M037 Obituaries Book
M037 Obituaries Book
Contains obituaries.
Adams, Harry M037 001 1913
Antcliff, Edward M037 001 1913
Allen, H. D. M037 001 1909
Anderson, ??? Gartrell M037 001 1907
Antcliff, Bert Mrs. M037 001 1907
Avery, Harry H. Dr. M037 001 1920
Bachelor, Bruce M037 002
Bain, William M037 002 1907
Baker, Mrs. M037 002 1914
Barden, Charlie M037 002 1907
Barker, Graham M037 002 1907
Barron, Richard F. M037 002 1918
Beach, Lyman K. M037 002 1920
Beach, Manley M037 002 1918
Beatie, Alta M037 002
Benjamin, Lethe M037 003 1915
Bennett, Hazel M037 003 1913
Bergen, Martin M037 003 1909
Kenyon, Mary Wines M037 004 1907
Blatchford, Frank M037 004 1912
Bohn, Harry M037 004 1913
Lewis, Emiline Bowen M037 004 1907
Bradley, Mary Conrat M037 004 1907
Brigham, Walter M037 004 1919
Brown, Nina Salmon M037 004 1920
Browning, Henry T. M037 005 1907
Bristol, Avery M037 006 1907
Bush, Betsey M037 006 1907
Bragg, Clinton A. M037 006 1933
Bec?, Mrs. Roy M037 006 1935
Brown, Harry M037 006 1933
Brown, James H. M037 006 1936
Cadwell, Cornelius M037 006 1910
Bush, William H. M037 007 1910
Cameron, Clyde M037 007 1920
Cameron, Edith M037 007 1920
Canfield, J. A. M037 007 1907
Carpenter, Susan I. M037 007 1920
Cavell, James Mrs. M037 007 1915
Christie, Mrs. M037 007 1907
Clark, William A. M037 007 1907
Clark, Windsor O. M037 008 1907
Close, Mrs. (mother of W. A.) M037 008 1892
Cole, Henry M037 008 1920
Cole, Eva Fewless M037 008 1920
Coleman, Ella Sidell M037 008 1920
Cole, Warren M037 008 1907
Collins, H. H. M037 008 1920
Connors, William M037 009 1914
Cooley, Jesse Pvt. (Killed in action) M037 009 1918
Crittenden, Jennie M037 009 1907
Cunningham, Joseph M037 009 1907
Crittenden, W. W. M037 009 1918
Curtis, Charles Mrs. M037 010
Darrach, Myrtle Dickson M037 010 1918
Dean, J. O. Rev. M037 010 1908
Devlin, Patrick M037 010 1920
Dorrance, Aaron Mrs. (maiden name-LaRowe) M037 010 1920
Driver, Elizabeth M037 010 1920
Dunn, Arthur M037 010 1920
Dutton, D. O. M037 010 1907
Young, Gertrude Duart M037 010 1937
Draper, Marium Mrs. M037 010
Dunston, Charlotte M037 010 1910
Edwards, W. S. M037 011 1907
Ellis, Bird Mrs. M037 011 1918
Erwin, W. H. Dr. M037 011 1916
Euler, Henry Y. M037 011 1907
Ewald, Mary Zeitz M037 011 1932
Slider, Margaret J. Faulk M037 012 1920
Farnham, P. P. M037 012 1908
Foster, C. A. daughter M037 012 1892
Fox, Miranda M037 012 1907
Frazier, Moses M037 012 1920
Fulkerson, Belle Birnie M037 012 1920
Frisbee, Alonzo T. M037 013 1919
Fry, H. G. Mrs. M037 013 1892
Gardner, Alex M037 013 1920
Gankroger, Mrs. M037 013 1918
Gehringer, Phillip M037 013 1918
Gates, Ida Jane Gibson M037 014 1909
Glenn, Jay T. Sgt. M037 014 1918
Glover, Roy C. M037 014 1920
Gordon, Thomas Sr. M037 014 1913
Griswold, son of L. M037 014 1913
Grocinger, William M037 015 1911
Haigh, G. W. Capt. M037 016 1920
Hacket, David B. M037 016 1888
Haines, Ephriam E. M037 016 1920
Hall, ??? Placeway (Mrs.) M037 016 1920
Hall, Margaret Emily M037 016 1920
Hardy, Harold suicide M037 016 1918
Harmon, Ernest M037 016 1913
Fishbeck, W. B. M037 016 1919
Furmanek, Joseph W. M037 017 1919
Garlock, E. A. M037 017 1927
Hall, Effie G. Simpson M037 017 1938
Harrington, Mary Ellen Kimball M037 017 1907
Loughlin, Hugh Mrs. M037 017 1913
Hartman, Glenn's son M037 017 1913
Harthsorne, R. S. Mrs. M037 017 1908
Hatfield, George (Civil War Vet) M037 017 1915
Hatton, Melvin Mrs. M037 017 1920
Hawes, Louise Mrs. M037 017 1916
Hicks, Rollo Mrs. M037 018 1912
Hicock, Carrie (Mrs. D. T.) M037 018 1915
Hill, Charles M037 018 1915
Hill, Nelson Mrs. M037 018 1907
Hineman, Mmrs. M037 018 1918
Hodge, Riel N. M037 018 1907
Hogan, Daniel M037 018 1892
Holloway, Elmer M037 019
Hornung, Clarence M037 019 1913
Hoskins, W. H. M037 019 1916
Howlett, Louis E. M037 019 1914
Hughes, James Mrs. M037 019 1920
Itsell, Manley M037 019 1913
Jacobs, Chauncy Jacobs M037 019 1892
Jennett, Libbie M037 020 1915
Jensen, Anna M037 020 1907
Jensen, Helmer M037 020 1919
Johnson,, H. E. M037 020 1915
Treadwell, H. B. M037 020 1913
Jones, Elizabeth M037 020 1920
Joslin, Frank M037 021
Keller, Martha M037 021 1907
Kelly, Frank M037 021 1911
King, Ella M037 021 1920
Laning, Edward M037 021 1908
Lake, George W. M037 021 `1918
Lansing, Frank M. (Taft) M037 021 1920
Lee, George W. M037 021 1912
Lindsley, Frank M037 022 1916
Line, Clyde M037 022 1920
Loomis, W. B. Mrs. M037 022 1910
Longhorn, George M037 022 1888
Loree, Katherine M037 022 1920
Love, Henry M037 023 1918
Ludwig, H. A. Mrs. M037 023 1918
Melendy, Lyman W. M037 023 1918
Mets, Marie M037 023 1915
Manning, Sarah M037 023 1906
McCartney, William M037 023 1920
McDevitt, Charles Mrs. M037 023 1914
McDonough, Thomas Mrs. M037 023 1920
McDonough, Edward M037 023 1920
Murray, John M037 023 1920
McPherson, William M037 024
Miller, Emma Mrs. M037 024 1907
Milett, John M037 024 1912
Millet, John Sr., Mrs. M037 025 1915
Millet, Robert Mrs. M037 025 1913
Monroe, Alexander M037 025 1907
Moran, Frank M037 025 1914
Brady, Matthew Mrs. M037 025 1914
Moore, Harry Mrs. M037 025 1920
Morgan, Robert Mrs. M037 025 1907
Morran, John M037 025 1920
Mountain, William M037 025 1911
Munson, Arthur C. M037 026 1916
Munson, Welton Prof. M037 026 1910
Myers, Henry M037 026 1907
Neilson, Helena M037 026 1920
O'Neil, Alexander Dr. M037 027 1920
Owens, Jesse M037 027 1918
Paddock, Julia Ladd M037 027 1915
Papworth, Edward E. M037 027 1920
Parker, Roy M037 027 1911
Parshall, Lyman M037 027 1915
Parshall, W. Vincent M037 027 1913
Patterson, R. F. M037 027 1907
Payne, John M037 028 1918
Pecksons, Alton M037 028 1932
Perkins, Julia M037 028 1920
Perry, Cornelia M037 028 1918
Perry, Ida M037 028 1907
Person, O. S. M037 028 1907
Donley, Eliza Spring M037 028 1919
Priestly, son M037 028 1914
Poole, Nathan A. M037 029 1907
Pratt, Clarence M037 029 1915
Prout, Marion M037 029 1914
Pullen, Clyde M037 029 1913
Lewis, Fred M&M M037 030 1918
Rich, Helen M037 030 1913
Kine-Roberts, Marguerite M037 030 1908
Roche, Bert Mrs. M037 030 1920
Rogers, Nekell M037 030 1915
Rogers, Nekell M037 030 1915
Root, Charles M037 030 1916
Root, Will Mrs. M037 030 1911
Rose, Orson M037 030 1918
Ross, Ethel Tabor M037 031 1915
Rozek, Joseph M037 031 1920
Tratz, Dan M037 031 1914
Sopp, Benjamin M037 032 1907
Spaafore, Fred Mrs. M037 032 1918
Staley, T. R. Mrs. M037 032 1919
Saunders, William M037 032 1907
Scollon, Edward M037 032 1920
Scott, Ollie E. M037 032 1914
Schiedele, John M037 032 1910
Schurer, Frank M037 032 1907
Sexton, James Mrs. M037 032 1920
Smith, Sarah Bailey M037 033 1915
Sherman, J. A. Mrs. M037 033 1914
Skutt, Ray Loree M037 033 1918
Smith, C. G. Mrs. M037 033 1913
Smith, Katherine Gehringer M037 034
Smith, Q. A. Judge M037 034 1907
Smith, Timothy Mrs. M037 034 1909
Smith, William S. M037 034 1910
Smith, Julia E. Root M037 034 1915
McIntyre, John J. M037 035 1933
Moore, Josephine Hall M037 035
Wrigglesworth, Nancy Hadsall M037 035 1939
Watkins, Mary Gordon M037 037 1920
Whitaker, William M037 037 1920
White, Joe M037 037 1911
Williams, John K. Dr. M037 037 1914
Wolverton, Rex (Fuller?) M037 037 1918
Antcliff, Edward M037 001 1913
Allen, H. D. M037 001 1909
Anderson, ??? Gartrell M037 001 1907
Antcliff, Bert Mrs. M037 001 1907
Avery, Harry H. Dr. M037 001 1920
Bachelor, Bruce M037 002
Bain, William M037 002 1907
Baker, Mrs. M037 002 1914
Barden, Charlie M037 002 1907
Barker, Graham M037 002 1907
Barron, Richard F. M037 002 1918
Beach, Lyman K. M037 002 1920
Beach, Manley M037 002 1918
Beatie, Alta M037 002
Benjamin, Lethe M037 003 1915
Bennett, Hazel M037 003 1913
Bergen, Martin M037 003 1909
Kenyon, Mary Wines M037 004 1907
Blatchford, Frank M037 004 1912
Bohn, Harry M037 004 1913
Lewis, Emiline Bowen M037 004 1907
Bradley, Mary Conrat M037 004 1907
Brigham, Walter M037 004 1919
Brown, Nina Salmon M037 004 1920
Browning, Henry T. M037 005 1907
Bristol, Avery M037 006 1907
Bush, Betsey M037 006 1907
Bragg, Clinton A. M037 006 1933
Bec?, Mrs. Roy M037 006 1935
Brown, Harry M037 006 1933
Brown, James H. M037 006 1936
Cadwell, Cornelius M037 006 1910
Bush, William H. M037 007 1910
Cameron, Clyde M037 007 1920
Cameron, Edith M037 007 1920
Canfield, J. A. M037 007 1907
Carpenter, Susan I. M037 007 1920
Cavell, James Mrs. M037 007 1915
Christie, Mrs. M037 007 1907
Clark, William A. M037 007 1907
Clark, Windsor O. M037 008 1907
Close, Mrs. (mother of W. A.) M037 008 1892
Cole, Henry M037 008 1920
Cole, Eva Fewless M037 008 1920
Coleman, Ella Sidell M037 008 1920
Cole, Warren M037 008 1907
Collins, H. H. M037 008 1920
Connors, William M037 009 1914
Cooley, Jesse Pvt. (Killed in action) M037 009 1918
Crittenden, Jennie M037 009 1907
Cunningham, Joseph M037 009 1907
Crittenden, W. W. M037 009 1918
Curtis, Charles Mrs. M037 010
Darrach, Myrtle Dickson M037 010 1918
Dean, J. O. Rev. M037 010 1908
Devlin, Patrick M037 010 1920
Dorrance, Aaron Mrs. (maiden name-LaRowe) M037 010 1920
Driver, Elizabeth M037 010 1920
Dunn, Arthur M037 010 1920
Dutton, D. O. M037 010 1907
Young, Gertrude Duart M037 010 1937
Draper, Marium Mrs. M037 010
Dunston, Charlotte M037 010 1910
Edwards, W. S. M037 011 1907
Ellis, Bird Mrs. M037 011 1918
Erwin, W. H. Dr. M037 011 1916
Euler, Henry Y. M037 011 1907
Ewald, Mary Zeitz M037 011 1932
Slider, Margaret J. Faulk M037 012 1920
Farnham, P. P. M037 012 1908
Foster, C. A. daughter M037 012 1892
Fox, Miranda M037 012 1907
Frazier, Moses M037 012 1920
Fulkerson, Belle Birnie M037 012 1920
Frisbee, Alonzo T. M037 013 1919
Fry, H. G. Mrs. M037 013 1892
Gardner, Alex M037 013 1920
Gankroger, Mrs. M037 013 1918
Gehringer, Phillip M037 013 1918
Gates, Ida Jane Gibson M037 014 1909
Glenn, Jay T. Sgt. M037 014 1918
Glover, Roy C. M037 014 1920
Gordon, Thomas Sr. M037 014 1913
Griswold, son of L. M037 014 1913
Grocinger, William M037 015 1911
Haigh, G. W. Capt. M037 016 1920
Hacket, David B. M037 016 1888
Haines, Ephriam E. M037 016 1920
Hall, ??? Placeway (Mrs.) M037 016 1920
Hall, Margaret Emily M037 016 1920
Hardy, Harold suicide M037 016 1918
Harmon, Ernest M037 016 1913
Fishbeck, W. B. M037 016 1919
Furmanek, Joseph W. M037 017 1919
Garlock, E. A. M037 017 1927
Hall, Effie G. Simpson M037 017 1938
Harrington, Mary Ellen Kimball M037 017 1907
Loughlin, Hugh Mrs. M037 017 1913
Hartman, Glenn's son M037 017 1913
Harthsorne, R. S. Mrs. M037 017 1908
Hatfield, George (Civil War Vet) M037 017 1915
Hatton, Melvin Mrs. M037 017 1920
Hawes, Louise Mrs. M037 017 1916
Hicks, Rollo Mrs. M037 018 1912
Hicock, Carrie (Mrs. D. T.) M037 018 1915
Hill, Charles M037 018 1915
Hill, Nelson Mrs. M037 018 1907
Hineman, Mmrs. M037 018 1918
Hodge, Riel N. M037 018 1907
Hogan, Daniel M037 018 1892
Holloway, Elmer M037 019
Hornung, Clarence M037 019 1913
Hoskins, W. H. M037 019 1916
Howlett, Louis E. M037 019 1914
Hughes, James Mrs. M037 019 1920
Itsell, Manley M037 019 1913
Jacobs, Chauncy Jacobs M037 019 1892
Jennett, Libbie M037 020 1915
Jensen, Anna M037 020 1907
Jensen, Helmer M037 020 1919
Johnson,, H. E. M037 020 1915
Treadwell, H. B. M037 020 1913
Jones, Elizabeth M037 020 1920
Joslin, Frank M037 021
Keller, Martha M037 021 1907
Kelly, Frank M037 021 1911
King, Ella M037 021 1920
Laning, Edward M037 021 1908
Lake, George W. M037 021 `1918
Lansing, Frank M. (Taft) M037 021 1920
Lee, George W. M037 021 1912
Lindsley, Frank M037 022 1916
Line, Clyde M037 022 1920
Loomis, W. B. Mrs. M037 022 1910
Longhorn, George M037 022 1888
Loree, Katherine M037 022 1920
Love, Henry M037 023 1918
Ludwig, H. A. Mrs. M037 023 1918
Melendy, Lyman W. M037 023 1918
Mets, Marie M037 023 1915
Manning, Sarah M037 023 1906
McCartney, William M037 023 1920
McDevitt, Charles Mrs. M037 023 1914
McDonough, Thomas Mrs. M037 023 1920
McDonough, Edward M037 023 1920
Murray, John M037 023 1920
McPherson, William M037 024
Miller, Emma Mrs. M037 024 1907
Milett, John M037 024 1912
Millet, John Sr., Mrs. M037 025 1915
Millet, Robert Mrs. M037 025 1913
Monroe, Alexander M037 025 1907
Moran, Frank M037 025 1914
Brady, Matthew Mrs. M037 025 1914
Moore, Harry Mrs. M037 025 1920
Morgan, Robert Mrs. M037 025 1907
Morran, John M037 025 1920
Mountain, William M037 025 1911
Munson, Arthur C. M037 026 1916
Munson, Welton Prof. M037 026 1910
Myers, Henry M037 026 1907
Neilson, Helena M037 026 1920
O'Neil, Alexander Dr. M037 027 1920
Owens, Jesse M037 027 1918
Paddock, Julia Ladd M037 027 1915
Papworth, Edward E. M037 027 1920
Parker, Roy M037 027 1911
Parshall, Lyman M037 027 1915
Parshall, W. Vincent M037 027 1913
Patterson, R. F. M037 027 1907
Payne, John M037 028 1918
Pecksons, Alton M037 028 1932
Perkins, Julia M037 028 1920
Perry, Cornelia M037 028 1918
Perry, Ida M037 028 1907
Person, O. S. M037 028 1907
Donley, Eliza Spring M037 028 1919
Priestly, son M037 028 1914
Poole, Nathan A. M037 029 1907
Pratt, Clarence M037 029 1915
Prout, Marion M037 029 1914
Pullen, Clyde M037 029 1913
Lewis, Fred M&M M037 030 1918
Rich, Helen M037 030 1913
Kine-Roberts, Marguerite M037 030 1908
Roche, Bert Mrs. M037 030 1920
Rogers, Nekell M037 030 1915
Rogers, Nekell M037 030 1915
Root, Charles M037 030 1916
Root, Will Mrs. M037 030 1911
Rose, Orson M037 030 1918
Ross, Ethel Tabor M037 031 1915
Rozek, Joseph M037 031 1920
Tratz, Dan M037 031 1914
Sopp, Benjamin M037 032 1907
Spaafore, Fred Mrs. M037 032 1918
Staley, T. R. Mrs. M037 032 1919
Saunders, William M037 032 1907
Scollon, Edward M037 032 1920
Scott, Ollie E. M037 032 1914
Schiedele, John M037 032 1910
Schurer, Frank M037 032 1907
Sexton, James Mrs. M037 032 1920
Smith, Sarah Bailey M037 033 1915
Sherman, J. A. Mrs. M037 033 1914
Skutt, Ray Loree M037 033 1918
Smith, C. G. Mrs. M037 033 1913
Smith, Katherine Gehringer M037 034
Smith, Q. A. Judge M037 034 1907
Smith, Timothy Mrs. M037 034 1909
Smith, William S. M037 034 1910
Smith, Julia E. Root M037 034 1915
McIntyre, John J. M037 035 1933
Moore, Josephine Hall M037 035
Wrigglesworth, Nancy Hadsall M037 035 1939
Watkins, Mary Gordon M037 037 1920
Whitaker, William M037 037 1920
White, Joe M037 037 1911
Williams, John K. Dr. M037 037 1914
Wolverton, Rex (Fuller?) M037 037 1918
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“M037 Obituaries Book,” Digital Archive of the Howell Carnegie Library Archives, accessed February 8, 2025, https://archives.howelllibrary.org/items/show/134.