziman,J Pearce,William Strokes,Ella Tazziman,Harriett Porter,Everett Pratt,Merrick Pratt,William Reader,James Dickinson,Milo Pharis,Robert Mccook,Douglas Glaspie,Belle Reader,J Reader,Willis Lyons,Fred Bell,Goldie Bell,Merle Wenk,Alice Wenk,M Bullock,Mary Wilbur,Maranda Dickerson,Alexander Mcpherson,Thomas Birkett,James Johnson,Homer Beach,Elizabeth Sherman,Walter Rathbun,Alonzo Fay,Veronica Pratt,Alonzo Frisbee,E Drewry,Anna Frisbee,Wesley Crittenden,Sumner Frisbee,A Thompson,Nelson Betterly,Edna Disbrow,Frank Bush -
Abstract for Cohoctah Township, Livingston County, Michigan, NE 1/4 of Section 35, SW 1/4 of Section 25, NW 1/4 of Section 36, 1836-1929
Names Mentioned
Chancey Fisher,Edward Fisher,Cornelia Fisher,Isaac Cook,Alanson Blood,Sarah Blood,Esther Fisher,Abigal Cook,Alex Frisbee,Alexander Frisbee,Mary Frisbee,James Dickerson,Orrin Sessions,Francis George,Maranda Dickerson,Lyman Cook,Harriet Cook,Harriett Cook,Ernest Cook,Carl Cook,William Slider,John Gaines,Alonzo Frisbee,Sun Oil Company,Bert Hoff,Albert Smith,Frank Filkins,Abigail Cook,Maranda Dolph,Alex Mcpherson,Alexander Mcpherson,Mary Wilbur,Thomas Birkett,Carl Vandercook,Mary Filkins
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