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Abstract for Green Oak Township, Livingston County, Michigan E 1/2 of Section 5 and NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 4 and Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan SE 1/4 of Section 32 and S 1/2 of Section 33 1832-1923
Names Mentioned
Grand River Lakes Colony, Green Oak Twp, Island Lake Shores, Pere Marquette Railroad, Edward Drewry, Howell, Lewis Fornd, Andrew Jackson, A Donaldson, George McCracken, Hiram Goff, Claripa Goff, Digby Bell, L Fonda, John Sowle, Juliette Sowle, Stephen Bonnet, Harriet Bonnet, Lucien Sanger, Joseph Briggs, A Van Buren, Martin Van Buren, Esther Morgan, Lyman Judson, Joseph Jennings, James Coe, Ira Bingham, Marie Abrams, George Briggs, Emily Briggs, Emily Cady, Lewis Fonda, Moses Lyon, Catherine Lyon, Thomas Dennis, Samuel Egbert, Epenetus Gray, John Wright, Robert Fowler, Daniel Downey, Francis Lecount, Marinda Lecount, Phoeba Burnett, John Mundy, John Doremus, Almon Maltby, John Spencer, Sherman Dix, S Williams, Catherine Doremus, Edward Mundy, William Burnett, Sarah Mundy, Jacob Doremus, Helen Burnett, Caleb Edson, Lovina Edson, William Clark, Hierome Goodspeed, Jotham Goodspeed, Jacinth Clark, Rebecca Goodspeed, Charles Sidway, Susan Sidway, Ernest Loehne, Wilhelmina Loehne, John Schmidt, John Smith, Ernest Loehne, William Loehne, Louisa Loehne, Hugh Bergin, Richard Bergin, Frank Marvin, Ellen Bergin, Lora Fonda, Juliette Fonda, Sophia English, Fanny Holdridge, Charles Holdridge, Obadiah Warner, Benj Clark, Benjamin Clark, L York, Lora Van Leuven, Arther Cole, Lavinia Fonda, Patric Donaly, Fanelove Holdridge, Fonda Holdridge, Nina Holdridge, Bud Holdridge, L York, Eugene Hicks, S Clark, Henry Maltby, L Clark, H Maltby, Arther Wood, Nora Wood, Plina Holdridge, Jacob Duke, Alex Fletcher, Sarah Fletcher, Daniel Rollings, Ausburn Dickinson, Alexander Fletcher, Walter Elliott, George English, Leroy Crane, Iva Case, Charles Fishbeck, Bertrand York, George Cushing, Adda Cushing, Francis Cushing, Charles Cushing, B Clark, W Stuhberg, Eugene Stowe, E Pipp, Willis Lyons, Clara Cushing, Norman Carpenter, Emily Cady, Marion Abrams, Mary Carpenter, Ina Balfour, George Walker, Lovina Edson, Thomas Edmonds, Sarah Walker, William Alvord, Royal Rumsey, Orson Quackenbush, Ann Quackenbush, Joseph Jennings, Eliza Jennings, W Stoddard, Abraham Lincon, Ephraim Cornish, George Walker, Almina Rumsey, Edward McPherson, William McPherson, M McPherson, Rosa McPherson, Martin McPherson, Franc McPherson, Jennie McPherson, Milton Draper, Ida Draper, Fredrick Matthews, Adelaide Matthews, Orville Draper, Orille Draper, Asa VanKleck, Franses Van Kleeck, Elizabeth Draper, Mary Draper, Squire Carter, Martha Carter, Charles Fowler, George Kennedy, Jane Durrah, Esther Hibbard, Mary Smith, Elizabeth Burrell, William Hibbard, Daniel Hibbard, Josiah Hammond, Clarence Bishop, Isidori Bishop, Henry Bergin, Edward Decker, Ellen Burgin, John Van Leuven, A Thompson, Bert Pate, Charles Judson, Arthur Montague, Philip Decker, Helen Decker, Edward Decker, Ella Decker, Arthur Wood, Elenor Casey, William Schneider, Elenor Casey, Nora Wood, St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum, The People, George Ratz, Ernest Burdick, Susan Sidway, Joseph Blockwood, Elias Pond, Selden Minor, J Schmidt, Frank Marvin, Benjamin Batcheler, Josiah Turner, Susan Wooden, Ada Treadwell, Ann Belding, De Forest Treat, Minerva Horton, Polly Wooden, Edward Treadwell, Bradley Granger, Celia McNamara, William Dunn, Edwin Denby, Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, George Cushing Farm, Paul Sorge, Pearl Parker, E Drewry, John McConnell, Asa Kleeck, Island Lake Association Ltd, Lyman Cook, Rollin Person, Marina Bennett, John Titus, John Doremus -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan NW1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 16 1841-1943
Names Mentioned
R. Sleaford,John Ward,Robert Sleaford,J. B. Frink,Isaac Stanfield,Abiel Silvers,D. Mcintyre,Willard Beach,Ellen Wesley,Roseanna Humphry,Cyrus Hewitt,Charles Deland,Austin Blair,Solomon Wesley,Mary Sleafford,Eugene Hicks,William Sleaford,Chlve Sleaford,Chloc Myer,Eva Sleaford,Martin Holtforth,James Longthorne,Augusta Holtforth,Richard Gitre,Mary Gitre,Veronica Brogan,James Campbell,Lillian Campbell,Joseph Rubenstein,Rose Rubenstein,Nicholas Rubenstein,Henry Finley,Frederick Hyne,Carmon Tatti,Fernanda Tatti,Frank Cain,Ona Cain,Elsie Hyne,Erwin,Fredericka Hodgin,Willis Lyons,Jessamine Hyne,William Brown,Isaac Standfield,Anna Stanfield,Chloe Sleaford,Charles Hyne,Brighton State Bank,R.o. Newcomb,Union Joint Stock Land Bank -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan, Section 29, Section 32, 1971
Names Mentioned
Brighton Country Club Annex,Wallace Dodge,Maria Dodge -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Section 29 and E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Section 32 1918-1940
Names Mentioned
Anna Gayer,Michael Wolf,Essie Burghardt,Ida Wolf,Elizabeth Tuttle,Irvin Wolf,The Pure Oil Company,E. F. C.agett,Vernon Brown,State Of Michigan,Edgar Durfee,Margaret Burghardt,Margaret Breyer,Angeline Burghardt,Frank Burghardt,Marie Burghardt,Albert Burghardt,Virginia Burghardt,Theresa Sinkule,Theresa Wolf,Florence Wolf,Eleanor Wolf,Edward Wolf,Elizabeth Wolf,Henry Levy,Anna Cayer -
Abstract of Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan, Section 29, Section 32, 1972
Names Mentioned
Brighton Country Club,John Puhy,Dolores Puhy -
Abstract of Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan, Section 29, Section 32, unknown date
Names Mentioned
Joe Gates, Country Club Annex -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan, SE1/4 of Section 29, NE1/4 of Section 32, SE1/4 of Section 33, 1852-1949
Names Mentioned
Norman Embry,Delia Embry,King Fenton,Grace Thomson,Pliny Holdridge,Lois Litle,John Acer,Clara Bier,Hiram Crouch,Abraham Vickery,Joseph Peebles,John Siddons,James Hart,John Dittman,Daniel Woodbury,Jonathan Woodbury,James Booth,William Ward,Joseph Ward,Ira Hebberd,Philip Dillman,Farmers & Mechanics Bank,John Gould,John Clark,Charles Holdridge,Niles Case,Jacob Coe,Rodney Hill,Grace Thompson,John Myers,William Myers,Everett Wilson,Kingsley Bingham,Ansel Clark,J. H. Coe,Owen Gallagher,Elvira Coe,Ira Bingham,James Coe,Michael O'toole,Winnie O'toole,Charles Hyne,James Doherty,Orlando Fuller,Ira Chubb,Orange Hadley,Sarah Hadley,Ephriam Brown,John Weimeister,Frederick Lee,Lyman Judson,Lydia Evans,Henry Hartsuff,Franklin Smith,Matilda Smith,Milton Smith,John Appleton,Elbert Appleton,George Dudley,Abijah Appleton,Jane Worden,Lauren Underwood,Mary Underwood,Thomas Woulds,Dennis Corey,Charles Judson,Florence Judson,Frank Judson,Zella Judson,Gustave Baetcke,William Fry,Amelia Baetcke,Baetcke Fry & Co.,Frederick Hyne,Franklin Hyne,William Hyne,Hannah Hyne,Mary Smith,Brighton State Bank,Brighton Farms Company,Charles Burton,Grace Teagan,United States Trust Company,Equitable Trust Co.,D. V. Kritt,Oliver Marcks,Fred Seyfert,Thomas Leith,Brighton Country Club Holding Company,George Yerkes,Frank Bush,Eudora Foster,John Hagman,Ethel Leith,Bev. Smith,Marie Smith,Archie Mcgregor,Helen Mcgregor,Joe Gates -
Abstract of Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan, Section 29 and Section 32, 1948-1950
Names Mentioned
Paul Curlett,State Of Michigan,County Of Livingston,Brighton Country Club,Thomas Leith,Ethel Leith,John Gillette,A. E. Kanitz,Archie Mcgregor,Helen Mcgregor,Van Winkle,Bernice Bostwick -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Section 29 SW 1/4 and NW 1/4 of Section 32 1836-1950
Names Mentioned
Joe Gates,Abram Fox,John Henry,Mary Fuller,Orlando Fuller,William Tunis,Jacob Leroy,Moses Taber,Sally Taber,Hilus Starkweather,Catherine Starkweather,Josiah Crampton,John Wilson,James Charles,Charles Jeffords,David Fellows,Sally Fellows,Elihu Kirby,Alvin Fellows,Electa Fellows,Grace Thompson,Grace Little,Polly Henry,Margaret Gregory,Charles Gregory,Peter Mccauley,Ann Mccauley,Robert Thomson,Grace Thomson,Norman Embry,King Fenton,Delia Embry,Thomas Embry,Sarah Embry,St. John Cline,Cornelia Cline,Plyna Holdridge,Pliny Holdrige,Charles Holdridge,Hovey Clarke,Francis Russell,Elisha Hazard,Fannie Holdridge,Lavinnia Holdreidge,Pliney Holdridge,William Holdridge,Celestia Holdridge,Adelaide Holdridge,Israel Clark,Amanda Clark,John Moran,Emmer Moran,Charles Simons,Ruth Vreeland,Peter Vreeland,Elvira Jones,Arthur Montague,Contrad Weber,Augusta Weber,Katie Clark,Stephen Jones,Elizabeth Tunis,Thompson Gridley,Caroline Gridley,Lyman Kinne,Lydia Kinne,John Appleton,Malcolm Fitch,Margaret Appleton,Daniel Kinne,Mariah Kinne,Orange Hadley,Sarah Hadley,Lydia Evans,Samuel Evans,Lyman Judson,Lydia Judson,Charles Judson,Frank Judson,Aurelia Smith ,Matilda Reiner,Eugene Stowe,Julia Judson,Zella Judson,David Appleton,Abijah Appleton,Mariah Appleton,Margaret Goodnoe,Milton Smith,Franklin Smith,Mary Smith,Florence Judson,Conrad Webber,Augusta Webber,County Of Livingston,Charlotte Leroy,Elisha Starr,Levi Turner,Robert Campbell,Bank Of Michigan,Julia Turner,Eurotas Hastings,Charles Trowbridge,Robert Stewart,John Owen,Rodney Hill,Warren Hill,Mary Hill,Jacob Coe,Elvira Coe,Ansel Clark,Sally Clark,Michael O'toole,Almon Chase,James Doherty,Minnie O'toole,Adam Weber,Marie Weber,Charles Smith,Emma Smith,James Coe,Drusilla Sawyer,Clark Coe,Arvilla Hadsell,Henry Coe,Fred Coe,Paul Sawyer,Drusilla Green,Arvilla Sawyer,Florilla Sawyer,R. E. H. Coe,Ethel Coe,Lizzie Coe,Lizzie Granger,Ida Appleton,William Paddock,Edith Paddock,County Of Licingston,Brighton Country Club Holding Co.,Thomas Leith,John Beach,Conrad Weber,Charles Burton,Rose Burton,Brighton Farms Company,The Pure Oil Company,E. F. Clagett,Grace Teagan,State Of Michigan,Phyllis Korten,Priscilla Burck,Vernon Brown,Don Linsley,Fred Greenstreet,John Gillette,A. E. Kanitz,Archie Mcgregor,Helen Mcgregor,Paul Curlett,Willis Lyons,Pliny Holdridge,Lois Little,John Acer,Clara Bier ,Hiram Crouch,Abraham Vickery,Joseph Peebles,John Siddons,James Hart,John Vickery,Philip Dittman,Daniel Woodbury,Jonathan Woodbury,James Booth,William Ward,Joseph Ward,Ira Hebbard,Philip Dillman,Farmers & Mechanics Bank,John Gould,John Clark,Niles Case,John Myers,William Myers,Everett Wilson,Kingsley Bingham,Owen Gallagher,Charles Hyne,Winnie O'toole,Ira Chubb,Ephriam Brown,John Weimeister,Frederick Lee,Henry Hartsuff,Matilda Smith,Elbert Appleton,George Dudley,Jane Worden,Lauren Underwood,Mary Underwood,Thomas Woulds,Dennis Corey,Gustave Baetcke,William Fry,Amelia Baetcke,Baetcke, Fry & Co.,Frederick Hyne,Franklin Hyne,Hannah Hyne,Brighton State Bank,United States Trust Company,Equitable Trust Company,D. V. Kritt,Oliver Marcks,Fred Seyfert,Frank Bush,Eudora Foster,John Hagman,George Yerkes,Bev. Smith,Marie Smith -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan, Section 32, Section 29, 1944-1951
Names Mentioned
Brighton Country Club,Vernon Brown,Fred Greenstreet,Phyllis Korten,Priscilla Burck,Thomas Leith,Ethel Leith,Gerald Miller,Marian Miller,Archie Mccgregor,Helen Mccregor,Samuel St. Pierre,Angeline St. Pierre,John Gillette,A Kanitz,Paul Curlett,Pinckney Dispatch Of Pinckney,Brighton Country Club Subdivision
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