M004 Obituaries Book
M004 Obituaries Book
Contains obituaries and miscellaneous articles.
Abbott, Fred K. (pie) MO04 29
Abbott, George A. M004 50 3/17/1918
Abbott, Josephine Dutton (George A.) M004 50 3/17/1918
Abbott, Matilda M. Wilcox (Franklin B.) M004 31
Acker, ???? Draper (Eugene) M004 31 1/1 7/1 921
Acker, Amanda Wilson (Edward) M004 32
Acker, Edwin M004 32
Acker, Gene M004 34
Acker, Helen [Peterson] M004 32
Adams, G. L. M004 70
Adams, G. L. (50th anniversary) M004 80 1011/1925
Alexander, ???? [Smith, Floyd] M004 76 2/1 6/1 927
Alexander, ???? [Smith, Fred] M004 76 2/1 6/1 927
Alexander, Eva Thayer (William) M004 76 2/16/1 927
Alexander, William M004 76 2/1 6/1 927
Alger, ???? Fulkerson (John) M004 38 3/26/1917
Allen, ???? Barger (William) M004 98 6/16/1 922
Allen, ???? McNulty (Theodore) M004 17 7/26/1919
Allen, Rose Mrs. M004 67
Allison, Alydia May [McConn] M004 77 1927-10
Allison, Bertha [Miller] M004 77 1927-10
Alhson, Emogene Smith (Willis Eugene) M004 77 1927-10
Allison1 Martha Ann Benedict (Freeman W.) M004 82 1/1/1924
Allison, Mary Bucknell (Willis Eugene) M004 77 1927-10
Allison, Sarah L. [Hughes] M004 77 1927-10
Allison, Willis M004 3
Allison, Willis Eugene M004 77 1927-10
Ames, Bertha May [Crawford] M004 35
Anderson, ???? Hedican (Fred) M004 37 4/28/1917
Anderson, Grace [Beckwith] M004 69 4/20/1 923
Anderson, Rasmus P. (40th anniversary) M004 67 8/4/1924
Andrews, Iva M. Dempsey M004 5 5/9/1 921
Andrews, Mabel Edith [Hicks] M004 28
Angel, Lucy [Wheeler] M004 43
Armstrong, ???? [Austin] M004 4
Armstrong, ???? [Noble] M004 65
Armstrong, ???? [Starr] M004 4
Armstrong, ???? [Wells] M004 65
Armstrong, ???? H. M004 3 10/22/1919
Armstrong, Adaline (Stephen D.) M004 65
Armstrong, Aileen M004 30
Armstrong, Bert (surprise party) M004 63
Armstrong, Delia [Sebring] M004 4
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Armstrong, Glen (pie) M004 21
Armstrong, John M004 34
Armstrong, Maretta [Austin] M004 80 3/1 7/1 925
Armstrong, Marth Padley M004 3 1920
Armstrong, Martha Padley M004 102
Armstrong, Martha Padley (Zaccheus L.) M004 2 8/28/1924
Armstrong, Martha Padley (Zaccheus L.) M004 2 2/26/19 12
Armstrong, Mary Elizabeth M004 58
Armstrong, Nora Jeffrey (John) M004 101
Armstrong, Nora Westmoreland M004 3 10122/1919
Armstrong, Nora Westmoreland (John) M004 34
Armstrong, Stephen Jerome M004 4
Armstrong, Zaccheus L. M004 2 2/26/1912
Atherton, 2?’?? Knoop (E. C.) M004 7 1/5/1 921
Atkin, ???? [Phillips] M004 100
Atkin, ???? Bennett (John) M004 36
Atkin, Alice [Moore] M004 100
Atkin, C. B. (to Florida) M004 49
Atkin, Grace [Delvin] M004 100
Atkin, Hannah B. Bennett (John) M004 100
Atkin, Retta Bissell (Charles B.) M004 35
Austin, ???? [Crowe] M004 80 3/1 7/1 925
Austin, ???? [Hand] M004 61
Austin, ???? [Hand] M004 68
Austin, ???? [MeNulty] M004 80 3/1 7/1 925
Austin. ???? [Potts] M004 68
Austin, ???? [Sleeth] M004 68
Austin, ???? Armstrong (George) M004 4
Austin, David R. M004 5
Austin, Elizabeth Magill (James H.) M004 61
Austin, Elizabeth Magill (James H.) M004 68
Austin, Flora Green (David R.) M004 5
Austin, James H. M004 68
Austin, Julia [Crawford] M004 68
Austin, Lydia Smock (George) M004 13 4/6/1919
Austin, Marette Armstrong (George) M004 80 3/1 7/1 925
Austin, Mary [Wooton] M004 68
Austin, Mrs. M004 27
Avery, ???? [Bailey] M004 27 5/20/1 920
Avery, ???? [Bailey] M004 63 1/16/1 922
Avery, Clara A. Listerman (Ernest Lee) M004 63 1/1 6/1 922
Avery, Elizabeth Brewer (Benjamin Perkins) M004 40 5/4/1917
Avery, Ernest Lee Dr. M004 63 1/1 6/1 922
Avery, Harriet Sprague (Henry E.) M004 27 5/20/1 920
Avery, Harriet Sprague (Henry Eston) M004 40 5/4/1917
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Avery, Henry Eston M004 40 5/4/1917
Avery, Millie [Bailey] M004 40 5/4/1917
Ayres, ???? [Saunders] M004 22 1212011921
Ayres, George M004 22 12/20/1921
Ayres, Lena [Franz] M004 22 12/20/1 921
Bagley, Fannie Jacox M004 85
Bailey, ???? Avery (Frank) M004 27 5/20/1 920
Bailey, ???? Avery (Frank) M004 63 1/1 6/1 922
Bailey, Helen M. [Beach] M004 24 3/8/1 920
Bailey, Irene R. Beach M004 42 11/8/1918
Bailey, Millie Avery (Frank) M004 40 5/4/1917
Bainbridge, ???? [Burr] M004 98 12/6/1 922
Bainbridge, ???? [Johnson] M004 98 12/6/1 922
Bainbridge, Jennie M004 98 12/6/1 922
Bainbridge, Louise [Cramerl M004 98 12/6/1 922
Baird, ???? [McKruger M004 41 3/23/1917
Baird, ???? Ireland (Grover) M004 73 1/20/1 923
Baird, Dr. M004 31
Baird, Lucy Ladd Wilbur (Robert H.) M004 34
Baird, Lucy Wilber (R. H.) M004 41 3/23/1917
Baird, R. H. Dr. M004 41 3/23/1917
Baird, Robert H. Dr. M004 34
Baird, Susie Ireland (Grover) M004 64
Baker, ???? Fewlass (George) M004 32
Baker, Carrie Fewlass M004 16 7/5/1919
Baker, Carrie Fewless M004 55 10/30/1918
Baker, Effie Fewlass M004 16 7/5/1919
Baker, Effie Fewlass (George Albert) M004 75 4/4/1 926
Baker, Effie Fewless M004 55 10/30/1918
Baker, George M004 59 4/4/1926
Baker, George M004 91
Baker, George Albert M004 75 4/4/1 926
Baker, Helen M004 24 12/21/1 931
Baker, Hulda [Bowen] M004 67
Baker, Huldah A. [Bowen] M004 52
Baker, Ruth [Jacox] M004 23
Baker, Ruth [Jacox] M004 62 12/29/1 921
Bakewell, Agnes H. [Smithi M004 15 3/2/1 928
Balch, ???? [Benjamini M004 10
Balch, 7??? [Sanford] M004 10
Balch, Addison W. M004 10
Balch, Lillian Lown (Addison W.) M004 10
Baldwin, Jessie E, Gartock M004 39 8/31/1917
Ball, ???? [QueaIl M004 86
Ball, Alice H. [Osborne] M004 86
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Ball, Carrie E. Fiske (Erwin N.) M004 86
Ball, Catherine Powers (William) M004 86
Bali, Erwin N. M004 86
Ball, Florence [James] M004 86
Ball, Nettie [Dey] M004 71
Bail, Nettie C. [Dey] M004 71
Bali, Sarah B. [Saunders] M004 86
Bamber, Will M004 98
Banfield, ???? Clark (Gilbert) M004 53
Barber, Minnie Smith M004 12
Barger, ???? [Allen] M004 98 6/16/1 922
Barger, ???? [Shields] M004 98 6/16/1 922
Barger,_???? [Shubery] M004 98 6/16/1922
Barger, Georgia [Marston] M004 98 6/1 6/1 922
Barger, Leslie [Cassidy] M004 98 6/1 6/1 922
Barger, Lillian [Jaswisk] M004 98 6/16/1922
Barnard, Hazel [Munsell] M004 30
Barnes, Genevra Newton (George A.) M004 104 2/14/1918
Barnes, George A. M004 104 2/14/1918
Barnhart, ???? [Maycock] M004 62 3/6/1922
Barnhart, Andrew M004 62 3/6/1922
Barnhart, Emma [Drew] M004 62 3/6/1 922
Barrett, ???? Padley (D. Roy) M004 34 10/7/1 904
Barrett, D. Leroy M004 39
Barrett, Florence E. Padley (D. Leroy) M004 39
Barron, Mae Brogan (Richard E.) M004 42 9/25/1917
Barron, Richard E. M004 42 9/25/1917
Bartlett, ???? Drew (Am.) M004 27
Bashford, Emily [Batram] M004 100 11/29/1921
Bashford, Fanny N. [Henshaw] M004 66
Batram, ???? [Driver] M004 100 11/29/1921
Batram, Emily Bashford (Mark Ward) M004 100 11/29/1921
Batram, Mark Ward M004 100 1 1/29/1 921
Beach, ???? [Gorton] M004 33 4/2/1 920
Beach, ???? [Monroe] M004 24 3/8/1 920
Beach, ???? [Monroe] M004 61 9/23/1 922
Beach, Alice Heitz (Charles S.) M004 61 9/23/1 922
Beach, Anna Jane [Bitten] M004 42 11/8/1918
Beach, Charles S. M004 61 9/23/1 922
Beach, Charlotte (Mansel Briggs) M004 42 11/8/1918
Beach, Ellen Twilley M004 60 8/21/1 921
Beach, Ellen Twilley (Sparrow F.) M004 33 4/2/1 920
Beach, Helen M. Bailey (Lyman K.) M004 24 3/8/1 920
Beach, Irene R. [Bailey] M004 42 11/8/1918
Beach, Lyman K. M004 24 3/8/1 920
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Beach, Mansel Briggs M004 42 11/8/1918
Beach, Rachel E. [Smith] M004 42 11/8/1918
Beach, Ruth [Horton] M004 48 12/19/1917
Beatty, ???? [Brendel] M004 26
Beatty, ???? [Skarritt] M004 26
Beatty, Charlotte Diehi (William) M004 26
Beatty, Elizabeth Wallace (William) M004 26
Beatty, William M004 26
Beckwith, Clare M004 69 4/20/1923
Beckwith, Grace Anderson (Clare) M004 69 4/20/1923
Beebe, ???? [Merritt] M004 23 12/18/1919
Beebe, Carrie [Lewis, Elisworth] M004 23 12/18/1919
Bell, ???? Krause (Eugene) M004 38
Benedict, Martha Ann [Allison] M004 82 1/1/1 924
Benjamin, ???? Balch (John) M004 10
Benjamin, ???? Lake (H. C.) M004 15
Bennett, ???? [Atkin] M004 36
Bennett, ???? [Davis] M004 42
Bennett, ???? [French] M004 42
Bennett, ???? Keyes (Charles W.) M004 1 1896-06-17
Bennett, Adelia Venitia (Francis) M004 42
Bennett, Catherine Stearns (Elmer) M004 49 5/11/1918
Bennett, Charles W. M004 28
Bennett, Ella Skeman (Charles W.) M004 28
Bennett, Elmer M004 49 5/11/1918
Bennett, Hannah B. [Atkinl M004 100
Bennett, Polly B. Childs (Charles P.) M004 36
Berry, ???? Kane (James) M004 35 2/17/1917
Betterly, ???? Moon (Nelson) M004 30 9/16/1 920
Beurmann, Lucile Wieand M004 69 4/22/1 923
Bidwell, Henry M004 11 2/12/1919
Bidwell, Julia McComb (Henry) M004 11 2/12/1919
Bidwell, Lorain Crofoot (Ralph) M004 13 8/25/1 928
Bidwell, Ralph M004 13 8/25/1928
Biner, Emma Peacott (Joseph) M004 26
Biner, J. J. M004 62
Biner, Lulu M. Wright (J. J.) M004 62
Bird, ???? [Orr] M004 46 11/22/1917
Bird, ???? Marsh (Harry L.) M004 70
Bird, Ada [Whitmore] M004 37
Bird, Ada M. [Whitmore] M004 1
Bird, Amelia [Goodspeed] M004 46 11/22/1917
Bird, Amelia [Goodspeed] M004 49
Bird, Ben M004 39
Bird, Benjamin B. M004 38 1897-12-14
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Bird, Cora Marsh (Harry L.) M004 35
Bird, Diana Ann [Rappleye] M004 100
Bird, Florence IMcCullough] M004 37
Bird, Kate [Burlingame] M004 36
Bird, Katherine [Burlingame] M004 51 6/15/1913
Bird, Margery Newsom (Richard C.) M004 92
Bird, Mary [Rappleye] M004 100
Bird, Mary B. [Rappalye] M004 37
Bird, Minerva Hicks (Michael M004 37
Bird, Sarah [Jones] M004 46 11/22/1917
Birdsall, Josephine A. [Pearson] M004 62
Bissell, ???? Marsh (N. J.) M004 70
Bissell, Ida Marsh (N. J.) M004 35
Bissell, Retta [Atkin] M004 35
Bitten, Anna Jane Beach M004 42 11/811918
Blackburn, Leoni Bowen M004 62
BIos, ???? Schroeder (Fred) M004 55
Boettger, Bernice [Jacox] M004 77 10/14/1927
Bottomley, Bertha A. Rutherford (Leslie M004 95
Bottomley, Leslie Edson M004 95
Bourns, ???? [Elias] M004 69
Bourns, Alfred F. Rev. M004 93 4/1/1 923
Bourns, Alfred Francis Rev. M004 69
Bourns, Alfred Mrs. M004 10
Bourns, Amy Phillips (Frederick W.) M004 44
Bourns, Frederick W. M004 44
Bourns, Lucy Swift (Alfred F.) M004 93 4/1/1 923
Bourns, Mary Crawford (Thomas) M004 93 4/1/1 923
Bowen, Alice Winchell (Amasa) M004 32
Bowen, David M004 52
Bowen, Hulda Baker (David) M004 68
Bowen, Huldah A. Baker (David) M004 52
Bowen, Leoni [Blackburnl M004 62
Bowen, Maynard M004 62
Bowen, Nettie [Murphy] M004 52
Bowers, Amanda Kent (Bradley R.) M004 63 5/7/1 922
Bowers, Bradley R. M004 63 5/7/1922
Bowers, Deborah Dickinson (Bradley R.) M004 63 5/7/1 922
Bowers, Martha Elizabeth M004 32
Boyden, Delia C. [Day] M004 32 6/1/1917
Bradford, James M004 82
Bradley, ???? Stalker (George) M004 74
Bradley, Cathrine Havens (John M.) M004 44 3/9/1917
Brayton, ???? [Kirk] M004 57 4/1 5/1 921
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Brayton, Burt M004 57 4/15/1921
Brayton, MaryJ. Park (Burt) M004 57 4/15/1921
Brendel, ???? Beatty (Eli) M004 26
Breslin, ???? Grieve (Philip) M004 3 12/1 8/1 920
Breslin, Charlotte [Grieves] M004 66 1/1 0/1 923
Brewer, Elizabeth [Avery] M004 40 5/4/1917
Brewer, Thomas W. M004 50
Briggs, ???? Oesterle (Herbert) M004 100
Brigham, ???? Goodspeed (Ezra F.) M004 46 11/22/1917
Brinkman, Mettie [Dammon] M004 29
Britton, ???? [Meabon] M004 95 7/7/1 923
Britton, Almira Peebles (Crandall) M004 95 7/7/1 923
Britton, Crandall M004 95 7/7/1 923
Brockway, G. Franklin M004 5 1/25/1921
Brockway, Sarah M. Granger (G. Franklin) M004 5 1/25/1 921
Brogan, Mae [Barron] M004 42 9/25/1917
Brooks, Earl (Smock pallbearer) M004 13 4/6/1919
Brown, ???? Goodspeed (Charles) M004 46 11/22/1917
Brown, Betsy [Marsh] M004 35
Brown, Emily L. [Merrill] M004 38 8/22/1917
Brown, George T. Mrs. M004 66
Brown, Julia Fewlass M004 16 7/5/1919
Brown, Julia Fewless M004 55 10/30/1918
Brown, Laura Fewless M004 55 10/30/1918
Brown, Rose Thompson (Robert) M004 72 9/1 7/1 924
Brown, Sarah Francis Pulver (James A.) M004 48
Browning, Mary McPherson M004 14 5/3/1919
Bruff, Hannah (John) M004 98 6/29/1 924
Bruff, Lester M004 15 5/30/1919
Bruff, Lester boy M004 30 5/28/1920
Bruff, Nerva Chaplin (Lester) M004 15 5/30/1919
Bryan, Amelia Z. [Garland] M004 90
Bucholz, Elsie M. Murnighan (Walter M.) M004 34 4/14/1 921
Bucholz, Walter M. M004 34 4/14/1 921
Bucknell Harley (letter from London) M004 56 9/14/1918
Bucknell, Albert Lee M004 16
Bucknell, Betsey [Diehl) M004 2
Bucknell, Celestia A. Forbush (Albert L.) M004 83
Bucknell, Celestia Forbush (Albert Lee) M004 16
Bucknell, Clara M. Reed (Fred) M004 49 12/29/1917
Bucknell, Cora A. [Titmusi M004 98 7/1/1 924
Bucknell, Edna M. [Copeland] M004 98 7/1/1 924
Bucknell, Eliza E. [Stobart] M004 94
Bucknell, H. G. (farwell party) M004 99
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Bucknell, H. G. (letter from California) M004 7
Bucknell, H. G. (letter) M004 39 1/29/1919
Bucknell, HenryG. M004 98 7/1/1924
Bucknell, J. R. Rev. M004 19
Bucknell, Lucy M. [Stobarti M004 94
Bucknell, Mary [Allisoni M004 77 1927-10
Bucknell, Mary L. Burden M004 98 7/1/1 924
Bucknell, T. J. (50th anniversary) M004 90
Bucknell, William Mrs. M004 6
Bump, ???? Lewis (George) M004 91 2/2/1 924
Bump, Louisa Augusta [Crofoot] M004 98 6/1 6/1 922
Bunn, Mary Ewing (William) M004 57 9/7/1 921
Burch, Carrie [Sweet] M004 94 6/18/1 923
Burch, Edna Sweet M004 94 6/1 8/1 923
Burden, ???? [Stoddard] M004 63 1/29/1 922
Burden, Frank H. M004 63 1/29/1 922
Burden, Gertrude Lee [Webb] M004 31 2/2/1 921
Burden, M. Celia Palmer (Abram) M004 13 5/13/1919
Burden, Mary L. [Bucknell] M004 98 7/1/1 924
Burgess, Everett M004 57
Burgess, Marguerite Wall (Everett) M004 57
Burkhart, ???? Pulver (E. W.) M004 48
Burkhart, DeEtt Peterson M004 56 7/7/1918
Burlingame, George R. Rev. M004 36
Burlingame, Kate Bird (George R.) M004 36
Burlingame, Katherine Bird (George) M004 51 6/15/1913
Burnett, Frank M004 37
Burnett, Winona A. [Foster] M004 102
Burns, August [Smith] M004 86
Burr, ???? Bainbridge M004 98 12/6/1 922
Burt, Mary Agnes M004 8 12/20/1920
Burt, Mary F. [Lake] M004 60 9/12/1 922
Bush, ???? [Ross] M004 51 3/25/1918
Bush, Beatrice Gannon (Clyde) M004 88
Bush, Charlotte [Smock] M004 13 4/6/1919
Bush, Clyde M004 88
Bush, Effie Durfee (Fred A.) M004 51 3/25/1918
Bush, Fred A. M004 51 3/25/1918
Bush, Jane [Criffenden] M004 13 4/6/1919
Butler, Dolly Love M004 53 11/8/1918
Butler, Dolly Love (Joseph) M004 87 1 1/6/1 923
Butterfield, Lou McCullough M004 36
Cadle, EstherJ. [Garlock] M004 39 1/29/1919
Calkins, Harry G. (pic) M004 8 8/31/1 920
Campbell, C. S. M004 98
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Campbell, Mabelle [Padley] M004 3 1920
Cansfield, William (Howell postmaster) M004 85
Carey, Cora Clark M004 53
Carey, Cora M. Clark (William) M004 5
Carey, Lydia [King] M004 5
Carey, Mary [Curtis] M004 5
Carey, William M004 5
Carpenter, ???? [Smith] M004 21
Carpenter, Florence [Judson] M004 9
Carpenter, Martin L. M004 43
Carpenter, Susan L. Stewart (Martin L,) M004 43
Carpenter, Susan Stewart (Martin) M004 21
Carr, ???? Kirkland (G. A.) M004 99 10/11/1921
Carr, ???? Oesterle (C.) M004 100
Carson, ???? Messenger (Persey) M004 31
Carson, Jessie Mrs. M004 16 6/20/1919
Carter, ???? [Ross] M004 81 3/3/1 924
Carter, Betsey Johnson M004 53
Carter, Frances [Lindsley M004 81 3/3/1 924
Carter, Helen E. [Tenny] M004 81 3/3/1 924
Carter, Jannette Lambie (John) M004 81 3/3/1 924
Casidy, Leslie Barger M004 98 6/1 6/1 922
Caskey, Laura Wainright (William I-I. S.) M004 13 3/6/1919
Caswell, Julia [Merrell] M004 75 7/27/1 925
Cephelius, ???? [Crofoot] M004 54 11/21/1918
Cephelius, ???? [Gehringer] M004 54 11/21/1918
Cephelius, Ernestine Reyhl (Gustave A.) M004 54 11/21/1918
Cephelius, Gustave A. M004 54 11/21/1918
Cephelius, Meta [Piscopink] M004 54 11/21/1918
Chadwick, Elizabeth Mrs. M004 47 1/26/1918
Chamberlain, Mark H. M004 32
Chambers, Fannie Gordon M004 25 1/31/1 920
Chapel, Franc A. [Snedicor] M004 54 11/5/1918
Chaplin, ???? Fields (George) M004 25 1920
Chaplin, Nerva [Bruff] M004 15 5/30/1919
Chase, Mary Diehl M004 2
Childs, Polly B. [Bennett] M004 36
Chipman, Clair (letter from France) M004 8 11/24/1918
Chresley, Dolly Head M004 83
Chubb, Milo (Smock pallbearer) M004 13 4/6/1919
Clark, ???? [Banfield] M004 53
Clark, ???? [Woolman] M004 53
Clark, Ann John (Thomas) M004 53
Clark, Ann Mrs. M004 11
Clark, Cora [Carey] M004 53
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Clark, Cora M. [Carey] M004 5
Clark, Elizabeth [Ellsworthl M004 23 12/4/1 921
Clark, Ethel [Terry] M004 53
Clark, Lewis (killed in France) M004 10 11/16/1918
Clark, Mary [Taylor] M004 53
Clark, Mary Roberts M004 57 12/21/1918
Clark, Nettie [Dow] M004 53
Clark, W. A. (surprise party) M004 60
Clements, ???? [Cox] M004 12
Clements, ???? [Gorton] M004 60 8/21/1921
Clements, ???? [Sharland] M004 60 8/21/1 921
Clements, Ella Louise Smith (Henry H.) M004 12
Clements, Ellen Twilley (John E.) M004 33 4/2/1 920
Clements, Ellen Twilley (John E.) M004 60 8/21/1 921
Clements, Gail H. M004 48 12/29/1917
Clements, Helen White (Gail H.) M004 48 12/29/1917
Clements, John E. M004 58
Clements, John E. M004 60 8/21/1921
Clements, Lydia Papworth (John E.) M004 60 8/21/1921
Clements, Martha [Love] M004 60 8/21/1921
Clements, Sarah [Harrington] M004 60 8/21/1 921
Colby, Esther [Westmoreland] M004 57 3/1 3/1 921
Coleman, Susan [Vines] M004 71 4/9/1 924
Coles, Benjamin M004 98
Coles, Bessie [Redfield] M004 98
Coles, Eva Fewlass M004 16 7/5/1919
Coles, Eva Fewlass M004 32
Coles, Eva Fewlass (Henry J.) M004 21 2/7/1 920
Coles, Eva Fewlass (Henry) M004 24 2/8/1 920
Coles, Eva Fewless M004 55 10/30/1918
Coles, Henry M004 32
Coles, HenryJ, M004 21 2/7/1920
Coles, Louise, Lamburn (Benjamin) M004 98
Collins, Carrie Yournds M004 45
Collins, Henry H. M004 24
Collins, Ruth [Pfau] M004 99 10/25/1 921
Combs, Edna Newell (A. F.) M004 34 8/6/1917
Comiskey, ???? Lavey (F. W.) M004 41
Comiskey, ???? Schmidt (John) M004 44 10/20/1917
Comiskey, ???? Schmidt (John) M004 92 5/1 3/1 923
Commiskey, ???? Farrell (John) M004 54
Commiskey, Ernest M004 99 1/23/1924
Commiskey, Rhea Grant (Ernest) M004 99 1/23/1 924
Conine, ???? Woodworth (William H.) M004 73 3/1 0/1 924
Conklin, Al M004 50
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Conklin, Nellie Loree M004 22
Connors, Frances [Lavey] M004 41
Converse, haG. [Hart] M004 6 11/12/1921
Cook, ???? Woodworth (John T.) M004 73 3/1 0/1 924
Cook, Florence Dempsey M004 5 5/9/1 921
Cooper, ???? Wallace (L. H.) M004 52
Cooper, ???? Wallace (Lewis H.) M004 25
Cooper, A. W. Dr. M004 91
Cooper, A. W. Dr. (50th anniversary) M004 18 10/10/1923
Cooper, Amity Osborn (Aaron W.) M004 82 12/1 7/1 928
Cooper, Amity Osborne (A. W.) M004 17 10/10/1923
Cooper, Amity Osborne (A. W.) M004 91
Cooper, Edna [Wright] M004 18 10/1 0/1 923
Cooper, Edna W. [Wright] M004 91
Copeland, Edna M. Bucknell M004 98 7/1/1 924
Cord, Helen [Kenney] M004 65
Cord, Nina [Stowe] M004 65
Cotton, Hettie Westmoreland M004 57 3/1 3/1 921
Counsel, ???? [Shoemaker] M004 67 1/30/1 924
Counsel, John Mrs. M004 67 1/30/1 924
Courtney, Mary Cummiskey M004 40 10/27/1917
Cowan, Sarah [Forbush] M004 83
Cox, ???? [Earl] M004 76 12/23/1 923
Cox, ???? Clements (Charles) M004 12
Cox, Charles E. M004 76 12/23/1 928
Cox, Stella Smith (Charles E.) M004 76 12/23/1 923
Craig, Mattie Ruel (William) M004 64
Cramer, Louise Bainbridge M004 98 12/6/1 922
Crandal, Tracy M004 57 12/17/1918
Crane, Frank Mrs. M004 49 2/5/1918
Crawford, ???? [Davis] M004 81
Crawford, 7??? [Davis] M004 96
Crawford, 7??? [Decker] M004 45
Crawford, ???? [Downie] M004 53
Crawford, ???? [Hubbell] M004 81
Crawford, ???? [Hubbell] M004 96
Crawford, ???? [Johns] M004 45
Crawford, ???? [St. Claire] M004 96
Crawford, Adehia Johnson (James) M004 96
Crawford, Agnes [Wilson] M004 17
Crawford, Alfred F. M004 7
Crawford, Bertha Marsh M004 70
Crawford, Bertha May Ames (Homer W.) M004 35
Crawford, Emma M004 45
Crawford, Julia Austin M004 68
M004- 11 of 46
Crawford, Mabel [St. Clair] M004 81
Crawford, Mary [Bourns] M004 93 4/1/1 923
Crawford, Sarah J. [Padley] M004 34 10/7/1 904
Crawford, Thomas M004 53
Crittenden, ???? Driver (Joel R.) M004 39
Crittenden, Amelia Driver (Joe) M004 24 11/27/1918
Crittenden, Jane Bush M004 13 4/6/1919
Crittenden, Susan Smith (Wesley W.) M004 5 1/24/1 921
Crofoot, ???? Cephelius (E.) M004 54 11/21/1918
Crofoot, James Edward M004 98 6/16/1 922
Crofoot, Lorain [BidwelIJ M004 13 8/25/1 928
Crofoot, Louisa Augusta Bump (James M004 98 6/1 6/1 922
Croft, ???? [Reed] M004 69 4/22/1 923
Croft, ???? [Smithi M004 69 4/22/1 923
Croft, ???? [Williams] M004 69 4/22/1 923
Croft, Eva M. [Wieand] M004 69 4/22/1 923
Crowe, ???? Austin (George C.) M004 80 3/1 7/1 925
Culver, ???? Qesterle (Henry) M004 100
Culver, Norma [Roche] M004 61 11/18/1921
Cummings, Beatrix Mrs. M004 66
Cummiskey, ???? [Hall] M004 40 10/27/1917
Cummiskey, 7??? [Loree] M004 40 10/27/1917
Cummiskey, Barney M004 40 10/2711917
Cummiskey, Elizabeth [Rubert] M004 100 12/1/1 921
Cummiskey, John M004 98
Cummiskey, Lena Haarer M004 98
Cummiskey, Margaret [Milett] M004 3
Cummiskey, Mary M004 11 2/10/1919
Cummiskey, Mary [Courtney] M004 40 10/27/1917
Cummiskey, Mary Catharine Martin (Barney) M004 40 10/27/1917
Cunningham, Curran M004 26
Curtis, Erva Mrs. M004 73
Curtis, Mary Carey M004 5
Curtis, Ollie [Lasher] M004 51 5/29/1918
Cussans, Minerva Hicks (James) M004 37
Damman, Gladys A. Montague (Henry) M004 66
Damman, Henry C. M004 66
Dammon, Carsteen M004 29
Dammon, Dabelle [Stahmer] M004 102 12/18/1922
Dammon, Mettie Brinkman (Carsteen) M004 29
Daniels, ???? Morgan M004 62
Darlington, ???? West (Rufus) M004 69
David, 7??? Bennett (Otis) M004 42
Davis, ???? Crawford (J. Frank) M004 81
M004- 12 of 46
Davis, ???? Crawford (J. Frank) M004 96
Davis, Howard S. M004 98 6/20/1924
Davis, Maxine Riley M004 98 6/20/1 924
Davis, Sarah E. [Roberts] M004 50
Davis, T. J. M004 37
Dawley, Rhoda Disbrow M004 52 5/4/1918
Day, Delia C. Boyden (Lucius Crandall) M004 32 6/1/1917
Day, Lucius Crandall M004 32 6/1/1917
Dean, Garbella [Musson] M004 37 5/22/1917
Dean, Lydia Caroline Hart (Levi C.) M004 58 3/8/1 921
Decker, ???? Crawford M004 45
Decker, Hattie Haze M004 78 12/28/1 931
DeFreese, Elizabeth [Mealio] M004 20
Delvin, Grace Atkins M004 100
Demerest, ???? [Ward] M004 61 11/27/1 921
Demerest, Bertha B. [Ward] M004 87 11/3/1923
Demerest, Bertha Bell [Wardi M004 83
Demerest, Lintsford B. M004 87 1 1/3/1 923
Demerest, Mary J. Saunders (Lintsford B.) M004 87 1 1/3/1 923
Demerest, Mary Saunders (L. B.) M004 61 11/27/1921
Demerest, Matilda Saunders (Lintsford B.) M004 87 11/3/1 923
Demorest, ???? Krause (Will) M004 38
Dempsey, Florence [Cook] M004 5 5/9/1921
Dempsey, Iva M. [Andrews] M004 5 5/9/1 921
Dempsey, Milton J. M004 5 5/9/1 921
Devine, Lizzie [Smith] M004 51
Devlin, Patrick M004 23 2/25/1 920
Dey, ???? Pacey (C. 0.) M004 55 11/11/1918
Dey, Cecil A. M004 17
Dey, Clifford M004 34 1/29/1917
Dey, Clifford girl M004 6
Dey, Elda Westphal (Cecil A.) M004 17
Dey, George Augustus M004 71
Dey, Hattie Wakefield (Clifford) M004 34 1/29/1917
Dey, Nettie Ball (George Augustus) M004 71
Dey, Nettie C. Ball (George A.) M004 71
Dickerson, Hattie Worthington M004 81
Dickinson, Deborah [Bowers] M004 63 5/7/1 922
Dickinson, Marcelus W. M004 46
Dickinson, Myranda Hail (Marcelus W.) M004 46
Diehl, Adam M004 2
Diehl, Betsey Bucknell (Adam) M004 2
Diehi, Charlotte [Beatty] M004 26
Diehl, Charlotte Openo (Adam) M004 2
M004- 13 of 46
Diehi, Mary [Chase] M004 2
Diehi, Minnie [Holmes] M004 2
Diehl, Nancy [Huriburt] M004 2
Diehl, Sarah [Lou] M004 2
Diehl, W. W. Rev. (pic) M004 43
Dillingham, Leona White (F. H.) M004 89 11/8/1922
Disbrow, Drucilla [Meabon] M004 52 5/4/1918
Disbrow, Rhoda [Dawley] M004 52 5/4/1918
Donaley, Charles M004 102
Donnelly, Anna M. [White] M004 89 11/8/1922
Dormer, Emma Westmoreland M004 57 3/1 3/1 921
Dorrance, Aaron Mrs. M004 23 2/23/1 920
Dorrance, Mrs. M004 9
Dottling, Anna Marrie [Kuehnle] M004 33
Douglass, Amanda Mrs. M004 51 4/17/1918
Dow, Nettle Clark M004 53
Downie, ???? Crawford (James) M004 53
Draper, ???? [Acker] M004 31 1/17/1 921
Draper, Marion Dorothy Munsell (Addison J.) M004 31 1/17/1921
Drew, ???? [Bartlett] M004 27
Drew, ???? [Gilchrist] M004 27
Drew, ???? [Richardson] M004 27
Drew, Emma Barnhart M004 62 3/6/1 922
Drew, Grace [Holt] M004 95 6/6/1923
Drew, Lila [Hoff] M004 95 6/6/1 923
Drew, Mary E. Rockwell (Coral E.) M004 95 6/6/1 923
Drew, Nancy M004 27
Drewery, Ann Padley (Richard) M004 102
Drewry, Ann Padley M004 3 1920
Drewry, Gertrude Mae [Warner] M004 31 9/9/1 920
Driver, ???? [Crittenden] M004 39
Driver, ???? [Jubb] M004 74
Driver, ???? [Jubb] M004 74
Driver, ???? Batram (George) M004 100 1 1/29/1 921
Driver, Amelia [Crittenden] M004 24 11/27/1918
Driver, Belle Wilcox (Thomas W.) M004 74
Driver, Blanche [Durfee] M004 74
Driver, Elizabeth Mariott Owen (Daniel) M004 24 11/27/1918
Driver, Flora M004 39
Driver, Mary [Peterson] M004 24 11/27/1918
Driver, Mary [Peterson] M004 39
Driver, Thomas W. M004 74
Dudley, ???? Woodruff (George) M004 45
Dunbar, Erma Mrs. M004 73
M004- 14 of 46
Durfee, Blanche Driver M004 74
Durfee, Effie [Bush] M004 51 3/25/1918
Dutton, Josephine [Abbott] M004 50 3/17/1918
Earing, Mary Jane Powell M004 6 3/3/1 921
Earl, ???? Cox (W, S.) M004 76 12/23/1 923
Earl, ???? Krause (Bert) M004 38
Eckhart, Dora Glover (Grover C.) M004 26
Eckhart, Grover C. M004 26
Edgar, James W. M004 25 3/31/1 920
Edgar, Leila [Sham] M004 25 3/31/1 920
Edgar, Lennia Gage (James W.) M004 25 3/31/1 920
Edwards, Louisa [Gilbert] M004 28 4/1 2/1 920
Eisele, Charles F. M004 101
Eisele, Martha Newton (Charles F.) M004 101
Elsie, Charlie Mrs. [Gehringer] M004 74 7/4/1 924
Elder, Lucinda [Smith] M004 43 9/11/1 903
Elias, ???? Bourns (M.) M004 69
Elliott, Henry J. M004 22
Elliott, Lillian Hecox (Henry J.) M004 22
Ellis, ???? Smock (Earl) M004 17 8/21/1919
Elisworth, 7??? [Moore] M004 23 12/4/1 921
Ellsworth, Carrie Beebe (Clarence G.) M004 23 12/18/1919
Ellsworth, Carrie Lewis (Clarence G.) M004 23 12/4/1 921
Eilsworth, Clarence G. M004 23 12/4/1 921
Ellsworth, Elizabeth Clark (Clarence G.) M004 23 12/4/1 921
Ellwell, Lyman P. M004 31 3/17/1917
Ellwell, Nellie Witherall (Lyman P.) M004 31 3/17/1917
Elwell, Ida Smith M004 12
Emons, Eva [Rhodes] M004 62 1/30/1 922
Ertz, ???? Schroeder (Peter) M004 55
Estleman, ???? Steiner (C. T.) M004 27 5/6/1 920
Ewald, Mollie Zeitz M004 58
Ewing, Mary [Bunn] M004 57 9/7/1 921
Fairchild, A. N. M004 16 5/25/1919
Farnsworth, Mary M. [Fear] M004 49 2/5/1918
Farrell, ???? [Commiskey] M004 54
Farrell, ???? [McKenna] M004 54
Farrell, Guy C. M004 54
Fassett, Emma [Head] M004 83
Faunce, Alice Thatcher (Clifford W,) M004 76
Faunce, Clifford W. M004 76
Feacher, Theressa Foldenouer (Wilhelm) M004 99 10/27/1 921
Feacher, Wilhelm M004 99 10/27/1 921
Fear, Lois M. Weeks (William E.) M004 100 1/1/1923
Fear, MaryM. Farnsworth (William E.) M004 49 2/5/1918
M004- 15ot46
Fear, Ruth [Malietzke] M004 49 2/5/1918
Fear, William E. M004 100 1/1/1 923
Feeney, ???? Pearson (Thomas) M004 66
Fewlas, George B. M004 16
Fewlas, Mattie Youngs M004 16
Fewlass, ???? [Baker] M004 32
Fewlass, Carrie [Baker] M004 16 7/5/1919
Fewlass, Effie [Baker] M004 16 7/5/1919
Fewlass, Effie [Baker] M004 75 4/4/1926
Fewlass, Eva [Coles] M004 16 7/5/1919
Fewlass, Eva [Coles] M004 21 2/7/1920
Fewlass, Eva [Coles] M004 24 2/8/1920
Fewlass, Eva [Coles] M004 32
Fewlass, Hannah [Smith] M004 16 7/5/1919
Fewlass, Julia [Brown] M004 16 7/5/1919
Fewlass, Levi M004 16 7/5/1919
Fewlass, Nellie Jennette Wainwright (Levi) M004 16 7/5/19 19
Fewless, Carrie [Baker] M004 55 10/30/1918
Fewless, Effie [Baker] M004 55 10/30/1918
Fewless, Eva [Coles] M004 55 10/30/1 918
Fewless, Hannah [Smith] M004 55 10/30/1918
Fewless, Julia [Brown] M004 55 10)30/1918
Fewless, Laura [Brown] M004 55 10/30/1918
Field, Irving M004 1 2/1/1917
Field, Viola [Munsell] M004 79 3/6/1 930
Fields, ???? [Chaplin] M004 25 1920
Fields, ???? [Leedle] M004 76 10/9/1 925
Fields, ???? [Munsell] M004 25 1920
Fields, ???? [Newman] M004 76 10/9/1 925
Fields, ???? [Winegar] M004 25 1920
Fields, Delia E. Robinson (Henry) M004 76 10/9/1 925
Fields, Irene [Mckenzie] M004 76 10/9/1 925
Fields, Mary Ann Prescott (Seth W.) M004 25 1920
Fields, Mary M. [Woodworth] M004 73 3/1 0/1 924
Filkins, Dexter J. M004 35
Filkins, Laura I, Hildebrant (Warren) M004 2 1918-11
Filkins, Warren M004 2 1918-11
Fish, Jennie Henshaw M004 66
Fishbeck, ???? [Smock] M004 99 10/1/1921
Fishbeck, Alice Homer (John M.) M004 99 10/1/1 921
Fishbeck, Alma [Jessup] M004 99 10/1/1 921
Fishbeck, Ida Josephine [Smock] M004 17 8/21/1919
Fishbeck, John M. M004 99 10)1/1 921
Fishbeck, Mary Jane Murray (John M.) M004 99 10/1/1 921
Fishbeck, S. G. M004 23
M004- 16of46
Fishbeck, Wallace M004 47 3/3/1918
Fisher, Anna C. fOrth] M004 47 11/21/1917
Fisk, Mary Elizabeth Hodge (Orrin) M004 38 8/14/1917
Fiske, Carrie E. [Ball] M004 86
Fitch, Dwight M004 99
Fitch, Rachael [Munsell] M004 11 2/24/1919
Foldenauer, Robert M004 38 6/5/1917
Foldenauer, Thressa Redinger (Robert) M004 38 6/5/1917
Foldenouer, Theressa [Feacher] M004 99 10/27/1 921
Foran, Jennie Roche M004 11 2/10/1919
Forbush, Celestia [Bucknell] M004 16
Forbush, Celestia A. [Bucknell] M004 83
Forbush, Sarah Cowan (Henry N.) M004 83
Force, lla Matilda Ward (Wayne D.) M004 65 6/17/1913
Force, Wayne D. M004 65 6/17/1931
Ford, ???? Hedican (James) M004 37 4/28/1917
Forshee, Etta [Jacox] M004 85
Foskett, ???? Murningham M004 58
Foster, ???? [Straith] M004 80
Foster, ???? Miller (Ira) M004 74
Foster, Genevieve Hellinghauser (Haven) M004 94
Foster, Gustave M004 80
Foster, Haven M. M004 94
Foster, James I. M004 102
Foster, M. R. M004 34
Foster, M. R. M004 102
Foster, Mary Ethelyn M004 33 4/22/1 920
Foster, Viola Munsell M004 75 9/26/1 925
Foster, Viola Munsell (M. R.) M004 34
Foster, Wesley M004 7
Foster, Winona a. Burnett M004 102
Foster, Winona Hoyt M004 77 1925-10
Fowler, ???? [Wooden] M004 32
Fowler, ???? White (H. H.) M004 89 1 1/8/1 922
Fowler, Alonzo M004 50
Fowler, Joanna [Palmerton] M004 42
Fowler, Neffie Reed (Silas) M004 32
Fowler, Polly Stewart (Alonzo) M004 50
Fowler, Roy M004 82
Fowler, Silas M004 32
Franck, Helen [Munsell] M004 63 1930
Franz, Lena Ayres M004 22 12/20/1 921
French, ???? Bennett (Otis) M004 42
Frezenfeld, John M004 81
Frisbee, Ethel M. Pfau (Sumner E,) M004 45 12/22/1917
M004- 17 of 46
Frisbee, Sumner E. M004 45 12/22/1917
Frisenfeldt, John M004 81
Fritz, Lura [Wright] M004 84 12/4/1923
Fulkenson, William Mrs. M004 22
Fulkerson, ???? [Alger] M004 38 3/26/1917
Fulkerson, Albert M004 38 3/26/19 17
Fulkerson, Ellen Maul (Albert) M004 38 3/26/1917
Fuller, Eva Roberts M004 57 12/21/1918
Gaffney, Mary M004 51
Gaffney, Thomas M004 38
Gage, Lennia [Edgar] M004 25 3/31/1 920
Gallagher, Mary M004 82
Gamble, ???? [Hale] M004 3
Gamble, ???? [Mendham] M004 85
Gamble, ???? iPadleyl M004 3
Gamble, John M004 85
Gamble, Mary A. Potts (John) M004 85
Gamble, Mary Potts (John) M004 92 4/24/1 924
Gannon, Beatrice [Bush] M004 88
Gardner, 7??? [Hamilton] M004 66
Gardner, A. R. Mrs. M004 66
Garland, ???? [Kellogg] M004 90
Garland, ???? [Moorel M004 90
Garland, ???? Thompson (Clyde) M004 72 9/1 7/1 924
Garland, Adda Monroe (Arthur) M004 90
Garland, Amelia Z. Bryan (Arthur) M004 90
Garland, Anna [Snyder] M004 90
Garland, Arthur M004 90
Garland, Elizabeth Jopson (John Walter) M004 90
Garlock, Cathrine Marie Schoenhals M004 39 8/31/1917
Garlock, Emery A. M004 39 1/29/1919
Garlock, Esther J. CacHe (Emery A.) M004 39 1/29/1919
Garlock, Jessie E. [Baldwin] M004 39 8/31/1917
Gehringer, ???? Cephelius (Henry) M004 54 11/21/1918
Gehringer, Charlie Eisle M004 74 7/4/1 924
Gehringer, Emma Smith (Leonard M004 74 7/4/1 924
Gehringer, Leonard M004 74 7/4/1 924
Gehringer, Phil Mrs. M004 82 1929
Gibson, Belle Stobard M004 94
Gilbert, Eliza [Lewis] M004 91 2/2/1 924
Gilbert, Louisa Edwards (John V.) M004 28 4/1 2/1 920
Gilchrist, ???? Drew (R.) M004 27
Gilkes, Ann [Pacey] M004 55 11/11/1918
Glass, ???? Padley (William) M004 3 1920
M004- 18 of 46
Glendening, ???? Johnson (Harry) M004 74
Glines, Mary Adaline [Payne] M004 99
Glover, Dora [Eckhart] M004 26
Going, Anna [Kent] M004 7 11115/1921
Goodspeed, ???? [Brigham] M004 46 11/22/1917
Goodspeed, ???? [Brown] M004 46 11/22/1917
Goodspeed, ???? [Simmons] M004 46 11/22/1917
Goodspeed, Amelia Bird M004 49
Goodspeed, Amelia Bird (Owen) M004 46 11/22/1917
Gordon, Fannie [Chambers] M004 25 1/31/1 920
Gordon, Mary [Watkins] M004 25 1/31/1 920
Gorton, ???? Beach (Archie) M004 33 4/2/1 920
Gorton, ???? Clements (Archie) M004 60 8/21/1 921
Gorton, Martha E. Paddock (Theodore) M004 67 3/27/1 923
Gott, Ellen Mrs. M004 53
Goudy, Ellen [Scripture] M004 58
Gout, Ella [McCullough] M004 36 3/23/1 907
Gout, Ella [McCullough] M004 36
Govier, William P. M004 33 2/1 5/1 928
Graham, Anna J. [House] M004 59
Graham, Mattie M004 76 12/23/1923
Granger, Sarah M. [Brockway] M004 5 1/25/1921
Grant, Rhea [Commiskey] M004 99 1/23/1 924
Green, ???? Howden (Frank) M004 65
Green, Flora [Austin] M004 5
Greenaway, Sarah Francis Pulver (Henry) M004 48
Greene, ???? Parker(J. W.) M004 51 4/17/1918
Grieve, ???? [Breslin] M004 3 12/1 8/1 920
Grieve, ???? [Sidell] M004 3 12/1 8/1 920
Grieve, Lillian Joy (John J.) M004 3 12/1 8/1 920
Grieves, Charlotte Breslin (John J.) M004 66 1/1 0/1 923
Grieves, John J. M004 66 1/1 0/1 923
Grisson, ???? Woodworth (Lowell S.) M004 73 3/10/1 924
Guinan, Julia Prior M004 73
Gurely, Paul M004 34 4/14/1 921
Gurley, Beatrice Harmon (Paul) M004 34 4/14/1 921
Haarer, Lena [Cummiskey] M004 98
Haas, John (auto accident) M004 27
Hacker, Mary Ann [Huck] M004 94
Hadley, ???? Steiner (S.) M004 27 5/6/1 920
Hadley, Edna Josephine [Steiner] M004 41
Hagman, Max (Smock pallbearer) M004 13 4/6/1919
Hams, Loretta S. Harger M004 14 5/6/1919
Hale, ???? Gamble (William) M004 3
Hall, ???? [Hinckley] M004 58 2/20/1 921
MOO4 19 of 46
Hall, ???? Cummiskey (L. J.) M004 40 10/27/1917
Hall, ???? Merrell (J. M.) M004 75 7/27/1925
Hall, Effie Thayer (Thomas C.) M004 35 9/6/1 921
Hall, Elmira M004 6
Hall, Henry H.Mrs. M004 58 2/20/1 921
Hall, Joseph M004 11
Hall, Minnie VanCamp (Orla) M004 44
Hall, Orla M004 44
Hall, T. C. M004 87 6/23/1 923
Hall, Thomas C. M004 35 9/6/1 921
Haistead, ???? Stewart (0 F.) M004 21
Hamilton, ???? Gardner (Claude M004 66
Hammond, ???? [Thompson] M004 72 9/1 7/1 924
Hand, ???? Austin (G. H.) M004 68
Hand, 7??? Austin (Gilbert W.) M004 61
Harger, Adelia V. [Simpson] M004 14 5/6/1919
Harger, Ella Taylor (Eber) M004 14 5/6/1919
Harger, Loretta S. [Hams] M004 14 5/6/1919
Harmon, Beatrice [Gurley] M004 34 4/14/1 921
Harmon, Julia Maxine M004 59 8/1 7/1 921
Harper, ???? [Sexton] M004 17
Harper, John M004 17
Harrington, Sarah Clements M004 60 8/21/1921
Hart, Ila G. Converse (Lewis) M004 6 1 1/1 2/1 921
Hart, Lewis M004 6 11/12/1921
Hart, Lydia Caroline [Wooden, Dean] M004 58 3/8/1 921
Harvey, Alma Loree M004 22
Harvey, Herbert L. M004 49 1/20/1918
Hath, ???? Krause (William) M004 38
Hath, Gertrude A. [Horwood] M004 12 314/1919
Hatt, Myranda [Dickinson] M004 46
Havens, Cathrine [Bradley] M004 44 3/9/1917
Haywood, David W. (letter from France) M004 31
Haywood, GeorgeW. M004 38 12/10/1911
Haywood, Jennie McWilliams (George W.) M004 38 12/10/1911
Haze, Hattie [Decker] M004 78 12/28/1 931
Haze, Leal [Sigler] M004 78 12/28/1 931
Head, Dolly [Chresley] M004 83
Head, Emma Fassett (Frank) M004 83
Head, Frank M004 83
Hecox, Lillian [Elliott] M004 22
Hecox, Lillian Musson M004 37 5/22/1917
Hedgeland, August Mrs. M004 37 4/28/1917
Hedgeland, Augusta House M004 59
Hedican, ???? [Anderson] M004 37 4/28/19 17
M004- 20 of 46
Hedican, ???? [Ford) M004 37 4/28/1917
Hedican, ???? Steiner (L.) M004 27 5/6/1 920
Hedican, Hester Ann House (George) M004 37 4/28/1917
Heenan, Margaret McDonough (Mark) M004 102
Heenan, Mark M004 102
Heitz, Alice [Beach] M004 61 9/23/1 922
Hellinghauser, Genevieve [Foster) M004 94
Henry, Rose Huck M004 94
Henshaw, Fanny N. Bashford (Joe) M004 66
Henshaw, Jennie R. [Fish] M004 66
Heppard, Elizabeth [Riley] M004 83 1/3/1924
Hickey, ???? [McPherson] M004 99
Hicks, Donald E. M004 28
Hicks, Fanny Mrs. M004 99
Hicks, Mabel Edith Andrews (Donald E.) M004 28
Hicks, Minerva [Cussans, Bird] M004 37
Hildebrant, Laura I. [Filkins] M004 2 1918-11
Hill, Clara Smith M004 12
Hills, Mary [Vines] M004 71 4/9/1 924
Hinckley, ???? Hall (Bert) M004 58 2/20/1 921
Hoag, Delila Mrs. M004 91 2/2/1 924
Hodge, Mary Elizabeth [Fisk] M004 38 8/14/1917
Hodges, Jane [Parish) M004 73
Hodges, Loretta [House] M004 59
Hodges, Loretta [House) M004 73
Hodges, Mary [Loree] M004 73
Hoff, Charles M004 96
Hoff, Lila Drew (Charles) M004 95 6/6/1 923
Holcomb, Josephine Stearns (Seymour) M004 10 1/11/1919
Holmes, Jennie Knoop M004 7 1/5/1 921
Holmes, Minnie Diehi M004 2
Holmes, Sarah [Wakefield] M004 46 8/1/1917
Holt, Grace Drew (WHI) M004 95 6/6/1 923
Holt, Ira E. M004 102 11/23/1921
Hoover, Burr G. M004 34
Hoover, Flossie a. Murnighan (Burr G.) M004 34
Homer, Alice tFishbeck] M004 99 10/1/1 921
Horton, Chester M004 59 9/1 3/1 921
Horton, Ruth Beach (Tracy C.) M004 48 12/19/1917
Horton, Tracy boy M004 51
Horton, Tracy C. M004 48 12/19/1917
Horwood, Gertrude A. Hath (Lee M.) M004 12 3/4/1919
Horwood,LeeM. M004 12 3/4/1919
House, ???? [Thompson) M004 37 4/28/1917
House, Anna J. Graham (Walter Bigelow) M004 59
M004- 21 of 46
House, Augusta [Hedgeland] M004 59
House, Bertha [Westmoreland] M004 81
House, Florence [Redinger] M004 98
House, Hester Ann [Heclican] M004 37 4/28/1917
House, Loretta Hodges M004 73
House, Loreffa Hodges (Sanford) M004 59
House, Sanford M004 59
House, W. B. (surprise party) M004 50
House, Walter Bigelow M004 59
Howden, ???? [Green] M004 65
Howden, Margaret Wallace (John) M004 65
Howlett, 7??? Wilson (L. E.) M004 58 7/5/1 921
Hoyt, Euphemia [Thompson] M004 77 1925-10
Hoyt, Maude [Osterle] M004 77 1925-10
Hoyt, Winoria [Foster] M004 77 1925-10
Hubbell, ???? Crawford M004 96
Hubbell, ???? Crawford (C. 0.) M004 81
Huck, Julia Mountain M004 94
Huck, Mary [Munsell] M004 94
Huck, Mary Ann Hacker (Leonard) M004 94
Huck, Myrtle [Nikols] M004 94
Huck, Rose [Henry] M004 94
Hugger, William Mrs. M004 95 2/4/1 924
Hughes, Sarah [McGuire] M004 82 1929
Hughes, Sarah L. Allison M004 77 1927-10
Hurlburt, Nancy Diehl M004 2
Hutchins, Governor M004 35
Hutson, Elmer Mrs. M004 56
Ireland, ???? [Baird] M004 73 112011923
Ireland, Edith Ward (Ridgely) M004 64
Ireland, Edith Ward (Ridgley Porter) M004 73 1/20/1923
Ireland, Ridgley Porter MOQ4 73 1/20/1 923
Ireland, Susie [Baird] MQO4 64
Itsell, ???? Redinger (Charles, Sr.) M004 24
Jackson, David (80th birthday) M004 30
Jackson, Iva [Rogers] M004 59
Jacobs, ???? Peterson (Homer) M004 56 7/7/1918
Jacox, Anna L. Post (David M.) M004 85
Jacox, Bernice Boettger (Ray) M004 77 10/14/1 927
Jacox, David M. M004 85
Jacox, Earl M004 23
Jacox, Earl M004 62 12/29/1921
Jacox, Etta Forshee (David M.) M004 85
Jacox, Fannie [Bagley] M004 85
Jacox, Ruth Baker (Earl) M004 23
M004- 22of46
Jacox, Ruth Baker (Earl) M004 62 12/29/1 921
James, Florence Ball M004 86
Jameson, Ahaleda M. Tullar (Orlen 0.) M004 6 3/7/1921
Jameson, Orlen 0. M004 6 3/7/1 921
Jaswisk, Lillian Barger M004 98 6/16/1 922
Jeffrey, Mary L. [Westmoreland] M004 35 7/11/1917
Jeffrey, Nora [Westmoreland, Armstrong] M004 101
Jensen, ???? Murningham M004 58
Jessup, Alma Fishbeck M004 99 10/1/1 921
Jewil, ???? Love (Ray) M004 23
Jewll, ???? Love (Ray) M004 53 11/8/1918
Johns, ???? Crawford (G. B.) M004 45
Johnson, ???? [Glendening] M004 74
Johnson, ???? [Sinnock] M004 74
Johnson, ???? Bainbridge M004 98 12/6/1922
Johnson, Adelia [Crawford) M004 96
Johnson, Ann [Clark] M004 53
Johnson, Bessie [Uber] M004 78 1/20/1 921
Johnson, Betsey [Carter] M004 53
Johnson, C. Schuyler M004 26
Johnson, E. K. M004 78 1/20/1929
Johnson, Harriet Wilbur (E. K.) M004 78 1/20/1 929
Johnson, Juliette Phillips (William P.) M004 74
Johnson, Nancy Phillips (William P.) M004 74
Johnson, Ruth [Lemon] M004 78 1/20/1921
Johnson, William P. M004 74
Johnson, William P. (84th birthday) M004 35
Jones, ???? Kenyon (Clinton) M004 7 1/5/1 921
Jones, Elizabeth Redinger (John) M004 24
Jones, Sarah Bird M004 46 11/21/1917
Jopson, Elizabeth [Garland] M004 90
Jordan, Frank (79th birthday) M004 97
Joslin, Fae [Peterson] M004 67
Joy, Lillian [Grieve] M004 3 12/1 8/1 920
Jubb, ???? Driver (Robert) M004 74
Jubb, ???? Driver (William) M004 74
Jubb, Addie Sherman M004 50 1/26/1918
Judson, Florence Carpenter (Charles F.) M004 9
Kane, ???? [Berry] M004 35 2/17/1917
Kane, Michael A. M004 35 2/17/1917
Karker, Coral M004 27
Karker, Monnie Thayer (Coral) M004 27
Kearn Edna B. [King) M004 58
Keating, Catherine [Roche] M004 11 2/10/19 19
Kellogg, ???? Garland (Baldwin) M004 90
M004- 23 of 46
Kellogg, ???? Meabon (Loren) M004 52 5/4/19 18
Kenney, Helene Cord M004 65
Kent, Amanda [Bowers] M004 63 5/7/1 922
Kent, Anna Going (Frank) M004 7 1 1/1 5/1 921
Kenyon, ???? [Jones] M004 7 1/5/1 921
Kenyon, ???? [Simons] M004 7 1/5/1 921
Kenyon, Lula [Watters] M004 7 1/5/1 921
Kern, ???? [King] M004 79 10/2/1 930
Kern, ElmerG. M004 79 10/2/1930
Kern, Gertrude Shafer (Elmer G.) M004 79 10/2/1 930
Kern, Howard E. M004 63
Kern, Martha Lister (George) M004 26 1920
Keyes, ???? [Bennett] M004 1 1896-06-17
Keyes, Mary [Padley] M004 1 1896-06-17
Keyes, Mary [Padley] M004 80 1/30/1 925
Kilpatrick, R. T. Rev. M004 99
Kilpatrick, R. T. Rev. (plc) M004 1
King, ???? Kern (Burr) M004 79 10/2/1 930
King, C. Burr M004 58
King, Catherine Aramantha [Wright] M004 64 8/1 2/1 922
King, Edna B. Kearn (Burr) M004 58
King, Lydia Carey M004 5
King, Mina L. [Kleinsmith] M004 32 8/10/1 920
Kinsman, John M004 51 10/12/1917
Kirk, ???? Brayton (John) M004 57 4/1 5/1 921
Kirkland, ???? [Carr] M004 99 10/11/1921
Kirkland, Fred M004 53
Kirkland, Hannah [Taylor] M004 99 10/11/1921
Kirkland, Lila Mae Pins (Fred) M004 53
Kirkland) Mary [Munsell] M004 45 3/30/1918
Kirkland, Mary [Munsell] M004 99 10/1 1/1 921
Kirkland, Sarah [Ward] M004 11 2/11/1919
Kleinsmith, Mina L. King (Clarence) M004 32 8/1 0/1 920
Kleinsmith,Clarence E. M004 32 8/1 0/1 920
Kline, ???? Redinger (Peter) M004 24
Knecht, J. W. Mrs. M004 68 2/1 9/1 923
Knoop, ???? [Atherton] M004 7 1/5/1 921
Knoop, ???? [Perkins] M004 7 1/5/1 921
Knoop, Jennie [Holmes] M004 7 1/5/1 921
Knoop, John B. M004 7 1/5/1 921
Knoop, Lucy E. Zeeb (John B.) M004 7 1/5/1 921
Knoop, Lucy Zeeb M004 40
Krause, ???? [Bell] M004 38
Krause, ???? [Demorest] M004 38
Krause, ???? [Earl] M004 38
M004- 24 of 46
Krause, 7??? [Hath] M004 38
Krause, John Mrs. M004 38
Krouse, Defolia [Schroeder] M004 55
Kuehnle, Anna Marrie Dottling (Gotleib) M004 33
Kuehnle, Gotleib M004 33
Kuehnle, Henry M004 59
Ladd, ???? Padley (Stanley) M004 80 1/30/1 925
Ladd, David M. (pic) M004 1
Ladd, Josephine St.John (F. R.) M004 45
Ladd, Lucy [Wilbur, Baird] M004 34
Ladd, Stanley M004 84
Ladson, Mary [McCall] M004 94 1921-11
LaFever, ???? Lewis (William) M004 91 2/2/1 924
Lake) ???? [Benjamin] M004 15
Lake, 7??? [Munson] M004 17 9/4/1919
Lake, 7??? Norton (H. F.) M004 68 2/1 9/1 923
Lake, C. T. M004 15
Lake, Frances R. [Munson] M004 60 9/1 2/1 922
Lake, Frances R. [Munson] M004 60 9/1/1 921
Lake, Francis Norton (Henry Freeman) M004 17 9/4/1919
Lake, Henry Freeman M004 17 9/4/1919
Lake, Lillian [Spencer] M004 6
Lake, Mary F. Burt (Rial) M004 60 9/1 2/1 922
Lakin, Sarah [Love] M004 53 11/8/1918
Lambie, Jannette [Carter] M004 81 3/3/1 924
Lamburn. Louise [Coles] M004 98
Lansing, Florence M. [Zeeb] M004 40
Lansing, Frank M. Mrs. M004 23
Lasher, Edwin H. M004 51 5/29/1918
Lasher, OWe Curtis (Edwin H.) M004 51 5/29/1918
Latson, Ruth Elaine M004 102 12/8/1 922
Laughlin, Bell Smith M004 15 - 3/2/1928
Lavey, ???? fComiskey] M004 41
Lavey, ???? [Mahan] M004 41
Lavey, Frances Connors (Patrick) M004 41
Lavey, Jennie Roche M004 61 11/18/1921
Lavey, Patrick M004 41
Learmonth, Lucile Stowe (W. .J.) M004 101
Leary, ???? [Lewis] M004 30
Leary, John B. M004 30
Leary, Lulu Wilsey (Selim A.) M004 1
Leary, Selim A. M004 1
Ledwidge, 7??? Roche (William) M004 61 11/18/1921
Lee, Rosa E. [McPherson] M004 14 5/3/1919
Leedle, ???? Fields (George W.) M004 76 10/9/1 925
M004- 25of46
Lemon, Ruth Johnson M004 78 1/20/1 921
Leonard, Helen S. [McCall] M004 64
Leslie, Charles George M004 99 7/7/1 921
Lewis, ???? [Bump] M004 91 2/2/1 924
Lewis, ???? [LaFever] M004 91 2/2/1 924
Lewis, 7??? Leary M004 30
Lewis, Andrew Jackson M004 75 9/24/1 925
Lewis, Carrie [Ellsworth] M004 23 12/4/1 921
Lewis, Eliza Gilbert (Heman) M004 91 2/2/1 924
Lewis, Harriet [Whited] M004 91 2/2/1 924
Lewis, Heman M004 91 2/2/1 924
Lewis, Mary [Peek] M004 58
Lewis, Mary I Watterworth (Andrew M004 75 9/24/1 925
Lindsley, Frances Carter M004 81 3/3/1 924
Lister, Ann [Munsell] M004 45 3/30/1918
Lister, Martha [Kern] M004 26 1920
Listerman, Clara A. [Avery] M004 63 1/16/1 922
Lockwood, Emma Jean Worthington (Ezra) M004 81
Lockwood, Ezra M004 91
Long, Grace [Stewart] M004 6
Longmate. ???? Stewart M004 73 6/25/1 924
Loree, ???? Cummiskey (James) M004 40 10/27/1917
Loree, Alma [Harvey] M004 22
Loree, Janet McCall M004 94 1921-11
Loree, Katharine [VanGuilder] M004 22
Loree, Katherine Miller (Joseph) M004 22
Loree, Mary Hodges (Isaac W.) M004 73
Loree, Nellie [Conklin] M004 22
Loree, Nettie [Wooden] M004 22
Loft, Sarah Diehi (W. H.) M004 2
Loughlin, Hugh M004 52
Love, ???? [Jewell] M004 23
Love, ???? [Jewell] M004 53 11/8/1918
Love, ???? [Stowe] M004 53 11/8/1918
Love, Angelia [Ward] M004 53 11/8/1918
Love, Angelia [Ward] M004 87 1 1/6/1 923
Love, Dolly [Butler] M004 53 11/8/1918
Love, Dolly [Butler] M004 87 1 1/6/1 923
Love, Grace D. Morgan (Thomas H.) M004 5 8/14/1 921
Love, HenryT. M004 53 11/8/1918
Love, Martha Clements M004 60 8/21/1 921
Love, Mary [Stowe] M004 23
Love, Sarah Laking (Henry T.) M004 53 11/8/1918
M004- 26 of 46
Lawn, Lillian [Balch] M004 10
Ludtke, Chris Mrs (home care). M004 91
Lyon, Esther Parr (Laurence) M004 50 4/21/1918
Lyon, Laurence M004 50 4/21/1918
Lyon, R. J. M004 31 2/1/1917
Lyons, Mary Mrs. M004 27
Lyons, Samuel (80th birthday) M004 94 8/2/1 924
Magill, Elizabeth [Austin] M004 61
Magill, Elizabeth [Austin] M004 68
Malietzke, Ruth Fear (August) M004 49 2/5/1918
Mann, Katherine [Withey] M004 53 11/20/1918
Manypenny, Albert Mrs. M004 28
Marsh, ???? [Bird] M004 70
Marsh, ???? [Bissell] M004 70
Marsh, ???? Saunders (G. A.) M004 61 11/27/1921
Marsh, Bertha [Crawford] M004 70
Marsh, Betsy Brown (Elijah Dana) M004 35
Marsh, Cora [Bird] M004 35
Marsh, Elizabeth Sands (Richard Jackson) M004 35
Marsh, Elizabeth Sands (Richard) M004 70
Marsh, Ida [Bissell] M004 35
Marsh, Richard Jackson M004 35
Marston, Georgia Barger M004 98 6/16/1 922
Martin, Mary Catharine [Cummiskey] M004 40 10/27/1917
Maul, Ellen [Fulkerson] M004 38 3/26/1917
Maycock, ???? Barnhart (Fred) M004 62 3/6/1 922
Maycock, Elizabeth Piscopink (Sherman) M004 75 7/7/1 926
Maycock, Sherman M004 75 7/7/1926
McCall, ???? [Ruggles] M004 94 1921-11
McCall, Helen S. Leonard (Samuel W.) M004 64
McCall, Janet Loree] M004 94 1921-11
McCall, Mary Ladson (Robert) M004 94 1921-11
McCall, Robert M004 94 1921-11
McClear, ???? Roche (Eugene) M004 61 11/18/1921
McComb, Julia [Bidwell] M004 11 2/12/1919
McConn, Alydia May Allison (Grant) M004 77 1927-10
McCormic, ???? Messenger (W. N.) M004 31
McCormick, Bernice Mrs. M004 16 6/20/1919
McCormick, Emma Ward M004 64
McCullough, Barnard M004 36
McCullough, Ella Gout (Barnard) M004 36 3/23/1 907
McCullough, Ella Gout (Barnard) M004 36
McCullough, Florence Bird M004 37
McCullough, Lou [Butterfield] M004 36
McDonough, Margaret [Heenan] M004 102
M004- 27ot46
McGarvah, J. A. Dr. girl M004 6
McGrath, Joseph (letter on camp-meeting) M004 69
McGuire, ???? [Seim] M004 36 2/22/1917
McGuire, Amr Smith (James) M004 82 1929
McGuire, James M004 82 1929
McGuire, Sarah Hughes (James) M004 82 1929
Mclntire, Mary Smith M004 15 3/2/1 928
McKenna, ???? Farrell (George) M004 54
McKenzie, Irene Fields M004 76 10/9/1 925
McKruger, ???? Baird (J. E.) M004 41 3/23/1917
McNulty, ?‘fl? [Allen] M004 17 7/26/1919
McNulty, 7??? Austin (Charles) M004 80 3/1 7/1 925
McNulty, Alice [Stockwell] M004 17 7/26/19 19
MeNulty, Evaline F. Richmond (Thomas B.) M004 17 7/26/1919
McNulty, Sarah Willoughby (Thomas B.) M004 102
McNulty, Thomas B. M004 102
McPherson, ???? Hickey (R. Bruce) M004 99
McPherson, Edward Gregory M004 14 5/3/1919
McPherson, Elizabeth Riddle M004 14 5/3/1919
McPherson, Mary [Browning] M004 14 5/3/1919
McPherson, Rosa E. Lee (Edw. G.) M004 14 5/3/1919
McQuillan, Delores [Welch] M004 83 12/29/1 923
McQuillan, Mary R. [Sheilds] M004 83 12/29/1 923
McWilliams, Jennie [Haywood] M004 38 12/10/1911
Meabon, ???? [Kellogg] M004 52 5/4/1918
Meabon, ???? [Munsell] M004 52 5/4/1918
Meabon, ???? [Watters] M004 52 5/4/1918
Meabon, ???? Britton (James) M004 95 7/7/1 923
Meabon, Drucilla Disbrow (Lafeyette) M004 52 5/4/1918
Meabon, Emma J. [Munsell] M004 75 9/26/1 925
Mealio, Elizabeth DeFreese M004 20
Melendy, Lyman P. M004 55 10/22/1918
Mendham, ???? Gamble (Bert) M004 85
Mendham, ???? Potts (Bert) M004 92 4/24/1 924
Merithew, Julia Salmon (Philander Lathrop) M004 96 2/5/1 924
Merithew, Philander Lathrop M004 96 2/5/1 924
Merrell, ???? [Hall] M004 75 7/27/1 925
Merrell, ???? Messenger (Fred) M004 31
Merrell, Julia Caswell M004 75 7/27/1 925
Merrell, Minnie Mrs. M004 16 6/20/1919
Merrill Alger W. M004 38 8)22/1917
Merrill, Emily L. Brown (Alger W.) M004 38 8/22/1917
Merrill, HerbertW. M004 9 1/27/1919
Merritt, ???? Beebe (George) M004 23 12/18/19 19
Messenger, ???? [Carson] M004 31
M004- 28 of 46
Messenger, 7??? [McCormic] M004 31
Messenger, 7??? [Merrell] M004 31
Messenger, ???? Ward (A. W.) M004 64
Messenger, Albert W. M004 31
Messenger, Amelia Ward (Albert W.) M004 31
Messenger, Jane Esther [Wright] M004 16 6/20/1919
Metcalf, ???? Wheeler (Charles) M004 43
Metz, John boy M004 31
Milett, Margaret [Townsend] M004 3
Milett, Margaret Cummiskey (Patrick H.) M004 3
Milett, Patrick H. M004 3
Miller, ???? [Foster] M004 74
Miller, Ada [Stalker] M004 74
Miller, Alice Stevens (Lloyd) M004 2 11/8/1918
Miller, Bert Mrs. M004 1
Miller, Bertha Allison (Burton) M004 77 1927-10
Miller, Florence Mrs. M004 67
Miller, Katherine [Loree) M004 22
Miller, Lloyd M004 2 11/8/1918
Mitchel, Sarah J. [Moon] M004 30 9/16/1 920
Monroe, 7??? Beach (D. D.) M004 24 3/8/1 920
Monroe, ???? Beach (D. 0.) M004 61 9/23/1 922
Monroe, Adda [Garland] M004 90
Montague, Charlotte [Witty] M004 5 1/21/1 921
Montague, Gladys A. [Damman] MQO4 66
Moon, ???? [Befferly] M004 30 9/16/1 920
Moon, Frank T. M004 30 9/16/1 920
Moon, Frankie [Nichols] M004 30 9/1 6/1 920
Moon, Sarah J. Mitchel (Frank T.) M004 30 9/1 6/1 920
Moore, ???? Ellsworth (Shubal) M004 23 12/4/1 921
Moore, ???? Garland (J. C.) M004 90
Moore, Alice Atkin M004 100
Moore, FrankJ. Mrs. M004 15 3/2/1928
Moore, Harry Mrs. M004 22
Moore, Judge M004 7
Moore, Julia Roberts M004 57 12/21/1918
Morgan, ???? [Daniels] M004 62
Morgan, ???? [VanAmburg] M004 62
Morgan, Electa A. M004 1 1/8/1917
Morgan, Grace 0. [Love] M004 5 8/14/1 921
Morgan, Mary Adeline Sleaford (William C.) M004 62
Mountain, Julia Huck M004 94
Muir, Margaret Mrs. M004 40
Muir, William M004 40
M004- 29 of 46
Mulvaney, Mabel Westmoreland M004 57 3/13/1 921
Munsell, ???? Fields (S. H.) M004 25 1920
Munsell, ???? Meabon (John) M004 52 5/4/1918
Munsell, ???? Wright (Arthur) M004 64 8/12/1922
Munsell, Ann Lister (Gilbert) M004 45 3/30/1918
MunseB, Elwin M004 11 2/24/1919
Munsell, Emma J. Meabon (Johnathean B.) M004 75 9/26/1 925
Munsell, George M004 63 1930
Munsell, Gertrude Mary (memorial) M004 6 2/5/1 920
Munsell, Gertrude Mary M004 21
Munsell, Gilbert M004 45 3/30/1918
Munsell, Hazel Barnard (Laverne) M004 30
Munsell, Helen Franck (George) M004 63 1930
Munsell, ma [Satterla] M004 41 3/20/1917
Munsell, lna [Satterla] M004 79 3/6/1 930
Munsell, J. B. Jr. M004 10
Munsell, Laverne M004 30
Munsell, Marion Dorothy [Draper] M004 31 1/17/1921
Munsell, Mary Huck M004 94
Munsell, Mary Kirkland (Gilbert) M004 45 3/30/1918
Munsell, Mary Kirkland (Gilbert) M004 99 10/11/1921
Munsell, Rachael Fitch (Elwin) M004 11 2/24/1919
Munsell, Silas H. M004 79 3/6/1 930
Munsell, Viola [Foster] M004 34
Munsell, Viola [Foster] M004 75 9/26/1925
Munsell, Viola Field (Silas H.) M004 79 3/6/1 930
Munson, ???? Lake (F. W.) M004 17 9/4/1919
Munson, F. W. (87th birthday) M004 48
Munson, Ferdinand Walker M004 60 9/1/1921
Munson, Frances R. Lake (Ferdinand W,) M004 60 9/1 2/1 922
Munson, Frances R. Lake (Ferdinand M004 60 9/1/1 921
WaIke r)
Munson, Phebe Ann Walker (Samuel S.) M004 60 9/1/1 921
Murnighan, Elsie M. [Bucholz] M004 34 4/14/1921
Murnighan, Flossie A. [Hoover] M004 34
Murningham, ???? [Foskett] M004 58
Murningham, ???? [Jensen] M004 58
Murningham, Ellen M. [Smith] M004 58
Murningham, Francis Mrs. M004 58
Murphy, Nettie Bowen M004 52
Murray, Mary Jane [Fishbeck] M004 99 10/1 /1 921
Musson, ???? [Parker] M004 37 5/22/1917
Musson, Elijah M004 37 5/22/1917
Musson, Garbella Dean (Elijah) M004 37 5/22/1917
M004- 300f46
Musson, Lillian [Hecox] M004 37 5/22/1917
Naylor, Jennie E. [Schroeder] M004 55
Nevendorf, Bertha E. Thayer (Fred C.) M004 87 6/23/1923
Nevendorf, Fred C. M004 87 6/23/1 923
Newell, Anna [Smith] M004 34 8/6/1917
Newell, Edna [Combs] M004 34 8/6/1917
Newell, Warner M004 34 8/6/1917
Newman, ???? Fields (George) M004 76 10/9/1 925
Newsome, Margery [Bird] M004 92
Newton, Genevra L. [Barnes] M004 104 2/14/1918
Newton, Martha [Eisele] M004 101
Newton, Mehitable [Sprague] M004 27 5/20/1 920
Nichols, ???? Scott (S. A.) M004 36
Nichols, ???? Stalker (Bert) M004 74
Nichols, E. S. Mrs. M004 38
Nichols, Edwin S. M004 11
Nichols, Elizabeth S. Smith (Ezekiel S.) M004 88 2/1 9/1 928
Nichols, Frankie Moon (Everett) M004 30 9/16/1 920
Nichols, Lucy R. Sayles (Edwin S.) M004 11
Nichols, Rhoda Jane M004 71 4/1 0/1 924
Nicholson, Ed M004 84
Nikols, Myrtle Huck M004 94
Noble, ???? Armstrong (D. F.) M004 65
Noble, S. Elizabeth [Noble] M004 51 1/11/1918
Noble, S. Elizabeth Noble (Edgar) M004 51 1/11/1918
Nordman, Mary [Sargison] M004 68 3/1 8/1 924
Norton, ???? [Lake] M004 68 2/1 9/1 923
Norton, Francis [Lake] M004 17 9/4/1919
Norton, Helen Sarah M004 68 2/1 9/1 923
Norton, Horace W. Jr. (pic) M004 33
O’Connor, Charles M004 35
Oesterle, ???? [Briggs] M004 100
Oesterle, ???? [Carr] M004 100
Oesterle, ???? [Culver] M004 100
Oesterle, 2??? [Putnam] M004 100
Oesterle, ???? [Rann] M004 100
Oesterle, Charles M004 100
Oesterle, Esenath (Charles) M004 100
Ogden, Matilda Pearson M004 66
Openo, Charlotte [Diehl] M004 2
Orr, 7??? Bird (James) M004 46 11/22/1917
Orth, Anna C. Fisher (John H.) M004 47 11/21/1917
Osborn, Amity [Cooper] M004 82 12/1 7/1 928
Osborn, Lydia Smith M004 82 12/1 7/1 928
Osborne, Alice H. Ball M004 86
M004- 31 of 46
Osborne, Amity [Cooperj M004 17 10/1 1/1 923
Osborne, Amity [Cooper] M004 91
Osterle, Aseneth Peterson (Charley) M004 1 1/24/1917
Osterle, Charley M004 1 1/24/1917
Osterle, Maude Hoyt M004 77 1925-10
Owen, Elizabeth Mariott [Driver] M004 24 11/27/1918
Pacey, ????[Dey] M004 55 11/11/1918
Pacey, Ann Gilkes (Edward) M004 55 11/11/1918
Paddock, Martha E. [Gorton] M004 67 3/27/1 923
Padley Family Reunion M004 88
Padley, ???? [Barrettl M004 34 10/7/1904
Padley, ???? [Glass] M004 3 1920
Padley, ???? [Ladd] M004 80 1/30/1 925
Padley, ???? [Teeple] M004 3
Padley, ???? [Wells] M004 34 10/7/1 904
Padley, ???? Gamble (Henry) M004 3
Padley, Agatha Reynolds (Thomas) M004 2
Padley, Ann [Drewery] M004 102
Padley, Ann [Drewry] M004 3 1920
Padley, Anna M. Smith (Thomas) M004 2
Padley, Ernest M004 84
Padley, Ernest I M004 3 1920
Padley, Florence E. [Barrett] M004 39
Padley, Jabez M004 3 1920
Padley, Mabelle Campbell M004 3 1920
Padley, Martha [Armstrong] M004 2 8/28/1 924
Padley, Martha [Armstrong] M004 2 2/26/1912
Padley, Martha [Armstrong] M004 3 1920
Padley, Martha [Armstrong M004 102
Padley, Mary Keyes (Thomas) M004 80 1/30/1925
Padley, Mary Keys (Thomas) M004 1 1896-06-17
Padley, Sarah J. Crawford (James G.) M004 34 10/7/1 904
Padley, Thomas M004 1 1896-06-17
Padley, Thomas M004 2
Padley, Thomas (trip) M004 96
Padley, Thomas Mrs. M004 93
Page, Aseneth [Smith] M004 12
Palmer, M. Celia [Burdeni M004 13 5/13/1919
Palmerton, Joanna Fowler (George W.) M004 42
Pancake, E, L. M004 63 5/1/1 924
Papworth, ???? Seim (Logan) M004 21 11/22/1919
Papworth, Edna Seim (Logan A.) M004 50
Papworth, Logan A. M004 50
Papworth, Lydia [Clements] M004 60 8/21/1921
Park, MaryJ. [Brayton] M004 57 4/15/1921
M004- 32 of 46
Parker, ???? [Greene] M004 51 4/17/1918
Parker, ???? Musson (C. E.) M004 37 5/22/1917
Parker, ???? Peavy (Harry 0.) M004 62
Parker, Emma [Smith] M004 51 4/17/1918
Parr, Esther [Lyon] M004 50 4/21/1918
Parshall, Sarah Mrs. M004 48
Parsons, Susan [Simpson] M004 75
Payne, Mary Adaline Glines (James) M004 99
Peacott, Emma [Biner] M004 26
Pearson, ???? [Feeney] M004 66
Pearson, Jane Robinson (John) M004 66
Pearson, Josphine A. Birdsall (Massam) M004 62
Pearson, Massam M004 62
Pearson, Matilda [Ogden] M004 66
Pearson, Prudence [Rutherford] M004 62
Pearson, Prudence A. [Rutherford] M004 66
Pearson, William M004 66
Peavy, ???? [Parker] M004 62
Peavy, ???? [Satterla] M004 62
Peavy, Adelbert F. M004 62
Peavy, Rosetta Wilcox (Adelbert F.) M004 62
Peebles, Almira [Britton] M004 95 7/7/1 923
Peek, Christopher Y. M004 58
Peek, Mary Lewis (Christopher Y.) M004 58
Perkins, ???? Knoop (Frank) M004 7 1/5/1 921
Perry, CoraA. [Rochel M004 61 11/18/1921
Peters, Arthur S. M004 39 1899
Peterson, ???? [Jacobs] M004 56 7/7/1918
Peterson, Aseneth [Osterle) M004 1 1/24/1917
Peterson, DeEtt [Burkhart] M004 56 7/7/1918
Peterson, Fae Joslin (Warren) M004 67
Peterson, Freeman C. M004 56 7/7/1918
Peterson, Helen Acker M004 32
Peterson, Helen Virgina M004 57 12/31/1918
Peterson, Jennie [Sharpe] M004 13
Peterson, Mary Driver M004 24 11/27/1918
Peterson, Mary Driver M004 39
Peterson, Warren M004 67
Peterson, Zorady VanGorder (Freeman C.) M004 56 7/7/1918
Pfau, Alfred M004 99 10/25/1 921
Pfau, Ethel M. [Frisbee] M004 45 12/22/1917
Pfau, Ruth Collins (Alfred) M004 99 10/25/1 921
Phillips, ????Atkin (R. H.) M004 100
Phillips, ???? Schmidt (J. J.) M004 44 10/20/1917
M004- 33 of 46
Phillips, ???? Schmidt (Judson) M004 92 5/1 3/1 923
Phillips, Amy [Bourns] M004 44
Phillips, Juliette [Johnson] M004 74
Phillips, Nancy [Johnson] M004 74
Pickett, John N. M004 74
Pingle, Maria S. [Schmidti M004 48 1/29/1918
Piper, ???? White (Albert L. M004 61
Piscopink, Elizabeth [Maycock] M004 75 7/7/1926
Piscopink, Meta Cephelius M004 54 11/21/1918
Pitts, Lila Mae [Kirklandi M004 53
Placeway, Hattie M. [VanWinkle] M004 29 7/20/1 920
Porter, Mary Rubert M004 100 1211/1921
Post, Anna L. [Jacox] M004 85
Post, Mary [Powell] M004 6 3/3/1 921
Potts, ???? [Mendhaml M004 92 4/24/1 924
Potts, ???? Austin (George S.) M004 68
Potts, Mary [Gamble] M004 92 4/24/1 924
Potts, Mary A. [Gamble] M004 85
Potts, Matilda E. M004 90
Powell, Mary Jane [Earing] M004 6 3/3/1 921
Powell, Mary Post (Spencer Wells) M004 6 3/3/1 921
Powell, Spencer Wells M004 6 3/3/1921
Powers, Catherine [Ball] M004 86
Prescott, Mary Ann [Fields] M004 25 1920
Priestly, Richard M004 13 4/2/1919
Prindle, Adoniram Judson M004 83 1/23/1 924
Prindle, Sarah I. Rumsey (Adoniram Judson) M004 83 1/23/1 924
Prine, Mary A. Wallace M004 25
Pringle, Maria Sophia [Schmidt] M004 92 5/1 3/1 923
Printiss, Mattie Ruel (William H.) M004 64
Prior, Josephine [Priori (Philo) M004 73
Prior, Julia [Guinan] M004 73
Pulver, ???? (Burkhart] M004 48
Pulver, Sarah Francis [Brown, Greenaway] M004 48
Putnam, ???? Oesterle (Clyde) M004 100
Queal, ???? Ball (Henry M.) M004 86
Radford, Nancy Mrs. M004 53
Rambo, ???? Stearns (J. B.) M004 10 1/11/1919
Rann, ???? Qesterle M004 100
Rappalye, Mary B. Bird M004 37
Rappleye, Diana Ann Bird (Hannibal W.) M004 100
Rappleye, Hannibal Wordsworth M004 100
Rappleye, Mary Bird (Hannibal W. M004 100
M004- 34 of 46
Rathbun, Fred M004 44
Ratz, Lloyd (Smock pallbearer) M004 13 4/6/1919
Redfield, Bessie Coles M004 98
Redinger, ???? [Itsell] M004 24
Redinger, ???? [Kline] M004 24
Redinger, Arnold M004 1
Redinger, Elizabeth [Jones] M004 24
Redinger, Florence House (Lyle) M004 98
Redinger, Lyle M004 98
Redinger, Thressa [Foldenauer] M004 38 6/5/1917
Reed, ???? [Topping] M004 55
Reed, 7??? Croft (Ed) M004 69 4/22/1 923
Reed, Ariette Wood (Linus) M004 49 12/29/19 17
Reed, Clara M. [Bucknell] M004 49 12/29/1917
Reed, Harriet Steel (Linus) M004 49 12/29/1917
Reed, Hiram E. M004 55
Reed, Huldah Tryon (Linus) M004 49 12/29/1917
Reed, Linus M004 49 12/29/1917
Reed, Nettie [Fowler] M004 32
Reed, Oscar (Smock pallbearer) M004 13 4/6/1919
Reed, Rebecca E. Tubbs (Hiram E.) M004 55
Reed, Seth Rev. (100th birthday) M004 105
Reyhl, Ernestine [Cephelius] M004 54 11/21/1918
Reynolds, Agatha [Padley] M004 2
Rhodes, Eva Emons (Benjamin A.) M004 62 1/30/1 922
Rice, Clara [Sherman] M004 50 1/26/1918
Richardson, ???? Drew (Thomas) M004 27
Richardson, Frances M004 84
Richardson, Henry Mrs. M004 63
Richmond, Evaline F. [McNulty] M004 17 7/26/1919
Richmond, Mrs. M004 57 12/17/1918
Richmond, Samuel Mrs. M004 63
Riddle, Elizabeth [McPherson] M004 14 5/3/1919
Rieckhoff, ???? Sleaford (Fred) M004 31
Rieckhoff, F. C. Mrs. M004 3 11/19/1918
Riley, Elizabeth Heppard (Thomas) M004 83 1/3/1 924
Riley, Maxine [Davis] M004 98 6/20/1 924
Riley, Thomas Rev. M004 83 1/3/1 924
Risdon, Alice J. [Tunnard] M004 84
Risdon, Morna Mae Smith M004 15 3/2/1 928
Roach, Margaret [Smith] M004 6 3/11/1921
Roberts, Albert Eugene M004 57 12/21/1918
Roberts, Codelia Whitlock (George B.) M004 7 3/1 5/1 921
Roberts, Eva [Fuller] M004 57 12/21/1918
Roberts, Julia [Moore] M004 57 12/21/1918
M004- 35of46
Roberts, Lena Belle [Stewart] M004 7 3/1 5/1 921
Roberts, Mary [Clark] M004 57 12/21/1918
Roberts, Mary Vogt (Albert Eugene) M004 57 12/21/1918
Roberts, Matie [White] M004 57 12/21/1918
Roberts, Paul M004 50
Roberts, Sarah E. Davis (Paul) M004 50
Robinson, Delia E. [Fields] M004 76 10/9/1 925
Robinson, Jane [Pearson] M004 66
Roche, ???? [Ledwidge] M004 61 11/18/1921
Roche, ???? [MeClear] M004 61 11/18/1921
Roche, ???? [Shehan] M004 11 2/10/1919
Roche, Catherine Keating (Keyran) M004 11 2/10/1919
Roche, Cora A. Perry (Richard D.) M004 61 1 1/1 8/1 921
Roche, Jennie [Foran] M004 11 2/10/1919
Roche, Jennie [Lavey] M004 61 11/18/1921
Roche, Keyran M004 11 2110/1919
Roche, Norma Culver (Richard D.) M004 61 1 1/1 8/1 921
Roche, Richard 0. M004 61 11118/1921
Rockwefl, Mary E. [Drew] M004 95 6/6/1 923
Rogers, Bessie S. [Seim] M004 21 11/22/1919
Rogers, Bessie S. [Seim] M004 36 9/13/1917
Rogers, Elmer M004 59
Rogers, Iva Jackson (Elmer) M004 59
Rogers, Laura Yarrian (Vernard) M004 35 4/29/1917
Rogers, Vernard M004 35 4/29/1917
Rolfe, Lyman Mrs. M004 37 4/28/1917
Ross, ???? Bush (E. A.) M004 51 3/25/1918
Ross, ???? Carter (E. A.) M004 81 3/3/1 924
Rubert, ???? [Spencer] M004 100 12/1/1 921
Rubert, Elizabeth Cummiskey M004 100 12/1 /1 921
Rubert, Mary [Porter] M004 100 12/1/1921
Rubert, Seth Benjamin M004 100 12/1/1 921
Ruel, Mattie [Printiss, Craig] M004 64
Ruggles, ???? McCall (Fred C.) M004 94 1921-11
Rumsey, Sarah I. [Prindle] M004 83 1/23/1924
Russell, Martha Smith M004 12
Rutherford, ???? Wakely M004 66
Rutherford, Bertha A. [Bottomley] M004 95
Rutherford, Ella [Wakely] M004 39
Rutherford, Prudence A. Pearson (James) M004 66
Rutherford, Prudence Pearson M004 62
Salmon, Julia [Merithew] M004 96 2/5/1924
Sands, ???? [Sherwood] M004 70
Sands, Elizabeth [Marsh] M004 35
Sands, Elizabeth [Marsh] M004 70
M004- 36 of 46
Sanford, ???? Balch M004 10
Sargison, Mary Nordman (William) M004 68 3/1 8/1 924
Sargison, William M004 68 3/1 8/1 924
Satterla, ???? Peavy (Albert) M004 62
Satterla, Glenn H. M004 41 3/20/1917
Satterla, ma Munsell (Glenn H.) M004 41 3/20/1917
Satterla, Ina Munsell (Glenn) M004 79 3/6/1 930
Saunders, ???? [Marsh] M004 61 1 1/27/1 921
Saunders, ???? Ayres (T. T.) M004 22 12/20/1 921
Saunders, Mary [Demerest] M004 61 1 1/27/1 921
Saunders, Mary J. [Demerest] M004 87 11/3/1923
Saunders, Matilda [Demerest] M004 87 11/3/1923
Saunders, Sarah B. Ball M004 86
Sawyer, Addie Winchell (John) M004 70
Sawyer, John M004 70
Sayles, Lucy R. [Nichols] M004 11
Schmidt, ???? [Comiskey] M004 44 10/20/1917
Schmidt, ???? [Comiskey] M004 92 5/1 3/1 923
Schmidt, ???? [Phillips] M004 44 10/20/1917
Schmidt, ???? [Phillips] M004 92 5/1 3/1 923
Schmidt, I Andrew (50th anniversary) M004 44 10/20/1917
Schmidt, John Andrew M004 48 1/29/1 918
Schmidt, Maria S. Pingle (John Andrew) M004 48 1/29/1918
Schmidt, Maria Sophia Pringle (John M004 92 5/1 3/1 923
Schoenhals, Cathrine Marie [Garlock] M004 39 8/31/1917
Schroeder, ???? [BIos] M004 55
Schroeder, ???? [Ertz] M004 55
Schroeder, Defolia Krouse (Fred P.) M004 55
Schroeder, Edith [Winklehaus] M004 55
Schroeder, Fred P. M004 55
Schroeder, Jennie E. Naylor (Fred P.) M004 55
Schwarzkopf, H. F. M004 70
Scott, ???? [Nichols] M004 36
Scott, Hannah (Benjamin) M004 36
Scott, Hannah Woodruff (Benjamin) M004 37 7/23/1917
Scripture, Bert E. M004 58
Scripture, Ellen Goudy (Bert E.) M004 58
Sears, William M004 95
Sebring, Delia Armstrong M004 4
Seim, ????[Papworth] M004 21 11/22/1919
Seim, ???? [Wenk] M004 21 11/22/1919
Seim, ???? McGuire (Andrew) M004 36 2/22/1917
Seim, Bessie Rogers (Joseph) M004 36 9/13/1917
Seim, Bessie S. Rogers (Joseph) M004 21 11/22/1919
M004- 37of46
Seim, Edna [Papworth] M004 50
Seim, Joseph M004 36 9/13/1917
Sexton, ???? Harper(W. K.) M004 17
Shafer, Gertrude [Kern] M004 79 10/2/1 930
Sham, Leila Edgar M004 25 3/31/1 920
Sharland, ???? Clements (Walter) M004 60 8/21/1921
Sharpe, ???? White (Thomas Jr.) M004 89 11/8/1922
Sharpe, E. Alma (pic) M004 8 8/31/1 920
Sharpe, Jennie Peterson (William) M004 13
Sharpe, William M004 13
Shehan,????Roche M004 11 2/10/1919
Sherman, ???? Thompson (Jerome A.) M004 50 1/26/1918
Sherman, Addie [Jubb] M004 50 1/26/1918
Sherman, Clara Rice (Jerome A.) M004 50 1/26/1918
Sherman, Jerome A. M004 50 1/26/1918
Sherwood, ???? Sands (William) M004 70
Shields, ???? Barger (Laurier) M004 98 6/1 6/1 922
Shields, Francis J. M004 83 12/29/1 923
Shields, Mary R. McQuillan (Francis J.) M004 83 12/29/1 923
Shoemaker, ???? Counsel (Bert) M004 67 1/30/1 924
Shubery, ???? Barger (Theo.) M004 98 6/16/1 922
Sidell, 7??? Grieve (Sam) M004 3 12/1 8/1 920
Sidell, Will Mrs. (social) M004 28
Sigler, Leal Haze (H. F.) M004 78 12/28/1 931
Simmons, ???? Goodspeed (Williams) M004 46 11/22/1917
Simons, ???? Kenyon (Joe) M004 7 1/5/1921
Simpson, Adelia V. Harger (William) M004 14 5/6/1919
Simpson, Bertha M. [Steiner] M004 14 5/6/1919
Simpson, Effie G. [Thayer] M004 14 5/6/1919
Simpson, Hattie Mrs. M004 46
Simpson, Isaac J. M004 75
Simpson, Susan Parsons (Isaac J.) M004 75
Simrall, Madge VanWinkle (Lapsley) M004 30 7/20/1920
Sims, ???? Wilcox (John) M004 31
Sinnock, ???? Johnson (John) M004 74
Skarritt, ???? Beatty (Chester) M004 26
Skeman, Ella [Bennett] M004 28
Slates, Benjamin Mrs. M004 51 3/25/1918
Sleaford, ???? [Rieckhoffl M004 31
Sleaford, Mary Adeline [Morgan] M004 62
Sleaford, W. M. Mrs. M004 31
Sleeth, ???? Austin (Frank) M004 68
Smith, ???? Alexander (Floyd) M004 76 2/16/1927
Smith, ???? Alexander (Fred) M004 76 2/16/1927
Smith, ???? Carpenter (R. B.) M004 21
M004- 38 of 46
Smith, 7??? Croft (Horace H.) M004 69 4/22/1 923
Smith, Agnes H. Bakewel (Frank P.) M004 15 3/2/1 928
Smith, Alice [Stowe] M004 15 3/2/1 928
Smith, Amr [McGuire] M004 82 1929
Smith, Anna M. [Padley] M004 2
Smith, Anna Newell (W. G,) M004 34 8/6/1917
Smith, Asenath Page (William H.) M004 12
Smith, August Burns (R. C.) M004 86
Smith, Bailey B. M004 74 2/1 9/1 928
Smith, Bell [Laughlin] M004 15 3/2/1 928
Smith, Clara [Hill] M004 12
Smith, Elizabeth S. INichols] M004 88 2/1 9/1 928
Smith, Ella Louise [Clements] M004 12
Smith, Ellen M. Murningham M004 58
Smith, Emma [Gehringer] M004 74 7/4/1 924
Smith, Emma Parker (R. C.) M004 51 4/17/1918
Smith, Emogene [Allison] M004 77 1927-10
Smith, Frank P. M004 15 3/2/1 928
Smith, Hannah Fewlass M004 16 7/5/1919
Smith, Hannah Fewless (Phillip) M004 55 10/30/1918
Smith, Ida [ElwelI] M004 12
Smith, Joseph M004 43 9/11/1903
Smith, Kate A. [Stowe] M004 101
Smith, Lizzie Devine (Hilliard) M004 51
Smith, Lucinda Elder (Joseph) M004 43 9/11/1903
Smith, Lydia [Osborn] M004 82 12/1 7/1 928
Smith, Margaret Roach M004 6 3/11/1 921
Smith, Martha [Russell] M004 12
Smith, Mary [Mclntire] M004 15 3/2/1 928
Smith, Minnie [Barber] M004 12
Smith, Morna Mae [Risdon] M004 15 3/2/1 928
Smith, Nellie [West] M004 58 7/2/1 921
Smith, R. C. M004 86
Smith, Rachel E. Beach M004 42 11/8/1918
Smith, Russell D. M004 67
Smith, Stella [Cox] M004 76 12/23/1928
Smith, Susan [Crittenden] M004 5 1/24/1 921
Smock, ???? [Ellis] M004 17 8/21/1919
Smock, ???? Fishbeck (Frank) M004 99 10/1 /1 921
Smock, Charlotte Bush (Mark S.) M004 13 4/6/1919
Smock, Cora Worthington M004 81
Smock, Ida Josephine Fishbeck (Frank R.) M004 17 8/21/1919
Smock, Lydia [Austin] M004 13 4/6/1919
Smock, Mark M004 12
M004- 39 of 46
Smock, Mark S. M004 13 4/6/1919
Snedicor, Franc A. Chapel (William N.) M004 54 11/5/1918
Snedicor, William N. M004 54 11/5/1918
Snyder, Anna Garland M004 90
Spencer, ???? [Stark] M004 6
Spencer, ???? Rubert (William McPherson) M004 100 12/1/1 921
Spencer, James P. M004 6
Spencer, Lillian Lake (James P.) M004 6
Sprague, Harriet [Avery] M004 27 5/20/1920
Sprague, Harriet [Avery] M004 40 5/4/19 17
Sprague, Mehitable Newton (David) M004 27 5/20/1 920
St. Clair, Mabel Crawford (Walter Hall) M004 81
St. Claire, ???? Crawford (Walter) M004 96
St. John, Josephine [Ladd] M004 45
Stahmer, Carl M004 102 12/18/1922
Stahmer, Dabelle Dammon (Carl) M004 102 12/1 8/1 922
Stalker, ???? [Bradley] M004 74
Stalker, ???? [Nichols] M004 74
Stalker, Ada Miller (Allie) M004 74
Stanley, James K. Mrs. M004 66
Stark, ???? Spencer (Will) M004 6
Starr, ???? Armstrong (A. 0.) M004 4
Stearns, ???? [Rambo] M004 10 1/11/1919
Stearns, Catherine [Bennett] M004 49 5/11/1918
Stearns, Josephine [Holcomb] M004 10 1/11/1919
Steel, Harriet [Reed] M004 49 12/29/1917
Steiner, ???? [Estlemani M004 27 5/6/1 920
Steiner, ???? [Hadley] M004 27 5/6/1 920
Steiner, ???? [Hedican] M004 27 5/6/1 920
Steiner, ???? [Wimbles] M004 27 5/6/1 920
Steiner, Bertha M. Simpson M004 14 5/6/1919
Steiner, Edna Josephine Hadley (Fred) M004 41
Steiner, Otto R. M004 27 5/6/1 920
Stephens, J. W. M004 69 4/14/1 924
Stephens, Mary Weber(J. W.) M004 88 2/17/1928
Stevens, Alice [Miller] M004 2 11/8/1918
Stewart, ???? [Halstead] M004 21
Stewart, ???? [Longmate] M004 73 6/25/1924
Stewart, Foster M004 73 6/25/1924
Stewart, Grace Long (Harry F.) M004 6
Stewart, Harriette B. White (Foster) M004 73 6/25/1 924
Stewart, Harry F. M004 6
Stewart, Lena Belle Roberts (Byron) M004 7 3/15/1921
Stewart, Polly [Fowler] M004 50
M004- 400146
Stewart, Susan [Carpenter] M004 21
Stewart, Susan L. [Carpenter] M004 43
Stiles, Amelia [Wallace) M004 25
Stiles, Amelia [Wallace] M004 52
Stobard, Belle [Gibson] M004 94
Stobard, Eliza E. Bucknell (John) M004 94
Stobard, John (87th birthday) M004 30
Stobart, John M004 94
Stobart, Lucy M. Bucknell (John) M004 94
Stockwell, Alice McNulty M004 17 7/26/1919
Stoddard, ???? Burden (William) M004 63 1/29/1 922
Stowe, ???? Love (Orla) M004 53 11/8/1918
Stowe, Alice Smith M004 15 3/2/1928
Stowe, Asel M004 65
Stowe, Eugene A. M004 101
Stowe, Kate A. Smith (Eugene A.) M004 101
Stowe, Lucile [Learmonth] M004 101
Stowe, Mary Love (Orla) M004 23
Stowe, Nina Cord (Asel) M004 65
Straith, ???? Foster (Ovid) M004 80
Swann, Esbon A. M004 67
Sweet, Carrie Burch (Cyrus) M004 94 6/1 8/1 923
Sweet, Edna [Burch] M004 94 6/1 8/1 923
Swift, Lucy [Bourns] M004 93 4/1/1 923
Switzer, Richard M004 99 12/6/1921
Taylor, Ella [Harger] M004 14 5/6/1919
Taylor, Hannah Kirkland M004 99 10/11/1921
Taylor, Mary Clark M004 53
Teeple, ???? Padley (Charles) M004 3
Teeple, Lois M004 3
Tenny, Helen E. Carter M004 81 3/3/1 924
Terry, Ethel Clark M004 53
Thatcher, Alice [Faunce] M004 76
Thayer, Bertha E. [Nevendorfi M004 87 6/23/1 923
Thayer, Effie [Halli M004 35 9/6/1 921
Thayer, Effie G. Simpson M004 14 5/6/1919
Thayer, Eva [Alexander] M004 76 2/16/1927
Thayer, Monnie [Karker] M004 27
Thompson, ???? [Garland) M004 72 9/1 7/1 924
Thompson, ???? Hammond (Albert D.) M004 72 9/1 7/1 924
Thompson, ???? House (H. W.) M004 37 4/28/1917
Thompson, Euphemia Hoyt (Samuel W.) M004 77 1925-10
Thompson, Morris Mrs. [Sherman] M004 50 1/26/1918
Thompson, Ray W. (killed in France) M004 9 10/1/1918
Thompson, Rose [Browni M004 72 9/17/1 924
M004- 41 of 46
Titmus, Cora A. Bucknell M004 98 7/1/1 924
Topping, ???? Reed M004 55
Townsend, Charles E. M004 91
Townsend, Margaret Milett M004 3
Trombley, ???? White (John) M004 89 11/8/1922
Tryon, Huldah [Reed] M004 49 12/29/1917
Tubbs, Rebecca E. [Reed] M004 55
Tullar, Ahaleda M. [Jameson] M004 6 3/7/1 921
Tunnard, Alice J. Risdon (William J.) M004 84
Tunnard, Joseph (60th anniversary) M004 98 5/1 5/1 922
Tupper, Jessie [Wilcox] M004 31 1/5/1 921
Turner, Ellen E. M004 84
Twilley, Anna [Wilkinson] M004 54 1918
Twilley, Ellen [Beach, Clements] M004 33 4/2/1 920
Twilley, Ellen [Beach, Clements] M004 60 8/21/1921
Uber, Bessie Johnson (Paul) M004 78 1/20/1 921
VanAmburg, ???? Morgan (Charles) M004 62
VanCamp, Minnie [Hall] M004 44
VanGorder, Clyde M004 27 7/14/1920
VanGorder, Edna M. Ward (Clyde) M004 27 7/14/1 920
VanGorder, Zorady [Peterson] M004 56 7/7/1918
VanGuilder, Katharine Loree M004 22
VanHorn, Mrs. M004 48
VanSice, Nellie M004 23
VanWinkle, Hattie M. Placeway (William P.) M004 29 7/20/1 920
VanWinkle, Madge [Simrall] M004 30 7/20/1 920
VanWinkle, William P. M004 29 7/20/1 920
VanWinkle, William P. M004 30 7/20/1 920
Vealey, Andrew J. M004 87 10/25/1 923
Vines, Mary Hills (John) M004 71 4/9/1 924
Vines, Susan Coleman (Wesley M.) M004 71 4/9/1 924
Vines, Wesley M. M004 71 4/9/1 924
Vogt, John (ambulance) M004 91
Vogt, Mary [Roberts] M004 57 12/21/1918
Wainright, Laura [Caskey] M004 13 3/6/1919
Wainwright, Nellie Jennette [Fewlass] M004 16 7/5/1919
Wakefield, Hattie [Dey] M004 34 1/29/1917
Wakefield, Robert R. M004 46 8/1/1917
Wakefield, Sarah Holmes (Robert R.) M004 46 8/1/1917
Wakely, ???? Rutherford M004 66
Wakely, Ella Rutherford (William Wilson) M004 39
Wakely, Will M004 95
Wakely, William Wilson M004 39
Walker, Phebe Ann [Munson] M004 60 9/1/1921
M004- 42 of 46
Wall, Marguerite [Burgess] M004 57
Wallace, ???? [Cooper] M004 25
Wallace, ???? [Cooper] M004 52
Wallace, Amelia Stiles (John) M004 25
Wallace, Amelia Stiles (John) M004 52
Wallace, Elizabeth [Beatty] M004 26
Wallace, John M004 52
Wallace, Margaret [Howden] M004 65
Wallace, Mary A. [Prine] M004 25
Ward, ???? [Messenger] M004 64
Ward, ???? Demerest (Hugh) M004 61 11/27/1921
Ward, Amelia [Messenger] M004 31
Ward, Angelia Love M004 53 11/8/1918
Ward, Angelia Love M004 87 11/6/1923
Ward, Bertha B. Demerest (Hugh) M004 87 11/3/1 923
Ward, Bertha Bell Demerest (Hugh) M004 83
Ward, Edith [Ireland] M004 64
Ward, Edith [Ireland] M004 73 1/20/1 923
Ward, Edna M. [VanGorder] M004 27 7/14/1 920
Ward, Emma [McCormick] M004 64
Ward, Ila Matilda [Force] M004 65 6/1 7/1 931
Ward, Maude [Wilkinson] M004 11 2/11/1919
Ward, Sarah Kirkland (Albert F.) M004 11 2/11/1919
Warner, Gertrude Mae Drewry M004 31 9/9/1 920
Warner, WilburW. M004 31 9/9/1920
Warren, ???? Wright (Stanley) M004 84 12/4/1 923
Washburn, Charles M004 12
Watkins, ???? [Woodruff] M004 25 1/31/1920
Watkins, Mary Gordon (James J.) M004 25 1/31/1 920
Watters, ???? Meabon (David) M004 52 5/4/1918
Watters, Frank C. Rev. (pic) M004 1
Watters, Helen M004 45
Watters, LuIa Kenyon (Russell) M004 7 1/5/1 921
Watterworth, Mary J. [Lewis] M004 75 9/24/1 925
Webb, George W. M004 31 2/2/1 921
Webb, Gertrude Lee Burden (George W.) M004 31 2/2/1 921
Weber, Mary [Stephens] M004 88 2/1 7/1 928
Weeks, Lois M. [Fear] M004 100 1/1/1 923
Wehenes, Amy M004 50 4/21/1918
Welch, Delores McQuillan M004 83 12/29/1 923
Wells, ???? Armstrong (Harry) M004 65
Wells, ???? Padley (R. S.) M004 34 10/7/1 904
Wenk, ???? Seim (UhI) M004 21 11/22/1919
Wenk, Flora Helmaine M004 42
West, ???? [Darlington] M004 69
M004- 43 of 46
West, Arthel L. M004 58 7/2/1 921
West, Myron M004 69
West, Nellie Smith (Arthel L.) M004 58 7/2/1 921
Westmoreland, Bertha House (John) M004 81
Westmareland, Emma [Dormer] M004 57 3/1 3/1 921
Westmoreland, Esther Colby (Frank H.) M004 57 3/1 3/1 921
Westmoreland, Frank H. M004 57 3/1 3/1 921
Westmoreland, Hettie [Cotton] M004 57 3/1 3/1 921
Westmoreland, John M004 81
Westmoreland, Mabel [Mulvaney] M004 57 3/13/1921
Westmoreland, Mary L. Jeffrey (Thomas) M004 35 7/11/1917
Westmoreland, Nora [Armstrong] M004 3 10/22/1919
Westmoreland, Nora [Armstrong] M004 34
Westmoreland, Nora Jeffrey (Thomas) M004 101
Westmoreland, Thomas M004 35 7/11/1917
Westphal, Elda [Dey] M004 17
Wheeler, ???? [Metcalf] M004 43
Wheeler, Lucy Angel (Harry P.) M004 43
White, ???? [Fowler] M004 89 11/8/1922
White, ???? [Piperj M004 61
White, ???? [Sharpe] M004 89 11/8/1 922
White, ???? [Trombley] M004 89 11/8/1922
White, Anna M. Donnelly (Henry W.) M004 89 11/8/1922
White, Harriette B. [Stewart] M004 73 6/25/1 924
White, Helen [Clements] M004 48 12/29/1917
White, HenryW. M004 89 11/8/1922
White, Leona [Dillingham] M004 89 11/8/1922
White, Matie Roberts M004 57 12/21/1918
Whited, Harried Lewis M004 91 2/2/1 924
Whitlock, Codelia [Roberts] M004 7 3/15/1921
Whitmore, Ada Bird M004 37
Whitmore, Ada M. Bird (Eugene) M004 1
Whitmore, Eugene M004 1
Wieand, Eva M. Croft (Dexter N.) M004 69 4/22/1 923
Wieand, Lucile [Beurmann] M004 69 4/22/1 923
Wilber, Lucy [Baird] MQD4 41 3/23/1917
Wilbur, Harriet [Johnson] M004 78 1/20/1 929
Wilcox, ???? [Sims] M004 31
Wilcox, Belle [Driver] M004 74
Wilcox, Jessie Tupper (Mott) M004 31 1/5/1 921
Wilcox, Matilda M. [Abbott] M004 31
Wilcox, Mon M004 31 1/5/1921
Wilcox, Rosetta [Peavy] M004 62
Wilkinson, Anna Twilley (Charles) M004 54 1918
Wilkinson, Maude Ward M004 11 2/11/1919
M004- 44 of 46
Williams, ???? Croft (John) M004 69 4/22/1923
Williams, Jessie Mrs. M004 102
Willoughby, Sarah [McNulty] M004 102
Wilsey, Lulu [Leary] M004 1
Wilson, ???? [Howlett] M004 58 7/5/1921
Wilson, Agnes Crawford (Alex. C.) M004 17
Wilson, Albert M004 58 7/5/1 921
Wilson, Alex. C. Rev. M004 17
Wilson, Amanda [Acker] M004 32
Wiltse, Norman C. M004 37 9/15/1917
Wimbles, ???? Steiner (C. S.) M004 27 5/6/1 920
Winchell, Addie [Sawyer] M004 70
Winchell, Alice [Bowen] M004 32
Winegar, ???? Fields (Gilbert) M004 25 1920
Winklehause, Edith Schroeder (Henry) M004 55
Witherall, Nellie [ElIwell] M004 31 3/17/1917
Withey, J. E. Rev. M004 53 11/20/1918
Withey, Katherine Mann (J. E.) M004 53 11/20/1918
Witty, Charlotte Montague (Wesley J.) M004 5 1/21/1921
Wood, Ariette [Reed] M004 49 12/29/1917
Wood, W. H. S. (Howell postmaster) M004 85
Wooden, ???? Fowler (Descum) M004 32
Wooden, Lydia Caroline Hart (James) M004 58 3/8/1 921
Wooden, Nettie Loree M004 22
Woodruff, ???? [Dudley] M004 45
Woodruff, ???? Watkins (Ralph) M004 25 1/31/1 920
Woodruff, Hannah [Scoff] M004 37 7/23/1917
Woodruff, Susan M004 45
Woodworth, ???? [Conine] M004 73 3/1 0/1 924
Woodworth, ???? [Cook] M004 73 3/1 0/1 924
Woodworth, ???? [Grisson] M004 73 3/10/1924
Woodworth, John Spencer M004 73 3/1 0/1 924
Woodworth, Mary M. Fields (John Spencer) M004 73 3/1 0/1 924
Woolman, ???? Clark M004 53
Wooton, Mary Austin M004 68
Worthington, Cora [Smock] M004 81
Worthington, Emma Jean [Lockwood] M004 81
Worthington, Hattie [Dickerson] M004 81
Worthington, Minnie Mrs. M004 67
Wright, ???? [Munsell] M004 64 8/1 2/1 922
Wright, ???? [Warren] M004 84 12/4/1 923
Wright, Catherine Aramantha King (George) M004 64 8/1 2/1 922
Wright, Edna Cooper M004 18 10/1 0/1 923
M004- 45 of 46
Wright, Edna W. Cooper M004 91
Wright, George M004 21
Wright, George M004 33 1930
Wright, Jane Esther Messenger (Daniel) M004 16 6/20/1919
Wright, Lemuel W. M004 71 4/9/1 924
Wright, Lulu M. [Biner] M004 62
Wright, Lura Fritz (Richard) M004 84 12/4/1 923
Wright, Richard E. M004 84 12/4/1 923
Wruck, Otto (Smock pallbearer) M004 13 4/6/1919
Yarrian, Laura [Rogers] M004 35 4/29/1917
Youngs, Mattie [Fewlas] M004 16
Yournds, Carrie [Collins] M004 45
Yournds, Charles Mrs. M004 45
Zeeb, Christian M004 40
Zeeb, Florence M. Lansing (Christian) M004 40
Zeeb, Lucy [Knoop] M004 40
Zeeb, Lucy E. [Knoop] M004 7 1/5/1 921
Zeitz, Elizabeth Mrs. M004 58
Zeitz, Mollie [Ewald] M004 58
Chester Clark Collection
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Chester Clark Collection, “M004 Obituaries Book,” Howell Area Archives Digital Archive, accessed December 6, 2024, https://archives.howelllibrary.org/items/show/95.