M038 Obituaries Book
M038 Obituaries Book
Contains obituaries.
Abrams, Gilbert W. M038 026
Abrams, James M038 058 1890
Acker, Emily M038 035
Albright, Egbert Fowler M038 020
Alger, H. C. Rev. M038 059 1893
Andrews, Ellen R. Andrews M038 008
Armstrong, Martha Padley M038 074 1924
Arnell, Robert M038 042
Atkin, Charles Bennett M038 039
Atkins, Fred M038 036
Atkins, Gertie McIntyre M038 036
Atwood, Joseph M038 007
Atwood, Joseph M038 063 1879
Avery, Alvah Waite M038 064
Avery, Mabel Clare Prosser M038 044
Babcock, Elenaor Gage M038 009 1915
Babcock, Henry S. M038 009 1915
Babcox, Sophia M038 044
Baetcke, Gustave J. M038 007
Baetcke, Gustave J. M038 063
Baldwin, Dennis son M038 010
Ball, Catherine M038 029 1915
Bamber, Joseph Mrs. M038 023
Bamber, Joseph Mrs. M038 029
Beach, Alanson E. M038 032 1913
Beach, Ella Burnett M038 074
Beach, Ellen M038 043
Beach, Grace H. M038 049 1884
Beach, Henry M038 072
Beach, Henry M038 073
Beach, Henry Newton M038 074 1923
Beach, John T. M038 074
Beach, Lou M038 007 1895
Beach, Margaret Post M038 059
Beach, Mary E. Conley M038 007 1914
Beach, Milo H. M038 007 1914
Beach, Wilbur M038 064
Beach, Willard M038 058 1890
Beals, H. C. Mrs. M038 044
Becker, Henry M038 058 1890
Becker, Martha A. Beebe M038 035 1916
Bell, M. Louisa Rose M038 071
Benete, Sarah Henrietta Davison M038 047
Benham, Susan Peters M038 039 1914
Benjamin, N. H. M038 026
Benjamine, Lettie M038 022 1915
Bennett, Charles Porter M038 050
Bennett, Mabel Helen Potter M038 050
Berger, Charles Pratt M038 021 191?
Berger, Frieda Adaline Morse M038 021 191?
Billings, Dora Cumming M038 040
Billings, Rex M038 040
Bingham, Kinsley W. M038 025
Bingham, Mary M038 042
Bird, Albert M038 058 1890
Bird, Albert Mrs. M038 065
Bird, Elizabeth C. Cranston M038 048
Bishop, Dickenson H. M038 040
Bishop, James M038 068 1913
Bishop, Mary Lee M038 040
Bissell, Lauretta Marsh M038 039
Bitten, Charles Mrs. M038 060
Bliss, Gertrude M038 050
Blythe, Ida E. Van Riper M038 070
Booker, Hattie M038 052 1887
Bottomley, Leslie Edison M038 001
Bourns, Bernice Muir M038 050 1916
Bourns, Frank E. M038 050 1916
Bowers, Bradley R. M038 068 1913
Boyce, Benjamin S. M038 008
Boyce, Bertha M. Day M038 008
Bradish, Wm. K. M038 050
Bradley, Gilbert Mrs. M038 021
Bradley, Homer Mrs. M038 027
Brady, Eliza Hill M038 071
Brady, Julia A. Bergin M038 017
Bridgman, Alfred T. M038 057
Brown, Lousea Becker M038 001
Brown, W. C. Dr. M038 001
Bucknell, A. L. M038 060
Bucknell, Lena M038 060
Bucknell, Richard M038 060
Buell, Fred M038 038
Buell, Mae McCullough M038 038
Burd, Ben M038 050
Burgess, G. S. M038 040
Burgess, G. S. & Co. M038 058 1890
Burgess, Grant S. M038 055 1913
Burgess, Kathlyn (dau. Of Lantie C.) M038 074
Burke, John M038 051 1909
Burnett, Charles M038 001
Burt, Beatrice Chadwick M038 037
Burt, Cora Childs M038 037
Burt, Fred M038 037
Bush, Amada Goldsmith M038 067
Butler, Blanche M038 052
Butler, Emma Hooper M038 040
Butterfield, Abigail M038 065 1877
Butterfield, Chester M038 043
Butterfield, Frances ?, Sherman M038 043
Button, Juliet Covey M038 052
Callen, M. H. Mrs. M038 066
Callen, Martin M038 022
Callen, Perrin Wadsworth M038 069
Carpenter, Addie Ryder (Arthur) M038 021 1918
Carter, John N. M038 058
Carter, John N. M038 085 1890
Carter, Louise Hyne M038 068
Carter, Margaret Janette M038 049
Carter, Ruth Birkenstock M038 058
Carver, W. S. M038 053
Case, Ira W. M038 058 1890
Case, Niles M038 058 1890
Case, Serena Lawson M038 033
Chadwick, E. P. M038 050 1919
Chambers, Thomas M038 070
Childs, ?? Beach (Mrs. Fred) M038 073
Childs, Fred C. M038 024
Childs, L. Belle Beach M038 024
Childs, Samuel N. M038 041 1915
Clark, ??? Miller M038 008
Clark, A. N. M038 033 189?
Clark, Benjamin T. O. M038 065
Clark, L. N. M038 038
Clark, Paul Mrs. M038 020 1916
Clemence, Hannah Jane M038 042
Clement, Hanna J. M038 001
Cobb, Elmer M038 051 1909
Cobb, W., R. M038 001
Coe, Anna Evans M038 064 1891
Coe, Ella M038 056
Coe, Frank M038 064 1891
Coe, Harrison M038 054
Coe, J. Harrison M&M M038 051
Coe, Mary Bourns M038 070
Coe, Rachel Elizabeth M038 003
Cogswell, L. H. M038 051
Colett, James M038 056
Collett, Sarah Parshall, Abrams M038 073 1926
Conklin, Albert M038 062
Conklin, Fannie E. Conely M038 062
Conley, A. Butterfield M038 066 1878
Conley, Benjamin Mrs. M038 064
Conley, John A. M038 066 1905
Conley, Lent A. M038 041
Conley, Margaret E. Platt M038 027
Conley, Mertie Bell Ruberts M038 041
Conley, Thomas M038 054
Conlon, Lulu Laughray M038 052
Cook, Ira M/M M038 068
Cook, Scott Mrs. M038 062
Cooke, Grace Knoepfler M038 060
Cooke, J. D. M038 060
Corbet, Allen M/M M038 060
Corbett, Allen B. M038 037
Corbett, Inez J. McCullough M038 037 1911
Cotter, Lemuel Mrs. M038 066
Coulter, Adeline M038 070
Crawford, Anna C. Beach M038 007 1913
Crawford, Henry J. M038 007 1913
Crawford, John E. M038 061
Crawford, Russell Beach M038 007
Crippen, A. Mrs. M038 052
Crippen, Elba M038 048
Crippen, Emma M038 048
Crockett. Augusta Platt M038 003 1899
Crouse, Kitty Kockwood M038 059
Crouse, Royal P. M038 059
Cummings, Fred L. M038 040
Cummings, Martha E. Smith M038 040
Cushing, Charles Benjamin M038 020
Cushing, Fred M038 054
Cushing, George W. M038 041 1909
Daines, Eliza M038 062
Darlington, Carrie Viola West M038 049
Darlington, Rufus W. M038 049
Darlington, Wm. Mrs. M038 001
Dawson, Edna Padley M038 001 1918
Dawson, John M038 001 1918
Dayfoot, R. L. Mrs. M038 003
Dean, Abram M038 066
Dean, W. H. H. Mrs. M038 066
Delvin, Grace Atkin M038 066
Delvin, Raymond M038 066
Derindinger, John Mrs. M038 066 1911
Dewey, Edward J. M038 066
Dietrich, Arthur Burton M038 043 1916
Dietrich, Grace Louise M038 043 1916
Donaldson, W. J. son M038 008
Douglass, Mary M038 018
Duffy, Edward James M038 045
Duffy, John Raymond M038 025
Duffy, Russell M038 027
Dunning, Cephas M038 065 1914
Dunning, Grand H. daughter M038 029
Dunning, Grant M038 029
Dunning, Lucie Naylor M038 029
Durfee, E. G. M038 066
Durfee, Sarah Angeline Cole M038 070 1920
Eastman, Edwin M038 066 1909
Eastman, Ellen Beach M038 066 1909
Edgar, Adeline A. Williams M038 058 1883
Edgar, J. W. M038 071 1920
Edgar, James Mrs. M038 050 1910
Edgar, James W. Judge M038 075 1920
Edgar, James Whalen M038 067
Edgar, Lora M. Furguson M038 049
Edgar, Walter D. M038 044
Edgar. Walter D. M038 049
Elder, Joseph M038 028
Elder, Joseph M038 057 1877
Elder, Lydia J. Wilson M038 057 1877
Ellis, George T. Rev. M038 019
English, Geo. B. M038 031
Ervey, John Reed M038 069
Farnham, E. Platt M038 006 1882
Farnham, G. I. M038 006 1882
Farnham, Phillip P. M038 003 1905
Farnham, Phillip P. M038 006
Ferguson, Lucy Thompson M038 049
Ferguson, Robert M038 036
Ferguson, Samuel M038 041
Ferguson, Samuel Mrs. M038 041 1909
Ferris, Adaline Keeney M038 020 1915
Ferris, D. Mae McCrea M038 020
Ferris, Maude Leola Avery M038 007
Ferris, Maude Leola Avery M038 063
Ferris, W. Lloyd M038 007
Ferris, W. Lloyd M038 063
Ferris, W. N. Rev. M038 020 1915
Fisher, Artemus M038 034 1916
Fisher, Frank M038 025 1918
Fisher, Rebecca M038 002
Fisher, Sarah Thomas M038 071 1921
Flower, E. P. M038 028 1916
Flower, Edwin P. M038 051
Flower, Mary Tanner Robinson M038 028 1916
Fonda, Catherine Bird M038 010 1915
Fonda, Kate Bird M038 010 1912
Foote, Charles S. M038 030 1909
Foote, Charles Smith M038 029
Foote, Chas. S. M038 058 1890
Foote, Mary Smith M038 030
Foster, Leonard M038 009 1900
Foster, Pearl Peck M038 009 1900
Frusher, Charles M038 024
Frusher, Leeda Fiske M038 024
Fuller, Adam C. M038 032 1916
Fuller, Amanda Gilman M038 030
Fuller, Nelson M038 030
Fuller, William M038 072 1936
Gage, S. M. Mrs. M038 027
Galbraith, Jennie Vowles M038 064
Gambel, Edith Lown M038 051
Gambel, John H. M038 051
Gearhart, Walter S. M038 024
Gee, Charles F. Mrs. M038 060
Gillis, Floyd Dr. M038 026
Gillis, Helen Crane M038 026
Goodell, Amanda Grow M038 068
Goodman, Minnie H. McIntyre M038 071 1936
Graham, Floyd M038 031
Graham, Thomas G. M038 031
Grandin family M038 032
Granger, Lillie M038 017
Grant, Judge M038 058 1890
Greer, Robert M038 026
Gurnee, Eliza Clark M038 057
Hacker, Frank M038 072
Hamilton, James M038 051 1909
Hankin, Ada M038 051 1909
Hankins, Eliza M038 022
Harold, Martha J. M038 007
Hause, H. C. Mrs. M038 025
Hayes, Elizabeth Leade?r M038 024 1900
Hicks, Eugene M038 066
Hicks, Weaton M038 058 1890
Hill, Carman Beach M038 043 1915
Hill, Hubert M038 043 1915
Hilton, Frank M038 058 1890
Hilton, Thomas Mrs. M038 052
Hodges, Alfred M038 001
Hodges, Lucy M038 045 1876
Hodges, Mariam Spellar M038 057
Hodges, Willard M038 033
Hoisington, George M038 019
Holden, Joseph M. M038 042
Holden, Thomas M. M038 073
Holdridge, ??? Judson Mrs. M038 001
Holdridge, Frankie Clark M038 049 1881
Holdridge, John B. M038 049 1881
Holdridge, John B. Mrs. M038 035
Hollenbeck, Augusta Mrs. M038 009
Hollenbeck, Augusta Mrs. M038 050
Hollister, ? Smith M038 061
Holmes, Tunis M038 058 1890
Hooker, Loyal M. M038 018
Hooker, W. W. Mrs. M038 072
Hooker, William M/M M038 048
Hooker, Wm. Mrs. M038 072
Hooker, Wm. Wellington M038 067 1919
Hooper, Amos, Jr. M038 046
Hooper, Ethel Stuart M038 046
Howard, S. L. Mrs. M038 053
Hughes, Harry M038 045 1914
Hughes, Jennie Duckering M038 045 1914
Hunter, H. M038 067
Hunter, Mary Agnes Miller M038 060 1889
Hunter, Mary Sophia Spring (Mrs. H. C.) M038 024 1913
Hurley, Edmund V. M038 027
Hurley, John M038 044
Hurley, Mary Josphine Duffy M038 027
Hurley, Nettie Moon M038 044
Hurley, Nettie Moon M038 056 1893
Huskinson, Fred M038 044 1915
Huskinson, Harriett ?, Clements M038 072 1920
Huskinson, May Whitbeck M038 044 1915
Hyne, Brothers M038 058 1890
Hyne, Charles T. M038 038 1897
Hyne, F. T. M038 058 1890
Hyne, Frank M038 058 1890
Hyne, Hannah L. M038 038 1897
Hyne, Wm. M038 058 1890
Johnson, Marshall M. M038 068 1913
Johnson, Miriam Buell M038 075
Johnson, Mrs. Juliette Phillips M038 009
Johnson, William J. M038 075
Johnson, William P. M038 009
Johnson, William P. Mrs. M038 037 1914
Jones, Emma Mrs. M038 044
Jones, Julia M038 060 1914
Jones, S. K. M038 051
Judson, Charles Mrs. M038 067 1920
Kelley, A. H. Mrs. M038 058 1890
Kennedy, Nicholas M038 063
Kennedy, Nicholas M038 007
Kennedy, Nicholas Mrs. M038 058
Keown, George M038 007
Kimberly, Alice Reeson M038 002
Kimberly, Wirt M038 002
King, Frederick J. M038 046
King, Kathryn Meehan M038 046
Kingsley, A. J. Mrs. M038 050
Kingsley, George M038 026 1916
Kingsley, Wlliam S. M038 025
Knapp, George M038 067
Knapp, Nancy Moore M038 001 1920
Kurt, William Mrs. M038 032
Lamb, Isaac Wixom M038 032
Lansing, Frank M. M038 068
Lansing, Frank Mrs. M038 067
Lansing, Rosadel Taft M038 068
Lawson, B. H. M038 058 1890
Leadley, Caroline Griswold M038 043
Leary, Everett M. M038 060
Leary, John B. M038 073
Leary, Margaret M038 059
Leary, Sarah M038 060
Lee, Jarvis M038 064
Lee, Laura M038 034 1889
Leece, Fred M038 064
Leece, Vivian Lemon M038 064
Lemen, A. D. & Mrs. H. M038 057
Loch, Peter M038 085 1890
Locklin, Clark M038 058 1890
Loehne, Ralph, Jr. M038 002
Logan, Amy M038 075
Loring, Jennia Coe M038 018
Lovewell, Lucien D. M038 039
Lovewell, Mary Hagadorn M038 039
Lovewell, Mary Hagadorn M038 059
Lyon, Richard J. M038 045 1917
Lyon, W. C. M038 037 1909
Mahoney, Ella May M038 075
Marlatt, Sarah Ann Smith Baker M038 042
Marsh, Richard M038 058 1890
Marshner, Carrie Pentin M038 061
Marshner, Fred M038 061
Martin, D. D. Rev. wedding M038 041
Martin, Ora Van Horn wedding M038 041
Martin, Thos. Mrs. M038 061
Matizen, Mrs. M038 052
Maxted, Charles, Jr. M038 058 1911
Maxted, Marguerite Allen M038 058 1911
McCain, Alice G. Love M038 041
McCain, Frederick E. M038 041
McCauley, Frank M038 062 1916
McCullough, Nelson M038 060
McDennell, Rose Mrs. M038 058 1890
McDonnell, Dorinda C. Stewart M038 069
McDonnell, Margarot Tergi Joyce M038 073
McGrath, David M038 051
McGrath, H. E. M038 051
McHench, Gertrude M038 036
McIntyre, A. Mrs. M038 036
McKane, Amarette Hickok M038 037
McQuade, George Mrs. M038 007
Meehan, Thomas M038 053 1915
Meyer, Louis M038 039 1913
Meyers, Charles L. M038 048
Miles, Bessie Renwick M038 035
Miller, Edward R. M038 022
Moore, Edna M038 043
Morey, ??? Barnes, Morey M038 044
Morgan, Cyrenius Mrs. M038 020
Morgan, Cyrenus M038 066
Morgan, Electa A. M038 064
Morse, Eupemia Walker M038 046 1881
Morse, Seymour T. M038 046 1881
Muir, Andrew M038 031
Muir, William M038 033
Murray, Charlie C. M038 024
Murray, Hattie Viola Whitford M038 024
Murray, Jerry DeWitt M038 021 1918
Murry, S. A. M038 064
Musch, Faith Hilton M038 009 1916
Musch, Paul M038 009 1916
Naylar, Laura E. Angell M038 056
Nayler, Amelia Foote M038 030
Naylor Caroline Emery M038 024
Naylor, Amelia Foote M038 029 1892
Naylor, Ed. H. M038 024
Newell, Mary Jane M038 034
Newell, Wm. H. M038 034
Nicholas, ??? Newell Mrs. M038 034
Nichols, H. A. M038 058 1890
Nichols, H. Walter M038 022
Nichols, Hiram A. M038 023
Nicholson, Ella Hemmingway M038 038
Nicholson, Judd B. M038 038
Nicholson, Seth H. M038 026 1916
North, Francis M038 061
Norton, Gid Mrs. M038 066 1915
O'Brien, Jack, Bob and Russell M038 056
O'Dell, Daniel Mrs. M038 066
Padley, A? M038 034
Padley, Henry M038 034
Padley, John M038 017
Padley, John M038 034
Padley, Louisa McWilliams M038 017
Padley, Mary (John) Mrs. M038 034
Palmer, Amanda Haines M038 057 1902
Palmer, William M038 066
Parker, Mary W. M038 072
Parker, Saralh Elizabeth Covert (Homer) M038 026 1915
Parshall, Sarah M038 066
Patterson, Mary Bennett M038 058
Patterson, Myron A. Dr. M038 058
Peach, Joseph M038 052
Pearson, George M038 058 1890
Pearson, Paul M038 019
Peck, Charles H. M038 030
Peters, Bessie Hains Purdy M038 066 1909?
Peters, George and Melissa's son M038 041
Peters, Harry Edwin M038 066
Peters, Susan Morrison M038 027
Phillips, Bertha Collett M038 066
Phillips, Delos M038 066
Phillips, Edward and Lawrence M038 046
Phillips, James, Jr. M038 035
Phillips, Judson B. M038 038
Phillips, Roy M038 001
Pickett, Emma Lansing M038 071
Pitkin, Geneva Hilton M038 009
Pitkin, George L. M038 041
Pitkin, Guy E. M038 009
Pitkin, Idella Dietrich M038 041
Placeway, Joseph E. M038 019
Platte, J. E. M038 043 1916
Potter, Burdick M038 059
Potter, Burdock Mrs. M038 059 1878
Potter, Clyde W. M038 034
Potter, Clyde W. M038 034
Potter, Edna Muir M038 034
Potter, Ethel M. Hunt M038 062 1913
Potter, Lemuel Mrs. M038 033
Potter, Lewis G. M038 062 1913
Power, William H. M038 022 1907
Pratt, Rev. M038 031
Price, Chase M038 033
Price, Nellie Conely M038 033
Purdy, Celora Eliza Clark M038 033
Purdy, Jennie M038 043
Purdy, Jessie M038 054
Rathbun, Ada Olive Cole M038 045 1913
Reed, John S. M038 059
Reeves, Byron M038 060
Reickhoff, Fred Mrs. M038 025
Reid, Frank Herbert M038 017
Reid, Jessie Abrams M038 017
Renwick, Homer E. M038 019
Renwick, Mary K. (Kingsley) M038 025
Renwick, Mary Marlatt M038 063
Renwick, Spencer J. M038 007
Renwick, Spencer J. M038 061 1916
Renwick, Spencer J. M038 063
Renwick, Spencer Mrs. M038 036
Renwick, Will Mrs. M038 025 1916
Ricards, Henry M038 002
Richards, Maria Rowley M038 072
Richardson, Dora B. Clements M038 066
Richardson, Henry M038 039 1914
Richardson, Martin J. M038 066
Richardson, Rachal Benham M038 059 1911
Rigney, Agnes Rigney M038 048
Rigney, Isabelle Grubb M038 030 1908
Rigney, James M038 030 1908
Rigney, Martin W. M038 048
Risch, Helen M038 045
Robbins, Chas. M. Prof. M038 052
Robbins, Kittie Smith M038 052
Rooney, Lucy Potter M038 027
Rooney, Rev. Mr. M038 027
Ross, E. B. M038 058 1890
Ross, Esbon Andrews M038 008 1914
Ross, Henry T. Hon. M038 038 1917?
Ross, Laura J. Smith, Tenny M038 055 1906
Ross, Mary A. Brown M038 038 1917?
Rowe, Clifford L. M038 058
Rowe, Mary Bennett M038 058
Rumsey, Lizzy Carpenter M038 049 1881
Rumsey, Roll R. M038 049 1881
Russell, Helen M038 057
Rutherford, Bertha M038 001
Salmon, Elizabeth Ferguson M038 018
Sanborn, Mabel Abrams M038 042
Sanborn, Mable Abram M038 066
Sanborn, Mark F. Rev. M038 066
Sanborn, Mark Frank Rev. M038 042
Sands, Floyd R. M038 053 1916
Sands, Iva May Hale M038 053 1916
Sawyer, A. F. M038 022
Sawyer, Druella Coe M038 062 1916
Schoenhals, Helena Augusta M038 071
Schoenhals, Martha Patterson M038 061
Severance, Anna M. Lane M038 038
Severance, Henry O. M038 038
Shamie, May Dowell M038 075 1921
Sharp, Clarissa M038 008
Shock, Ethel Fisher M038 009 1917
Shock, Ray M038 009 1917
Sinclair, Elsa Hibgy M038 001
Sinclair, Herbert M038 001
Singer, Eric M038 060 1915
Singer, Majel Smith M038 060 1915
Sleaford, Wm. M038 058 1890
Smith, Arthur H. M038 051
Smith, Charles M038 040
Smith, Charles G. M038 044
Smith, Clarence M038 047 1911
Smith, Hugh M038 039 1915
Smith, Hugh (will) M038 048
Smith, Lola (dau. Of A. H.) M038 059
Smith, Penelope M038 028
Smith, Rebecca Dunlap M038 062
Smith, W. G. (Oceola) M038 022
Southerland, Clara ?, Quackenbush M038 073 192?
Spellar, Henry M038 072
Spellar, John M038 052 1913
Stanfield, Charles M/M M038 055
Steck, Clarissa Scott M038 062 1916
Steck, Edward W. M038 062 1916
Stedman, C. E. M038 028
Stedman, Mabel O'Dell M038 028
Stegenga, D. M. M038 001
Stevens, Mary J. M038 051
Stevenson, Frances A. Bird M038 010
Stobart, Mary and John M038 060
Strong, ??? Gage (Mrs. John Strong) M038 032
Strunk, David M038 057
Stubhrberg, Fred Mrs. M038 058 1890
Sturdevant, George Mr. & Mrs. M038 047
Surdvant, George Mrs. (maiden name Dursee?) M038 074
Sutton, Ella Covey M038 073
Sutton, Jay W. M038 073
Swan, Chas. Mrs. M038 037
Swann, Carrie A. Ross M038 066
Swann, Charles M038 066
Swann, Esbon A. M038 042
Swann, Ethel Potter M038 042
Sweet, John M. M038 053
Sweet, Mary S. Wood M038 053
Tenny, Amanda Bishop M038 047
Tenny, Eliza J. Morgan M038 046
Tenny, Helen Mae M038 008
Tenny, Jessie Palmer M038 017
Tenny, Lucile M038 049
Tenny, Rufus B. M038 017
Thompson, Grace Grierson M038 066
Thompson, John M038 066
Thompson, Rose Wesley M038 007 1915
Thornhill, Lola M038 060
Tock, Emma E. M038 055
Trapp, Wilbur M/M M038 039 1913
Tunis, Amy M038 066
Valderlip, Truman, Sr. M038 001
Van Riper, Carry Foote M038 029 1893
Van Riper, Ella E. M038 066
Van Riper, Minnie M038 066
VanLeuven, John J. M038 028
VanLeuven, Lora B. Fonda M038 028
VanRiper, A. E. M038 038
VanRiper, Carrie Carver M038 038
VanRiper, Carrie Foote M038 030
VanRiper, Floyd E. M038 025
Vernon, Emily Whitford M038 001
Vernon, John E. M038 001
Vessey, Wm. M038 035
Vincent, Frank Elbert M038 027
Vincent, Mahala J. McCullough M038 027
Vowles, George Hon. M038 062
Vroman, Ella Clements M038 024
Wakely, Archibald S. M038 065
Walker, Minerva Kneeland M038 036
Warner, Timothy M038 058 1890
Warner, Timothy M038 066
Wells, Amos M. M038 051
Wells, D. Webster M038 046
Wells, Martha B. Peters M038 046
West, Katie Gerguson M038 069
West, Myron M038 075
Westphal, Emma Slayton M038 027
Westphal, Frank G. M038 027
Westphal, Sarah Galatian M038 056 1915
Whalen, Ed Mr. and Mrs. M038 024
Whalen, Edward S. M038 042
Whalen, Florence E. Foote M038 042
Wheeler, Luce Phidelia Angel M038 046 1917
Wheeler, Lucy Angell M038 056
Whipple, Howard Mrs. M038 033
White, Eliza M. M038 037
Wiechers, John E. M038 046
Wiley, Nancy M038 049
Williams, Sarah Naylor M038 036 1914
Wilson, William C. M038 028 1915
Wilson, William C. M038 028 1915
Withey, Elias M038 066
Wold, Adolph N. M038 043
Wold, Mary Alice Palmer M038 043
Wood, Anna Farr M038 047
Wood, Emily Phillips M038 061
Wood, John M038 067 1883
Wood, Ruth Winifred M038 070 1920
Woods, Carrol M038 035
Woods, Lydia Lee M038 035 1916
Worden, Pearl M038 066 1912
Woulds, Thomas M038 058 1890
Wright, Lucy Ann M038 003 1879
Young, James M038 062
Abrams, James M038 058 1890
Acker, Emily M038 035
Albright, Egbert Fowler M038 020
Alger, H. C. Rev. M038 059 1893
Andrews, Ellen R. Andrews M038 008
Armstrong, Martha Padley M038 074 1924
Arnell, Robert M038 042
Atkin, Charles Bennett M038 039
Atkins, Fred M038 036
Atkins, Gertie McIntyre M038 036
Atwood, Joseph M038 007
Atwood, Joseph M038 063 1879
Avery, Alvah Waite M038 064
Avery, Mabel Clare Prosser M038 044
Babcock, Elenaor Gage M038 009 1915
Babcock, Henry S. M038 009 1915
Babcox, Sophia M038 044
Baetcke, Gustave J. M038 007
Baetcke, Gustave J. M038 063
Baldwin, Dennis son M038 010
Ball, Catherine M038 029 1915
Bamber, Joseph Mrs. M038 023
Bamber, Joseph Mrs. M038 029
Beach, Alanson E. M038 032 1913
Beach, Ella Burnett M038 074
Beach, Ellen M038 043
Beach, Grace H. M038 049 1884
Beach, Henry M038 072
Beach, Henry M038 073
Beach, Henry Newton M038 074 1923
Beach, John T. M038 074
Beach, Lou M038 007 1895
Beach, Margaret Post M038 059
Beach, Mary E. Conley M038 007 1914
Beach, Milo H. M038 007 1914
Beach, Wilbur M038 064
Beach, Willard M038 058 1890
Beals, H. C. Mrs. M038 044
Becker, Henry M038 058 1890
Becker, Martha A. Beebe M038 035 1916
Bell, M. Louisa Rose M038 071
Benete, Sarah Henrietta Davison M038 047
Benham, Susan Peters M038 039 1914
Benjamin, N. H. M038 026
Benjamine, Lettie M038 022 1915
Bennett, Charles Porter M038 050
Bennett, Mabel Helen Potter M038 050
Berger, Charles Pratt M038 021 191?
Berger, Frieda Adaline Morse M038 021 191?
Billings, Dora Cumming M038 040
Billings, Rex M038 040
Bingham, Kinsley W. M038 025
Bingham, Mary M038 042
Bird, Albert M038 058 1890
Bird, Albert Mrs. M038 065
Bird, Elizabeth C. Cranston M038 048
Bishop, Dickenson H. M038 040
Bishop, James M038 068 1913
Bishop, Mary Lee M038 040
Bissell, Lauretta Marsh M038 039
Bitten, Charles Mrs. M038 060
Bliss, Gertrude M038 050
Blythe, Ida E. Van Riper M038 070
Booker, Hattie M038 052 1887
Bottomley, Leslie Edison M038 001
Bourns, Bernice Muir M038 050 1916
Bourns, Frank E. M038 050 1916
Bowers, Bradley R. M038 068 1913
Boyce, Benjamin S. M038 008
Boyce, Bertha M. Day M038 008
Bradish, Wm. K. M038 050
Bradley, Gilbert Mrs. M038 021
Bradley, Homer Mrs. M038 027
Brady, Eliza Hill M038 071
Brady, Julia A. Bergin M038 017
Bridgman, Alfred T. M038 057
Brown, Lousea Becker M038 001
Brown, W. C. Dr. M038 001
Bucknell, A. L. M038 060
Bucknell, Lena M038 060
Bucknell, Richard M038 060
Buell, Fred M038 038
Buell, Mae McCullough M038 038
Burd, Ben M038 050
Burgess, G. S. M038 040
Burgess, G. S. & Co. M038 058 1890
Burgess, Grant S. M038 055 1913
Burgess, Kathlyn (dau. Of Lantie C.) M038 074
Burke, John M038 051 1909
Burnett, Charles M038 001
Burt, Beatrice Chadwick M038 037
Burt, Cora Childs M038 037
Burt, Fred M038 037
Bush, Amada Goldsmith M038 067
Butler, Blanche M038 052
Butler, Emma Hooper M038 040
Butterfield, Abigail M038 065 1877
Butterfield, Chester M038 043
Butterfield, Frances ?, Sherman M038 043
Button, Juliet Covey M038 052
Callen, M. H. Mrs. M038 066
Callen, Martin M038 022
Callen, Perrin Wadsworth M038 069
Carpenter, Addie Ryder (Arthur) M038 021 1918
Carter, John N. M038 058
Carter, John N. M038 085 1890
Carter, Louise Hyne M038 068
Carter, Margaret Janette M038 049
Carter, Ruth Birkenstock M038 058
Carver, W. S. M038 053
Case, Ira W. M038 058 1890
Case, Niles M038 058 1890
Case, Serena Lawson M038 033
Chadwick, E. P. M038 050 1919
Chambers, Thomas M038 070
Childs, ?? Beach (Mrs. Fred) M038 073
Childs, Fred C. M038 024
Childs, L. Belle Beach M038 024
Childs, Samuel N. M038 041 1915
Clark, ??? Miller M038 008
Clark, A. N. M038 033 189?
Clark, Benjamin T. O. M038 065
Clark, L. N. M038 038
Clark, Paul Mrs. M038 020 1916
Clemence, Hannah Jane M038 042
Clement, Hanna J. M038 001
Cobb, Elmer M038 051 1909
Cobb, W., R. M038 001
Coe, Anna Evans M038 064 1891
Coe, Ella M038 056
Coe, Frank M038 064 1891
Coe, Harrison M038 054
Coe, J. Harrison M&M M038 051
Coe, Mary Bourns M038 070
Coe, Rachel Elizabeth M038 003
Cogswell, L. H. M038 051
Colett, James M038 056
Collett, Sarah Parshall, Abrams M038 073 1926
Conklin, Albert M038 062
Conklin, Fannie E. Conely M038 062
Conley, A. Butterfield M038 066 1878
Conley, Benjamin Mrs. M038 064
Conley, John A. M038 066 1905
Conley, Lent A. M038 041
Conley, Margaret E. Platt M038 027
Conley, Mertie Bell Ruberts M038 041
Conley, Thomas M038 054
Conlon, Lulu Laughray M038 052
Cook, Ira M/M M038 068
Cook, Scott Mrs. M038 062
Cooke, Grace Knoepfler M038 060
Cooke, J. D. M038 060
Corbet, Allen M/M M038 060
Corbett, Allen B. M038 037
Corbett, Inez J. McCullough M038 037 1911
Cotter, Lemuel Mrs. M038 066
Coulter, Adeline M038 070
Crawford, Anna C. Beach M038 007 1913
Crawford, Henry J. M038 007 1913
Crawford, John E. M038 061
Crawford, Russell Beach M038 007
Crippen, A. Mrs. M038 052
Crippen, Elba M038 048
Crippen, Emma M038 048
Crockett. Augusta Platt M038 003 1899
Crouse, Kitty Kockwood M038 059
Crouse, Royal P. M038 059
Cummings, Fred L. M038 040
Cummings, Martha E. Smith M038 040
Cushing, Charles Benjamin M038 020
Cushing, Fred M038 054
Cushing, George W. M038 041 1909
Daines, Eliza M038 062
Darlington, Carrie Viola West M038 049
Darlington, Rufus W. M038 049
Darlington, Wm. Mrs. M038 001
Dawson, Edna Padley M038 001 1918
Dawson, John M038 001 1918
Dayfoot, R. L. Mrs. M038 003
Dean, Abram M038 066
Dean, W. H. H. Mrs. M038 066
Delvin, Grace Atkin M038 066
Delvin, Raymond M038 066
Derindinger, John Mrs. M038 066 1911
Dewey, Edward J. M038 066
Dietrich, Arthur Burton M038 043 1916
Dietrich, Grace Louise M038 043 1916
Donaldson, W. J. son M038 008
Douglass, Mary M038 018
Duffy, Edward James M038 045
Duffy, John Raymond M038 025
Duffy, Russell M038 027
Dunning, Cephas M038 065 1914
Dunning, Grand H. daughter M038 029
Dunning, Grant M038 029
Dunning, Lucie Naylor M038 029
Durfee, E. G. M038 066
Durfee, Sarah Angeline Cole M038 070 1920
Eastman, Edwin M038 066 1909
Eastman, Ellen Beach M038 066 1909
Edgar, Adeline A. Williams M038 058 1883
Edgar, J. W. M038 071 1920
Edgar, James Mrs. M038 050 1910
Edgar, James W. Judge M038 075 1920
Edgar, James Whalen M038 067
Edgar, Lora M. Furguson M038 049
Edgar, Walter D. M038 044
Edgar. Walter D. M038 049
Elder, Joseph M038 028
Elder, Joseph M038 057 1877
Elder, Lydia J. Wilson M038 057 1877
Ellis, George T. Rev. M038 019
English, Geo. B. M038 031
Ervey, John Reed M038 069
Farnham, E. Platt M038 006 1882
Farnham, G. I. M038 006 1882
Farnham, Phillip P. M038 003 1905
Farnham, Phillip P. M038 006
Ferguson, Lucy Thompson M038 049
Ferguson, Robert M038 036
Ferguson, Samuel M038 041
Ferguson, Samuel Mrs. M038 041 1909
Ferris, Adaline Keeney M038 020 1915
Ferris, D. Mae McCrea M038 020
Ferris, Maude Leola Avery M038 007
Ferris, Maude Leola Avery M038 063
Ferris, W. Lloyd M038 007
Ferris, W. Lloyd M038 063
Ferris, W. N. Rev. M038 020 1915
Fisher, Artemus M038 034 1916
Fisher, Frank M038 025 1918
Fisher, Rebecca M038 002
Fisher, Sarah Thomas M038 071 1921
Flower, E. P. M038 028 1916
Flower, Edwin P. M038 051
Flower, Mary Tanner Robinson M038 028 1916
Fonda, Catherine Bird M038 010 1915
Fonda, Kate Bird M038 010 1912
Foote, Charles S. M038 030 1909
Foote, Charles Smith M038 029
Foote, Chas. S. M038 058 1890
Foote, Mary Smith M038 030
Foster, Leonard M038 009 1900
Foster, Pearl Peck M038 009 1900
Frusher, Charles M038 024
Frusher, Leeda Fiske M038 024
Fuller, Adam C. M038 032 1916
Fuller, Amanda Gilman M038 030
Fuller, Nelson M038 030
Fuller, William M038 072 1936
Gage, S. M. Mrs. M038 027
Galbraith, Jennie Vowles M038 064
Gambel, Edith Lown M038 051
Gambel, John H. M038 051
Gearhart, Walter S. M038 024
Gee, Charles F. Mrs. M038 060
Gillis, Floyd Dr. M038 026
Gillis, Helen Crane M038 026
Goodell, Amanda Grow M038 068
Goodman, Minnie H. McIntyre M038 071 1936
Graham, Floyd M038 031
Graham, Thomas G. M038 031
Grandin family M038 032
Granger, Lillie M038 017
Grant, Judge M038 058 1890
Greer, Robert M038 026
Gurnee, Eliza Clark M038 057
Hacker, Frank M038 072
Hamilton, James M038 051 1909
Hankin, Ada M038 051 1909
Hankins, Eliza M038 022
Harold, Martha J. M038 007
Hause, H. C. Mrs. M038 025
Hayes, Elizabeth Leade?r M038 024 1900
Hicks, Eugene M038 066
Hicks, Weaton M038 058 1890
Hill, Carman Beach M038 043 1915
Hill, Hubert M038 043 1915
Hilton, Frank M038 058 1890
Hilton, Thomas Mrs. M038 052
Hodges, Alfred M038 001
Hodges, Lucy M038 045 1876
Hodges, Mariam Spellar M038 057
Hodges, Willard M038 033
Hoisington, George M038 019
Holden, Joseph M. M038 042
Holden, Thomas M. M038 073
Holdridge, ??? Judson Mrs. M038 001
Holdridge, Frankie Clark M038 049 1881
Holdridge, John B. M038 049 1881
Holdridge, John B. Mrs. M038 035
Hollenbeck, Augusta Mrs. M038 009
Hollenbeck, Augusta Mrs. M038 050
Hollister, ? Smith M038 061
Holmes, Tunis M038 058 1890
Hooker, Loyal M. M038 018
Hooker, W. W. Mrs. M038 072
Hooker, William M/M M038 048
Hooker, Wm. Mrs. M038 072
Hooker, Wm. Wellington M038 067 1919
Hooper, Amos, Jr. M038 046
Hooper, Ethel Stuart M038 046
Howard, S. L. Mrs. M038 053
Hughes, Harry M038 045 1914
Hughes, Jennie Duckering M038 045 1914
Hunter, H. M038 067
Hunter, Mary Agnes Miller M038 060 1889
Hunter, Mary Sophia Spring (Mrs. H. C.) M038 024 1913
Hurley, Edmund V. M038 027
Hurley, John M038 044
Hurley, Mary Josphine Duffy M038 027
Hurley, Nettie Moon M038 044
Hurley, Nettie Moon M038 056 1893
Huskinson, Fred M038 044 1915
Huskinson, Harriett ?, Clements M038 072 1920
Huskinson, May Whitbeck M038 044 1915
Hyne, Brothers M038 058 1890
Hyne, Charles T. M038 038 1897
Hyne, F. T. M038 058 1890
Hyne, Frank M038 058 1890
Hyne, Hannah L. M038 038 1897
Hyne, Wm. M038 058 1890
Johnson, Marshall M. M038 068 1913
Johnson, Miriam Buell M038 075
Johnson, Mrs. Juliette Phillips M038 009
Johnson, William J. M038 075
Johnson, William P. M038 009
Johnson, William P. Mrs. M038 037 1914
Jones, Emma Mrs. M038 044
Jones, Julia M038 060 1914
Jones, S. K. M038 051
Judson, Charles Mrs. M038 067 1920
Kelley, A. H. Mrs. M038 058 1890
Kennedy, Nicholas M038 063
Kennedy, Nicholas M038 007
Kennedy, Nicholas Mrs. M038 058
Keown, George M038 007
Kimberly, Alice Reeson M038 002
Kimberly, Wirt M038 002
King, Frederick J. M038 046
King, Kathryn Meehan M038 046
Kingsley, A. J. Mrs. M038 050
Kingsley, George M038 026 1916
Kingsley, Wlliam S. M038 025
Knapp, George M038 067
Knapp, Nancy Moore M038 001 1920
Kurt, William Mrs. M038 032
Lamb, Isaac Wixom M038 032
Lansing, Frank M. M038 068
Lansing, Frank Mrs. M038 067
Lansing, Rosadel Taft M038 068
Lawson, B. H. M038 058 1890
Leadley, Caroline Griswold M038 043
Leary, Everett M. M038 060
Leary, John B. M038 073
Leary, Margaret M038 059
Leary, Sarah M038 060
Lee, Jarvis M038 064
Lee, Laura M038 034 1889
Leece, Fred M038 064
Leece, Vivian Lemon M038 064
Lemen, A. D. & Mrs. H. M038 057
Loch, Peter M038 085 1890
Locklin, Clark M038 058 1890
Loehne, Ralph, Jr. M038 002
Logan, Amy M038 075
Loring, Jennia Coe M038 018
Lovewell, Lucien D. M038 039
Lovewell, Mary Hagadorn M038 039
Lovewell, Mary Hagadorn M038 059
Lyon, Richard J. M038 045 1917
Lyon, W. C. M038 037 1909
Mahoney, Ella May M038 075
Marlatt, Sarah Ann Smith Baker M038 042
Marsh, Richard M038 058 1890
Marshner, Carrie Pentin M038 061
Marshner, Fred M038 061
Martin, D. D. Rev. wedding M038 041
Martin, Ora Van Horn wedding M038 041
Martin, Thos. Mrs. M038 061
Matizen, Mrs. M038 052
Maxted, Charles, Jr. M038 058 1911
Maxted, Marguerite Allen M038 058 1911
McCain, Alice G. Love M038 041
McCain, Frederick E. M038 041
McCauley, Frank M038 062 1916
McCullough, Nelson M038 060
McDennell, Rose Mrs. M038 058 1890
McDonnell, Dorinda C. Stewart M038 069
McDonnell, Margarot Tergi Joyce M038 073
McGrath, David M038 051
McGrath, H. E. M038 051
McHench, Gertrude M038 036
McIntyre, A. Mrs. M038 036
McKane, Amarette Hickok M038 037
McQuade, George Mrs. M038 007
Meehan, Thomas M038 053 1915
Meyer, Louis M038 039 1913
Meyers, Charles L. M038 048
Miles, Bessie Renwick M038 035
Miller, Edward R. M038 022
Moore, Edna M038 043
Morey, ??? Barnes, Morey M038 044
Morgan, Cyrenius Mrs. M038 020
Morgan, Cyrenus M038 066
Morgan, Electa A. M038 064
Morse, Eupemia Walker M038 046 1881
Morse, Seymour T. M038 046 1881
Muir, Andrew M038 031
Muir, William M038 033
Murray, Charlie C. M038 024
Murray, Hattie Viola Whitford M038 024
Murray, Jerry DeWitt M038 021 1918
Murry, S. A. M038 064
Musch, Faith Hilton M038 009 1916
Musch, Paul M038 009 1916
Naylar, Laura E. Angell M038 056
Nayler, Amelia Foote M038 030
Naylor Caroline Emery M038 024
Naylor, Amelia Foote M038 029 1892
Naylor, Ed. H. M038 024
Newell, Mary Jane M038 034
Newell, Wm. H. M038 034
Nicholas, ??? Newell Mrs. M038 034
Nichols, H. A. M038 058 1890
Nichols, H. Walter M038 022
Nichols, Hiram A. M038 023
Nicholson, Ella Hemmingway M038 038
Nicholson, Judd B. M038 038
Nicholson, Seth H. M038 026 1916
North, Francis M038 061
Norton, Gid Mrs. M038 066 1915
O'Brien, Jack, Bob and Russell M038 056
O'Dell, Daniel Mrs. M038 066
Padley, A? M038 034
Padley, Henry M038 034
Padley, John M038 017
Padley, John M038 034
Padley, Louisa McWilliams M038 017
Padley, Mary (John) Mrs. M038 034
Palmer, Amanda Haines M038 057 1902
Palmer, William M038 066
Parker, Mary W. M038 072
Parker, Saralh Elizabeth Covert (Homer) M038 026 1915
Parshall, Sarah M038 066
Patterson, Mary Bennett M038 058
Patterson, Myron A. Dr. M038 058
Peach, Joseph M038 052
Pearson, George M038 058 1890
Pearson, Paul M038 019
Peck, Charles H. M038 030
Peters, Bessie Hains Purdy M038 066 1909?
Peters, George and Melissa's son M038 041
Peters, Harry Edwin M038 066
Peters, Susan Morrison M038 027
Phillips, Bertha Collett M038 066
Phillips, Delos M038 066
Phillips, Edward and Lawrence M038 046
Phillips, James, Jr. M038 035
Phillips, Judson B. M038 038
Phillips, Roy M038 001
Pickett, Emma Lansing M038 071
Pitkin, Geneva Hilton M038 009
Pitkin, George L. M038 041
Pitkin, Guy E. M038 009
Pitkin, Idella Dietrich M038 041
Placeway, Joseph E. M038 019
Platte, J. E. M038 043 1916
Potter, Burdick M038 059
Potter, Burdock Mrs. M038 059 1878
Potter, Clyde W. M038 034
Potter, Clyde W. M038 034
Potter, Edna Muir M038 034
Potter, Ethel M. Hunt M038 062 1913
Potter, Lemuel Mrs. M038 033
Potter, Lewis G. M038 062 1913
Power, William H. M038 022 1907
Pratt, Rev. M038 031
Price, Chase M038 033
Price, Nellie Conely M038 033
Purdy, Celora Eliza Clark M038 033
Purdy, Jennie M038 043
Purdy, Jessie M038 054
Rathbun, Ada Olive Cole M038 045 1913
Reed, John S. M038 059
Reeves, Byron M038 060
Reickhoff, Fred Mrs. M038 025
Reid, Frank Herbert M038 017
Reid, Jessie Abrams M038 017
Renwick, Homer E. M038 019
Renwick, Mary K. (Kingsley) M038 025
Renwick, Mary Marlatt M038 063
Renwick, Spencer J. M038 007
Renwick, Spencer J. M038 061 1916
Renwick, Spencer J. M038 063
Renwick, Spencer Mrs. M038 036
Renwick, Will Mrs. M038 025 1916
Ricards, Henry M038 002
Richards, Maria Rowley M038 072
Richardson, Dora B. Clements M038 066
Richardson, Henry M038 039 1914
Richardson, Martin J. M038 066
Richardson, Rachal Benham M038 059 1911
Rigney, Agnes Rigney M038 048
Rigney, Isabelle Grubb M038 030 1908
Rigney, James M038 030 1908
Rigney, Martin W. M038 048
Risch, Helen M038 045
Robbins, Chas. M. Prof. M038 052
Robbins, Kittie Smith M038 052
Rooney, Lucy Potter M038 027
Rooney, Rev. Mr. M038 027
Ross, E. B. M038 058 1890
Ross, Esbon Andrews M038 008 1914
Ross, Henry T. Hon. M038 038 1917?
Ross, Laura J. Smith, Tenny M038 055 1906
Ross, Mary A. Brown M038 038 1917?
Rowe, Clifford L. M038 058
Rowe, Mary Bennett M038 058
Rumsey, Lizzy Carpenter M038 049 1881
Rumsey, Roll R. M038 049 1881
Russell, Helen M038 057
Rutherford, Bertha M038 001
Salmon, Elizabeth Ferguson M038 018
Sanborn, Mabel Abrams M038 042
Sanborn, Mable Abram M038 066
Sanborn, Mark F. Rev. M038 066
Sanborn, Mark Frank Rev. M038 042
Sands, Floyd R. M038 053 1916
Sands, Iva May Hale M038 053 1916
Sawyer, A. F. M038 022
Sawyer, Druella Coe M038 062 1916
Schoenhals, Helena Augusta M038 071
Schoenhals, Martha Patterson M038 061
Severance, Anna M. Lane M038 038
Severance, Henry O. M038 038
Shamie, May Dowell M038 075 1921
Sharp, Clarissa M038 008
Shock, Ethel Fisher M038 009 1917
Shock, Ray M038 009 1917
Sinclair, Elsa Hibgy M038 001
Sinclair, Herbert M038 001
Singer, Eric M038 060 1915
Singer, Majel Smith M038 060 1915
Sleaford, Wm. M038 058 1890
Smith, Arthur H. M038 051
Smith, Charles M038 040
Smith, Charles G. M038 044
Smith, Clarence M038 047 1911
Smith, Hugh M038 039 1915
Smith, Hugh (will) M038 048
Smith, Lola (dau. Of A. H.) M038 059
Smith, Penelope M038 028
Smith, Rebecca Dunlap M038 062
Smith, W. G. (Oceola) M038 022
Southerland, Clara ?, Quackenbush M038 073 192?
Spellar, Henry M038 072
Spellar, John M038 052 1913
Stanfield, Charles M/M M038 055
Steck, Clarissa Scott M038 062 1916
Steck, Edward W. M038 062 1916
Stedman, C. E. M038 028
Stedman, Mabel O'Dell M038 028
Stegenga, D. M. M038 001
Stevens, Mary J. M038 051
Stevenson, Frances A. Bird M038 010
Stobart, Mary and John M038 060
Strong, ??? Gage (Mrs. John Strong) M038 032
Strunk, David M038 057
Stubhrberg, Fred Mrs. M038 058 1890
Sturdevant, George Mr. & Mrs. M038 047
Surdvant, George Mrs. (maiden name Dursee?) M038 074
Sutton, Ella Covey M038 073
Sutton, Jay W. M038 073
Swan, Chas. Mrs. M038 037
Swann, Carrie A. Ross M038 066
Swann, Charles M038 066
Swann, Esbon A. M038 042
Swann, Ethel Potter M038 042
Sweet, John M. M038 053
Sweet, Mary S. Wood M038 053
Tenny, Amanda Bishop M038 047
Tenny, Eliza J. Morgan M038 046
Tenny, Helen Mae M038 008
Tenny, Jessie Palmer M038 017
Tenny, Lucile M038 049
Tenny, Rufus B. M038 017
Thompson, Grace Grierson M038 066
Thompson, John M038 066
Thompson, Rose Wesley M038 007 1915
Thornhill, Lola M038 060
Tock, Emma E. M038 055
Trapp, Wilbur M/M M038 039 1913
Tunis, Amy M038 066
Valderlip, Truman, Sr. M038 001
Van Riper, Carry Foote M038 029 1893
Van Riper, Ella E. M038 066
Van Riper, Minnie M038 066
VanLeuven, John J. M038 028
VanLeuven, Lora B. Fonda M038 028
VanRiper, A. E. M038 038
VanRiper, Carrie Carver M038 038
VanRiper, Carrie Foote M038 030
VanRiper, Floyd E. M038 025
Vernon, Emily Whitford M038 001
Vernon, John E. M038 001
Vessey, Wm. M038 035
Vincent, Frank Elbert M038 027
Vincent, Mahala J. McCullough M038 027
Vowles, George Hon. M038 062
Vroman, Ella Clements M038 024
Wakely, Archibald S. M038 065
Walker, Minerva Kneeland M038 036
Warner, Timothy M038 058 1890
Warner, Timothy M038 066
Wells, Amos M. M038 051
Wells, D. Webster M038 046
Wells, Martha B. Peters M038 046
West, Katie Gerguson M038 069
West, Myron M038 075
Westphal, Emma Slayton M038 027
Westphal, Frank G. M038 027
Westphal, Sarah Galatian M038 056 1915
Whalen, Ed Mr. and Mrs. M038 024
Whalen, Edward S. M038 042
Whalen, Florence E. Foote M038 042
Wheeler, Luce Phidelia Angel M038 046 1917
Wheeler, Lucy Angell M038 056
Whipple, Howard Mrs. M038 033
White, Eliza M. M038 037
Wiechers, John E. M038 046
Wiley, Nancy M038 049
Williams, Sarah Naylor M038 036 1914
Wilson, William C. M038 028 1915
Wilson, William C. M038 028 1915
Withey, Elias M038 066
Wold, Adolph N. M038 043
Wold, Mary Alice Palmer M038 043
Wood, Anna Farr M038 047
Wood, Emily Phillips M038 061
Wood, John M038 067 1883
Wood, Ruth Winifred M038 070 1920
Woods, Carrol M038 035
Woods, Lydia Lee M038 035 1916
Worden, Pearl M038 066 1912
Woulds, Thomas M038 058 1890
Wright, Lucy Ann M038 003 1879
Young, James M038 062
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“M038 Obituaries Book,” Digital Archive of the Howell Carnegie Library Archives, accessed February 9, 2025, https://archives.howelllibrary.org/items/show/135.