M005 Obituaries Book
M005 Obituaries Book
Contains obituaries, marriages and articles.
1st Nat'l Bank Plan Approved M005 064
A Cheerful Command by Bill Hodge M005 030 1934
A Confession by Bill Hodge M005 147
A Country Dog's Reaction to Life in the City M005 029
A Lady's Conversation Overheard M005 151
A Little Boy's Idea of a Policeman M005 025
A Politician's Promise at election Time M005 031 1934
A Quotation M005 024
A Sphinx Talks Gehringer M005 077 1934
Acker - Niemeyer vows M005 049 1933
Acker, Dorothy engagement M005 037 1932
Acker, Dorothy engagement M005 048
Adams, Chas P M005 092 1934
Adams, Chas P M005 103 1934
Adams, Earl M005 120 1934
Adams, James M005 105 1935
Allbright, James H. M005 005
Allen-Lockwood vows M005 076 1933
Allen-Wheeler vows M005 038 1932
Allison, James M005 038 1932
Andersen, Rasmus M005 085 1934
Anderson, Mrs. Fred J M005 071 1934
Argentine dam M005 094 1934
Armstrong Bros M005 106 1934
Armstrong Brothers M005 099 1934
Armstrong brothers win at show M005 018
Armstrong brothers win at show M005 039 1932
Armstrong, Glenn M005 093 1934
Armstrong, John H M005 061 1933
Arnold, Ervin M005 074 1934
Back of the Fair M005 149
Baldwin, Carey M005 080 1934
Baldwin, Cary M005 130b
Baldwin, Cary M005 143
Baldwin, Mary M005 080 1934
Barrett, James M005 117 1935
Barrett, James David Jr M005 127 1935
Batcheler-Wiltse vows M005 130b 1935
Beck, Mrs. Roy M005 061 1933
Beebe, Mrs. A. J. M005 098 1934
Bender, Mrs. Frank M005 118 1935
Benjamin - Coon vows M005 065 1934
Benjamin - Hankinson vows M005 037 1932
Benjamin, Dorothy - Haist, Wilbur vows M005 015
Benjamin, Ernest M005 070 1934
Benjamin, Ray M005 124 1935
Benjamin-Munsell vows M005 128 1935
Bessert, Ella M005 131 1935
Bessert, Ella Marie - Matthiesen, Leon J vows M005 017
Bessert-Smith vows M005 099 1934
Beurmann, Wm Henry M005 046 1933
Bignell, Mrs. S. L. M005 088 1934
Birdsall, Edward M005 116 1935
Birdsall, Edward M005 125 1935
Blackmer, Mrs. D. M. M005 121 1935
Blank, H. T M005 135
Bolander, C. L. M005 127 1935
Bolander, Clarence L M005 116
Bommarito, Thomas M005 001 1935
Bommarito, Thomas M005 006 1936
Bommarito, Thomas M005 017 1936
Bowdish, Wanna M005 119 1934
Bradley, John Milton M005 032 1932
Bradley, Mrs. J. M. M005 033 1932
Brady, Justin infant M005 082 1934
Breslin, James H M005 004 1935
Briggs, Ilah Mae M005 144
Brighton Centennial Homecoming M005 099 1934
Brighton Post Office Robbed M005 104 1934
Brough, Mary - Lemen, W. Edward vows M005 008
Brown, Robert M005 121 1935
Browne, Dr. J. E. M005 052 1933
Bucholz, Mrs. Walter M005 119 1935
Buckley, Inez - Hillman, Fred vows M005 006
Bullis, Mary M005 007
Bunn, Kenneth C M005 058 1933
Bunn-Tomion vows M005 038 1932
Burroughs, Charles M005 128 1935
Bush, Miranda M005 124 1935
Byerly food store M005 057
Calkins, Freely M005 095 1934
Calling Hubby's Bluff by Bill Hodge M005 154
Canfield - Bowman vows M005 042 1933
Canfield, William H M005 069 1934
Carpp, Mr. M005 062 1934
Carpp, Mr. M005 074 1934
Carr, Mary M005 130b 1935
Casady, Irene M005 088 1934
Casady-Wilson vows M005 097 1934
Casey at the Bat M005 151
Catholic Church Locey Building M005 120 1935
Cavanaugh-Gallop vows M005 142
Chaffee, Mrs. Alonzo M005 040 1931
Champions M005 029b
Chase, Lilah M005 130a 1935
Chase-Larson vows M005 130a 1935
Clark-Milett vows M005 097 1934
Coach Yost Discusses a Good Loser M005 019
Cobley, Wilbur M005 088 1934
Cole, A. E. M005 039 1932
Cole, Judge Arthur E M005 117 1934
Cole, Mrs. A. E. M005 055 1933
Coleman, Silas M005 004 1935
Coles, John F M005 122 1935
Coll-Smith vows M005 143
Commiskey, Barney E M005 006 1936
Commiskey, Mary M005 061 1933
Community Flower Show M005 088 1934
Conrad, Mrs. Charles M005 082 1934
Converse, George M005 036 1932
Cooper, Frank M005 081 1934
Cooper, Mrs. Lewis M005 099 1934
Copeland, Mrs. Ralph (Peterson) M005 073 1934
Copeland-Ludtke vows M005 133 1935
Cowie, E. L. M005 118 1934
Crandall, Blanche M005 072 1934
Crannall-Casady vows M005 091 1934
Crittenden, A Riley M005 063 1933
Crouse, J. Robert M005 016
Cummiskey - VanGorder M005 073 1933
Cunningham, Dr. J. E. M005 135
Cunningham, Dr. J. E. M005 139 1935
Curtis, Cecil M005 123
Curtis, Jane M005 132 1935
Curtis-Pfau vows M005 100 1934
Cushing, Warren M005 123 1935
Damman, Henry M005 068 1934
Dankers, Gladys M005 066 1934
Davis - Graham vows M005 068 1934
Davis, Francis E M005 088 1934
Dean, Jasper M005 101 1934
DeForest, Grant M005 075 1934
DeForest-Donal vows M005 118 1935
Demerest, Vern M005 036 1932
Demerest-Bundenthal vows M005 034 1932
Dey, Frank A M005 045
Dey, Marjorie M005 144
Dillinger, John M005 092 1934
Dillinger, John M005 102 1934
Dillingham, Matt birth M005 004
Dillingham, Mrs. Fred M005 082 1934
Dillingham-Roche vows M005 126 1935
Dionne Quintuplets M005 078 1934
District Basketball Champions M005 140
Donal, Cleo M005 144
Donnelly, Anna Maria M005 082 1934
Dorrance, Mrs. Clarencw M005 141
Douglass, H. D. M005 105 1935
Douglass, Harvey M005 123 1935
Drewery, Edward J M005 036 1934
Drewry, Edward J M005 085 1934
Drewry, Edward J M005 094 1934
Duncan, Emerson M005 144
Duncan, Lionel M005 123 1935
Duncan, Mr. and Mrs M005 124 1934
Dunn-Davies vows M005 037 1932
Dust by Leslie Nelson Jennings M005 023
Eager, Howard M005 134 1935
Eager, J. M M005 099 1934
Earle-Dillingham vows M005 097 1934
Eastman, A. Ralph M005 142 1936
Eastman, Dorothea M005 080 1934
Eaton, Wayne - Nelson, Alice vows M005 001 1936
Eckhart, Mr and Mrs Edgar M005 073 1934
Eckhart, Mrs. William M005 045 1932
Eisele Marian M005 124
Eisele, Dorothy M005 130a 1935
Eisele, Dorothy M005 131 1935
Eisele, Edmund M005 075 1934
Eisele-Munsell vows M005 125 1935
Elliott, Josephine M005 073 1934
Ellsworth, John C M005 108 1935
Emmons, Emma E M005 073 1934
End of prohibition M005 056 1933
Euler, John M005 047 1933
Euler, Mr & Mrs John M005 122 1934
Faunce, Mr. and Mrs. John M005 066 1934
Fawcett, Claude George M005 118 1935
Fawcett, Claude H. M. M005 047 1933
Fawcett, Claude H. M. M005 118 1935
Fawcett, Claude infant M005 074 1934
Fawcett, George M005 049 1933
Fay, Eugene M005 141
Fay, Lyman M005 141
Fay, Sarah M005 141
February 2nd M005 148
Feeney, George M005 134 1935
Fenton, C. C. M005 088 1934
Ferrin, Sidney M005 130a 1935
Field, J. Sherman M005 003 1936
Field, James M005 142
Finlan, Dorothy M005 123 1935
Finlan, Mary M005 144
Finley, Sheriff Henry D M005 048 1933
First Year Lyrics M005 024
Fishbeck, Freeman J M005 031 1934
Fishbeck, Freeman J M005 064 1934
Fitzgerald - Fitzpatrick vows M005 054 1933
Fitzgerald-Flood vows M005 096 1934
Flood, Catherine Heeney M005 018
Force, Wayne M005 124 1935
Fowler, Lewis M005 036 1932
Fowlerville Fair M005 103 1934
Fowlerville high school carnival M005 018
Fowlerville radio band M005 076 1934
Fowlerville Senior Class awards M005 079 1934
Frechette, Clarence M005 121 1935
Friend Wifie Speaks by Bill Hodge M005 024
Fulkerson, Ezra M005 096 1934
Fuller, Mrs. J. B. M005 061
Gaffney, William J M005 014
Gaines, Mavis M005 087 1934
Gale, William B M005 046 1933
Gannon, Agnes M005 144
Gardner, James R M005 051 1933
Gardner, Lynn C M005 097 1934
Gardner, Nell M005 073 1934
Gehringer - Winegar vows M005 057 1933
Gehringer, Charles M005 103 1934
Gehringer, Charlie M005 084
Gehringer, Charlie M005 104 1934
Gehringer, Chas. M005 081 1934
Gehringer, J. C. M005 066 1934
Gibson, Ada M005 121 1935
Gibson, Will M005 034 1932
Gilland, Jerry M005 141
Gilland, Mary M005 141
Gilland, Raymond M005 141
Gilland, Roy M005 141
Glenn, Dr. Bernard M005 130b 1935
Glenn, Marian M005 144
Glover, Edith M005 144
Glover, Lyle M005 144
Goodnow, Grace M005 080 1934
Goodwine, John M005 109 1934
Gorton, Maria M005 113 1934
Graham, Arthur M005 068 1934
Greening, William M005 014 1936
Grieve, Agnes Kenny M005 123 1935
Grover-Martyn vows M005 105 1934
Haarer, Ella M005 134
Haarer, Estella Crofoot M005 097 1934
Hadley, Mrs. Lewis M005 014 1935
Hadley, Ray M005 035 1932
Hagman, John M005 119 1935
Haist, Wilbur M005 129 1935
Hale, Rosalie M005 138
Hall, Mort M005 032 1932
Hall, Norman W M005 098 1934
Haller, Ralph M005 014
Hamilton, Mrs. Claude D M005 135
Hamilton, Romine M005 005
Hamilton, Romine M005 055 1933
Handy, Frank M005 018 1926
Handy, Jane M005 018 1936
Hankinson, Verlyn M005 135
Harford, Mr and Mrs. George M005 065 1933
Harmon, Gordon M005 081 1934
Harmon, Gordon M005 124
Harris- Antcliff vows M005 041 1932
Hartland Music Festival M005 117 1935
Hearrington, Charles M005 131 1935
Heber by Arthur Wallace Peach M005 026
Hedican-Lounsberry vows M005 039 1932
Hedigan, Mr and Mrs Lemuel M005 041 1932
Hendee, W. C M005 099 1934
Henry, Gerald M005 081
Hill, Mr and Mrs. Orla M005 063 1934
Hillman, Inez M005 144
Hoagland - Montgomery vows M005 075 1934
Hoagland, Mrs. James M005 050 1933
Holkins, Charles N M005 105 1934
Holmes, O. H. M005 093 1934
Holmes, Orla M005 067 1934
Holmes, S. R. M005 040 1933
Holmes, Samuel R M005 070 1934
Homeward Bound for Christmas M005 026
Hoover, Burr J M005 093 1934
Horton, Chester M005 070 1934
Horton, Isabel M005 057 1933
Horton, Isabel M005 074 1934
Hosley, Henrietta M005 130a 1935
Hosley, Henrietta M005 131 1935
Hotel Kerns M005 115 1934
Hotel Kerns fire M005 113 1934
Hotel Kerns fire M005 114 1934
Hotel Kerns fire M005 116 1934
Hotel Kerns fire M005 112 1934
Hotel Kerns fire Howlett, T. Henry M005 110 1934
Hotel Kerns fire Howlett, T. Henry M005 111 1934
Howell, Janice M005 119 1935
Howell, Janice M005 144
Howlett, Richard M005 138
Howlett, T. Henry M005 109 1934
Howlett, Wilson E M005 062
Huff, Lester M005 091 1934
Huschke, Fred - Hicks, Lois vows M005 004
Hypocrites by Bill Hodge M005 149
Idle Curosity by James Edward Hungerford M005 025
If Elected by Bill Hodge M005 023
I'm Going to Sneeze M005 027
International Livestock Exposition M005 107 1934
Itsell, Sarah Jane M005 043 1932
Jacobs, Mrs. Richard (Mann) M005 073 1934
Jessen - Gilby vows M005 067 1934
Jewell, Mr. M005 035 1932
Joe Louis is Howell visitor M005 011
Jones - Keeney vows M005 058 1933
Jones, Fredrick Herman M005 126 1935
Jones, Mrs. George M005 033 1932
Joslin, Edward M005 075 1933
Junior Band Junior Orchestra M005 102 1934
Kaiser, John M005 066 1934
Kane - Dilllingham vows M005 044 1932
Kane, Lucille M005 132 1935
Kearney, John M005 098 1934
Keeney, Ward sons M005 060 1933
Keep Off this Means You M005 027
Kellogg, Charles Collins M005 065 1933
Kelly, Mrs. Jessie M005 003
Keyworth, Dr. Maurice M005 127
Kice, Addie - VanHorn, Stephen vows M005 014 1930
Killlinger-Lang vows M005 127 1935
Kilpatrick, Rev. R. T. M005 018
Kindness by Bill Hodge M005 135
King George V M005 009
Kirkland, Frances M005 066 1932
Klein, Clayton M005 143
Knickerbocker, Earl M005 127 1935
Knickerbocker, Earl M005 132 1935
Knickerbocker, George M005 003
Kovacs, Alex M005 070 1934
Kovacs, Alex M005 075 1934
Krubel, Stephen M005 054 1933
Kruithoff-Monroe M005 091 1934
Kruke, Marriann M005 121 1935
Kuhn, Mrs. Fred (Harvey) M005 071 1934
Kunde, Otto - Grostic, Inez vows M005 015 1936
Ladouceur, Daune M005 064
Lange, Virginia M005 130b 1935
Lange-Cushing vows M005 035 1932
Larkin, W. J. M005 066 1933
Laszlo, Steve M005 070 1934
Late by Ray Pierce M005 026
Latson, Mr and Mrs. Leslie M005 006
Lavan, Martin M005 096 1934
Leach, Elizabeth M005 130a 1935
Leach, Elizabeth M005 131 1935
Leach-Ludtke vows M005 129 1935
Leidlein, John M005 109 1934
Lentz - Joslin vows M005 044 1932
Let Us Be Thankful M005 147
Let Well Enough Alone M005 156
Let's Get Civilized by Bill Hodge M005 023
Lewis - Bennett vows M005 061 1934
Lewis, Patricia Jane M005 046 1933
Life's Cross Roads M005 153
Line, C. S. M005 105 1935
Line, Winfield M005 073
Line, Winfield M005 135
Livestock Officers for 1936 M005 015 1936
Lockwood, Helen M005 144
Loneliness by Ray Pierce M005 024
Loomis, Mrs. Ralph M005 130a 1935
Lozo, R. G. M005 117 1934
Ludtke, Virginia M005 130b 1935
Ludtke, Virginia M005 132 1935
Lyons, Samuel M005 122 1935
Lyons-Berry vows M005 093 1934
Maleitzke, Eleanor M005 144
Maleitzke, Raymond M005 134 1935
Marmenter, Betty M005 142
Martin, M. J. M005 008
Mason Road M005 090 1934
Masons Install officers Tuesday M005 010
Mathiesen, Leon M005 131 1935
Maycock, Leslie M005 122 1935
Maycock, Lieut. Leslie M005 044 1932
McCallam, Herb M005 120 1934
McCaslin, George M005 018
McDonald, Mary M005 096 1934
McGauley-Harmon vows M005 051 1933
McGuire, Philip M005 034 1932
McPherson, William III M005 076 1934
Mercer, George M005 125
Merritt, Chancey infant M005 011
Merritt, Gordon Earl M005 011 1935
Metz, Temple M005 124 1935
Meyer Adam M005 071
Meyer, Bill M005 121 1935
Mieras-Killinger vows M005 140
Milett, Edward M005 126 1935
Milett, Harold M005 099 1934
Milett, Harold T M005 082 1934
Millen, John M005 089 1934
Miller - Cummings vows M005 041 1932
Miller - Cummings vows M005 042 1932
Miller - Ricketts vows M005 046 1933
Miller, Emma M005 096 1934
Miner, Mrs. A. R. M005 061 1933
Minkley, LaVerne M005 038 1932
Mitchell-Haist vows M005 134 1935
Monroe, Chas. B. M005 054 1933
Monroe, Mr. Clifford M005 130b 1935
Moore, Shubal child M005 057 1933
Morlock, George birth M005 004
Morlok quadruplets M005 100 1934
MuMaugh-Duncan vows M005 093 1934
Munsell - Norton vows M005 047 1933
Munsell - Schadel vows M005 056 1933
Munsell, James M005 134
Munsell, Mr and Mrs Arthur M005 062 1934
Munsell, Raymond M005 043
Munsell, Raymond M005 096 1934
Murphy, Mr & Mrs Russell M005 004
Murphy, Patty M005 114 1935
Mutter, Virginia M005 041 1933
My Letter to Santa Claus by Bill Hodge M005 145
My Tailor by Bill Hodges M005 025
Naas, Mrs. A. Margaret Throne M005 070
New Year's Day by Bill Hodge M005 156
Newell, Amelia M005 051 1933
Nichols, Ardale M005 079 1934
Nichols-Peterson vows M005 129 1935
Noble, Dr. Homer M005 040
O'Brien, Mrs. James M005 003 1936
Odell - Fish vows M005 045 1932
Once Bitten Twice Shy by Bill Hodge M005 146
One Little Word by Margery Milton M005 023
Oxford show at Michigan M005 011
Palmer, George M005 115 1934
Palmerton, Ernest M005 134 1935
Parker, Charles D M005 109 1934
Parker, Theron - Quantrell,, Celie M005 096 1934
Patten, Agnes - Albaugh, Lawrence vows M005 011
Peavy, Cal M005 069 1934
Peckens, Alton M005 043 1932
Peirce, G. A. M005 002 1926
Perrigo, Hayes M005 142
Peterson -Copeland vows M005 057 1933
Peterson, Gale M005 077 1934
Peterson, L. J M005 069 1934
Peterson, Wayne M005 054
Pettit, Prof. Rufus H M005 101 1934
Pfau, Alfred M005 044
Pfau, Alfred M005 105 1935
Pfau, Herbert M005 040 1934
Pfau, Herbert Louis M005 053 1933
Pfau, Nina M005 036 1932
Pierson, Dr. W. M M005 050 1933
Pinckney Centennial M005 133 1935
Pless, Robert M005 144
Pop's Happy Day by C. M Andrews M005 153
Pratt, Edwin M005 106 1934
Quakenbush, Mrs. Corey M005 054 1933
Rain by Bill Hodge M005 021
Rathbun, Walter M005 036 1932
Redinger, Harold M005 011
Redinger, Lewis M005 101 1935
Redinger, Selma Pfau M005 003 1936
Reed, M. J. M005 099 1934
Reed, Mrs. C. A. M005 052 1933
Reed, R. Clark M005 011
Reickhoff Shoe store M005 134
Reimann, Ben M005 124 1935
Reimann-Roberts vows M005 076 1934
Render, Mr and Mrs Walter M005 124 1935
Render, Mrs. Walter M005 087 1934
Revelation by Farmer M005 024
Revenge by Dorothy Marie Davis M005 024
Richmond, Celia A M005 063 1932
Ricket, Homer M005 102 1934
Rieckhoff, L. M005 053 1933
Rieckhoff, Louis J. M005 010 1936
Ries - Coll vows 1933 M005 056 1933
Risch-Giegler vows M005 090 1934
Risdon, Mr. M005 082 1934
Robb, Wm. E. M005 080 1934
Robison, Eliz Newton M005 070 1934
Roche, James L M005 059 1933
Ross, Thomas M005 120 1934
Rounsville, Claude M005 132 1935
Rouse, James M005 102 1934
Rudnicki, Andrew M005 081 1934
Russell, W. A. M005 126 1935
Ruttman-Lounsberry vows M005 037 1932
Ruttman-White vows M005 139
Said the Girl Friend about Her Boyfriend M005 151
Satterla, Glenn child M005 017
Satterla, Meriam M005 006
Saum-Grill vows M005 126 1935
Saums, Leo M005 120 1934
Scalici, Salvatore M005 088 1934
Schlitz, Lucia M005 054 1933
Schmidt, Lange M005 071 1934
Schnackenberg, Fred M005 062 1934
Schneider-Lang vows M005 035 1932
Scott, Alfred E M005 082 1934
Sealici, Sam M005 087 1934
Seasonable by Bill Hodge M005 022
Seed Time by Bill Hodge M005 030 1934
Seigler, Donald M005 012
Seim, Ray M005 106 1934
Sharpe, Clarence M005 129
Sharpe, E. Alma M005 105 1935
Sharpe, Edith M005 058 1933
Sharpe, Thomas M005 046 1933
Sharpe, William M005 033 1932
Sharpe-Russell vows M005 124 1935
She Didn't do Much by M. L. Ford M005 021
Sheep Exhibits at Fair M005 139
Shields, Edmund M005 075 1934
Shields, Regent Edmund M005 042 1932
Shoup, Robert M005 127 1935
Shropshire awards at Michigan M005 134
Sias, Donald E M005 109 1934
Sidell, John M005 143
Sidell, Mrs. Will M005 039 1932
Sidell, Pierson M005 099 1934
Sidell, Will & Son HDWE M005 008 1936
Sidell, Will & Son HDWE M005 103 1934
Sigler, Dr. Claud l M005 018
Simich, Luke M005 131 1935
Simon, Joe M005 005
Simpson-Wright vows M005 135
Sleaford, Mr. and Mrs. William M005 006
Snedicor-Joslin vows M005 114 1935
Snell, Alvira - Fields, Chas vows M005 051 1933
Snyder, Barbara M005 079 1934
Sober Bros M005 057 1933
Sober, Mr and Mrs. Lawrence M005 068
Sober, O. W. M005 099 1934
Sober, O. W. M005 106 1934
Song, Kyung Shyn M005 094 1934
Sopp, Mabel Viola M005 054 1933
Sopp-Lewis vows M005 116 1934
Soule-Dankers vows M005 101 1934
Soules, Ella M005 066 1934
Spagnuolo, George M005 144
Spalding-Musson vows M005 100 1934
Sparks, Forest M005 002 1936
Spencer, Dr. C M005 054 1933
Sportsmanship by Bill Hodge M005 145
Spring Cleaning by Bill Hodge M005 155
Springtime in Alaska M005 145
Starr, John M005 060 1933
Starr, Mr. A. D. M005 128 1935
State Fair winners M005 099 1934
Stevens-Evans vows M005 130a 1935
Stowe, Mrs. Asel M005 123
Stowe, Mrs. Clarence M005 058 1933
Stowe, Wirt I M005 015 1936
Summer Evening M005 026
Sweeney, J. P. M005 093 1934
Sweeten, George M005 065 1933
Switz, Peter M005 130b 1935
Take Care of Young Animals M005 025
Thanksgiving by Bill Hodge M005 027
The Cause by Bill Hodges M005 150
The Clown by Bill Hodges M005 150
The Folks Down on the Farm by M Corey M005 022
The Killdeer by Edgar A. Guest M005 022
The King is Dead M005 013
The Miser by Bill Hodge M005 025
The People's Choice by Bill Hodge M005 023
The Spider and the Maid by Edgar Guest M005 155
The Unnecessary Surplus by Edgar Guest M005 155
The Wayward Boy by Bill Hodges M005 150
There's Not a Lover Waiting by Bill Hodge M005 031 1934
Thomas, S. B. M005 090 1934
Thompson, John M005 087 1934
Thornton, M. H. M005 106 1934
Tiedeman, Herman M005 104 1934
Tiedeman-Reinholz vows M005 128 1935
Tiger Game M005 090 1934
Titmus,Isabel M005 138
To A Mason by Bill Hodge M005 030 1934
Tomion, Alden M005 130a 1935
Tomion, Walter M005 142
Tomlin, Emmette M005 124 1935
Tooley, J. B M005 106 1934
Tooley, Ollie M005 129 1935
Topping, Emmet LaVerne M005 126 1935
Truhn, Charles M005 072 1934
Tuthill, Loren M005 144
Tyrrell, Edwin B M005 067 1934
Unchangable by Bill Hodge M005 152
Unknown man M005 091 1934
VanHoesen, Dr M005 081 1934
VanHorn, Adda Bell M005 120 1935
Vaughn, Morgan M005 143
Vogt, Helen M005 060 1933
Vogt, Helen M005 065 1933
Vogt, Louisa Angst M005 075 1933
Voorhees, Vern M005 109 1934
Vrooman - Eaton vows M005 060 1933
Wait, Alice M005 121 1935
Wakefield - Dey vows M005 043 1932
Wakefield, Lester M005 032 1933
Walker, Dorothy - Schnackenberg, Lyle vows M005 006
Walkker, Raymond M005 127 1935
Ward, Orrin M005 143
Warner - Chase vows M005 067 1933
Watkins, Howard Dale M005 142
Watkins, Wentworth M005 058 1933
Watters, Lorena M005 035 1932
We Thank Thee M005 145
Weeks, Floyd E M005 132 1935
Wells, Hattie M005 012 1926
West Marion Methodist Church M005 095 1934
What His Daddy's Little Darling Did to Me M005 148
What is Success M005 149
What Would You Do? By Bill Hodge M005 022 0
When Ma Reckons Expenses M005 149
When Pop Eats Corn M005 024
White, John D M005 072 1934
White, Mrs. John M005 056 1933
Williams, Charles Joseph M005 126 1935
Wimbles, Mr and Mrs Clyde M005 072 1934
Wimbles, Mrs. Geo A M005 055 1933
Wing, Mrs. Earl M005 043
Winkelhaus, Henry M005 007
Wintry Blasts Strike County M005 007
Wooden, Descum M005 062
Wooden, Deskum Clayton M005 056 1933
Wriggelsworth, Alice M005 129
Wrigglesworth, Nancy M005 141
Wrigglesworth, Nancy M005 141
Yelland, Chester John M005 139 1935
Young, David l M005 060 1933
Your Best Friend by Bill Hodge M005 029
Your Character M005 030 1934
Zimmerman, Edward M005 041 1933
A Cheerful Command by Bill Hodge M005 030 1934
A Confession by Bill Hodge M005 147
A Country Dog's Reaction to Life in the City M005 029
A Lady's Conversation Overheard M005 151
A Little Boy's Idea of a Policeman M005 025
A Politician's Promise at election Time M005 031 1934
A Quotation M005 024
A Sphinx Talks Gehringer M005 077 1934
Acker - Niemeyer vows M005 049 1933
Acker, Dorothy engagement M005 037 1932
Acker, Dorothy engagement M005 048
Adams, Chas P M005 092 1934
Adams, Chas P M005 103 1934
Adams, Earl M005 120 1934
Adams, James M005 105 1935
Allbright, James H. M005 005
Allen-Lockwood vows M005 076 1933
Allen-Wheeler vows M005 038 1932
Allison, James M005 038 1932
Andersen, Rasmus M005 085 1934
Anderson, Mrs. Fred J M005 071 1934
Argentine dam M005 094 1934
Armstrong Bros M005 106 1934
Armstrong Brothers M005 099 1934
Armstrong brothers win at show M005 018
Armstrong brothers win at show M005 039 1932
Armstrong, Glenn M005 093 1934
Armstrong, John H M005 061 1933
Arnold, Ervin M005 074 1934
Back of the Fair M005 149
Baldwin, Carey M005 080 1934
Baldwin, Cary M005 130b
Baldwin, Cary M005 143
Baldwin, Mary M005 080 1934
Barrett, James M005 117 1935
Barrett, James David Jr M005 127 1935
Batcheler-Wiltse vows M005 130b 1935
Beck, Mrs. Roy M005 061 1933
Beebe, Mrs. A. J. M005 098 1934
Bender, Mrs. Frank M005 118 1935
Benjamin - Coon vows M005 065 1934
Benjamin - Hankinson vows M005 037 1932
Benjamin, Dorothy - Haist, Wilbur vows M005 015
Benjamin, Ernest M005 070 1934
Benjamin, Ray M005 124 1935
Benjamin-Munsell vows M005 128 1935
Bessert, Ella M005 131 1935
Bessert, Ella Marie - Matthiesen, Leon J vows M005 017
Bessert-Smith vows M005 099 1934
Beurmann, Wm Henry M005 046 1933
Bignell, Mrs. S. L. M005 088 1934
Birdsall, Edward M005 116 1935
Birdsall, Edward M005 125 1935
Blackmer, Mrs. D. M. M005 121 1935
Blank, H. T M005 135
Bolander, C. L. M005 127 1935
Bolander, Clarence L M005 116
Bommarito, Thomas M005 001 1935
Bommarito, Thomas M005 006 1936
Bommarito, Thomas M005 017 1936
Bowdish, Wanna M005 119 1934
Bradley, John Milton M005 032 1932
Bradley, Mrs. J. M. M005 033 1932
Brady, Justin infant M005 082 1934
Breslin, James H M005 004 1935
Briggs, Ilah Mae M005 144
Brighton Centennial Homecoming M005 099 1934
Brighton Post Office Robbed M005 104 1934
Brough, Mary - Lemen, W. Edward vows M005 008
Brown, Robert M005 121 1935
Browne, Dr. J. E. M005 052 1933
Bucholz, Mrs. Walter M005 119 1935
Buckley, Inez - Hillman, Fred vows M005 006
Bullis, Mary M005 007
Bunn, Kenneth C M005 058 1933
Bunn-Tomion vows M005 038 1932
Burroughs, Charles M005 128 1935
Bush, Miranda M005 124 1935
Byerly food store M005 057
Calkins, Freely M005 095 1934
Calling Hubby's Bluff by Bill Hodge M005 154
Canfield - Bowman vows M005 042 1933
Canfield, William H M005 069 1934
Carpp, Mr. M005 062 1934
Carpp, Mr. M005 074 1934
Carr, Mary M005 130b 1935
Casady, Irene M005 088 1934
Casady-Wilson vows M005 097 1934
Casey at the Bat M005 151
Catholic Church Locey Building M005 120 1935
Cavanaugh-Gallop vows M005 142
Chaffee, Mrs. Alonzo M005 040 1931
Champions M005 029b
Chase, Lilah M005 130a 1935
Chase-Larson vows M005 130a 1935
Clark-Milett vows M005 097 1934
Coach Yost Discusses a Good Loser M005 019
Cobley, Wilbur M005 088 1934
Cole, A. E. M005 039 1932
Cole, Judge Arthur E M005 117 1934
Cole, Mrs. A. E. M005 055 1933
Coleman, Silas M005 004 1935
Coles, John F M005 122 1935
Coll-Smith vows M005 143
Commiskey, Barney E M005 006 1936
Commiskey, Mary M005 061 1933
Community Flower Show M005 088 1934
Conrad, Mrs. Charles M005 082 1934
Converse, George M005 036 1932
Cooper, Frank M005 081 1934
Cooper, Mrs. Lewis M005 099 1934
Copeland, Mrs. Ralph (Peterson) M005 073 1934
Copeland-Ludtke vows M005 133 1935
Cowie, E. L. M005 118 1934
Crandall, Blanche M005 072 1934
Crannall-Casady vows M005 091 1934
Crittenden, A Riley M005 063 1933
Crouse, J. Robert M005 016
Cummiskey - VanGorder M005 073 1933
Cunningham, Dr. J. E. M005 135
Cunningham, Dr. J. E. M005 139 1935
Curtis, Cecil M005 123
Curtis, Jane M005 132 1935
Curtis-Pfau vows M005 100 1934
Cushing, Warren M005 123 1935
Damman, Henry M005 068 1934
Dankers, Gladys M005 066 1934
Davis - Graham vows M005 068 1934
Davis, Francis E M005 088 1934
Dean, Jasper M005 101 1934
DeForest, Grant M005 075 1934
DeForest-Donal vows M005 118 1935
Demerest, Vern M005 036 1932
Demerest-Bundenthal vows M005 034 1932
Dey, Frank A M005 045
Dey, Marjorie M005 144
Dillinger, John M005 092 1934
Dillinger, John M005 102 1934
Dillingham, Matt birth M005 004
Dillingham, Mrs. Fred M005 082 1934
Dillingham-Roche vows M005 126 1935
Dionne Quintuplets M005 078 1934
District Basketball Champions M005 140
Donal, Cleo M005 144
Donnelly, Anna Maria M005 082 1934
Dorrance, Mrs. Clarencw M005 141
Douglass, H. D. M005 105 1935
Douglass, Harvey M005 123 1935
Drewery, Edward J M005 036 1934
Drewry, Edward J M005 085 1934
Drewry, Edward J M005 094 1934
Duncan, Emerson M005 144
Duncan, Lionel M005 123 1935
Duncan, Mr. and Mrs M005 124 1934
Dunn-Davies vows M005 037 1932
Dust by Leslie Nelson Jennings M005 023
Eager, Howard M005 134 1935
Eager, J. M M005 099 1934
Earle-Dillingham vows M005 097 1934
Eastman, A. Ralph M005 142 1936
Eastman, Dorothea M005 080 1934
Eaton, Wayne - Nelson, Alice vows M005 001 1936
Eckhart, Mr and Mrs Edgar M005 073 1934
Eckhart, Mrs. William M005 045 1932
Eisele Marian M005 124
Eisele, Dorothy M005 130a 1935
Eisele, Dorothy M005 131 1935
Eisele, Edmund M005 075 1934
Eisele-Munsell vows M005 125 1935
Elliott, Josephine M005 073 1934
Ellsworth, John C M005 108 1935
Emmons, Emma E M005 073 1934
End of prohibition M005 056 1933
Euler, John M005 047 1933
Euler, Mr & Mrs John M005 122 1934
Faunce, Mr. and Mrs. John M005 066 1934
Fawcett, Claude George M005 118 1935
Fawcett, Claude H. M. M005 047 1933
Fawcett, Claude H. M. M005 118 1935
Fawcett, Claude infant M005 074 1934
Fawcett, George M005 049 1933
Fay, Eugene M005 141
Fay, Lyman M005 141
Fay, Sarah M005 141
February 2nd M005 148
Feeney, George M005 134 1935
Fenton, C. C. M005 088 1934
Ferrin, Sidney M005 130a 1935
Field, J. Sherman M005 003 1936
Field, James M005 142
Finlan, Dorothy M005 123 1935
Finlan, Mary M005 144
Finley, Sheriff Henry D M005 048 1933
First Year Lyrics M005 024
Fishbeck, Freeman J M005 031 1934
Fishbeck, Freeman J M005 064 1934
Fitzgerald - Fitzpatrick vows M005 054 1933
Fitzgerald-Flood vows M005 096 1934
Flood, Catherine Heeney M005 018
Force, Wayne M005 124 1935
Fowler, Lewis M005 036 1932
Fowlerville Fair M005 103 1934
Fowlerville high school carnival M005 018
Fowlerville radio band M005 076 1934
Fowlerville Senior Class awards M005 079 1934
Frechette, Clarence M005 121 1935
Friend Wifie Speaks by Bill Hodge M005 024
Fulkerson, Ezra M005 096 1934
Fuller, Mrs. J. B. M005 061
Gaffney, William J M005 014
Gaines, Mavis M005 087 1934
Gale, William B M005 046 1933
Gannon, Agnes M005 144
Gardner, James R M005 051 1933
Gardner, Lynn C M005 097 1934
Gardner, Nell M005 073 1934
Gehringer - Winegar vows M005 057 1933
Gehringer, Charles M005 103 1934
Gehringer, Charlie M005 084
Gehringer, Charlie M005 104 1934
Gehringer, Chas. M005 081 1934
Gehringer, J. C. M005 066 1934
Gibson, Ada M005 121 1935
Gibson, Will M005 034 1932
Gilland, Jerry M005 141
Gilland, Mary M005 141
Gilland, Raymond M005 141
Gilland, Roy M005 141
Glenn, Dr. Bernard M005 130b 1935
Glenn, Marian M005 144
Glover, Edith M005 144
Glover, Lyle M005 144
Goodnow, Grace M005 080 1934
Goodwine, John M005 109 1934
Gorton, Maria M005 113 1934
Graham, Arthur M005 068 1934
Greening, William M005 014 1936
Grieve, Agnes Kenny M005 123 1935
Grover-Martyn vows M005 105 1934
Haarer, Ella M005 134
Haarer, Estella Crofoot M005 097 1934
Hadley, Mrs. Lewis M005 014 1935
Hadley, Ray M005 035 1932
Hagman, John M005 119 1935
Haist, Wilbur M005 129 1935
Hale, Rosalie M005 138
Hall, Mort M005 032 1932
Hall, Norman W M005 098 1934
Haller, Ralph M005 014
Hamilton, Mrs. Claude D M005 135
Hamilton, Romine M005 005
Hamilton, Romine M005 055 1933
Handy, Frank M005 018 1926
Handy, Jane M005 018 1936
Hankinson, Verlyn M005 135
Harford, Mr and Mrs. George M005 065 1933
Harmon, Gordon M005 081 1934
Harmon, Gordon M005 124
Harris- Antcliff vows M005 041 1932
Hartland Music Festival M005 117 1935
Hearrington, Charles M005 131 1935
Heber by Arthur Wallace Peach M005 026
Hedican-Lounsberry vows M005 039 1932
Hedigan, Mr and Mrs Lemuel M005 041 1932
Hendee, W. C M005 099 1934
Henry, Gerald M005 081
Hill, Mr and Mrs. Orla M005 063 1934
Hillman, Inez M005 144
Hoagland - Montgomery vows M005 075 1934
Hoagland, Mrs. James M005 050 1933
Holkins, Charles N M005 105 1934
Holmes, O. H. M005 093 1934
Holmes, Orla M005 067 1934
Holmes, S. R. M005 040 1933
Holmes, Samuel R M005 070 1934
Homeward Bound for Christmas M005 026
Hoover, Burr J M005 093 1934
Horton, Chester M005 070 1934
Horton, Isabel M005 057 1933
Horton, Isabel M005 074 1934
Hosley, Henrietta M005 130a 1935
Hosley, Henrietta M005 131 1935
Hotel Kerns M005 115 1934
Hotel Kerns fire M005 113 1934
Hotel Kerns fire M005 114 1934
Hotel Kerns fire M005 116 1934
Hotel Kerns fire M005 112 1934
Hotel Kerns fire Howlett, T. Henry M005 110 1934
Hotel Kerns fire Howlett, T. Henry M005 111 1934
Howell, Janice M005 119 1935
Howell, Janice M005 144
Howlett, Richard M005 138
Howlett, T. Henry M005 109 1934
Howlett, Wilson E M005 062
Huff, Lester M005 091 1934
Huschke, Fred - Hicks, Lois vows M005 004
Hypocrites by Bill Hodge M005 149
Idle Curosity by James Edward Hungerford M005 025
If Elected by Bill Hodge M005 023
I'm Going to Sneeze M005 027
International Livestock Exposition M005 107 1934
Itsell, Sarah Jane M005 043 1932
Jacobs, Mrs. Richard (Mann) M005 073 1934
Jessen - Gilby vows M005 067 1934
Jewell, Mr. M005 035 1932
Joe Louis is Howell visitor M005 011
Jones - Keeney vows M005 058 1933
Jones, Fredrick Herman M005 126 1935
Jones, Mrs. George M005 033 1932
Joslin, Edward M005 075 1933
Junior Band Junior Orchestra M005 102 1934
Kaiser, John M005 066 1934
Kane - Dilllingham vows M005 044 1932
Kane, Lucille M005 132 1935
Kearney, John M005 098 1934
Keeney, Ward sons M005 060 1933
Keep Off this Means You M005 027
Kellogg, Charles Collins M005 065 1933
Kelly, Mrs. Jessie M005 003
Keyworth, Dr. Maurice M005 127
Kice, Addie - VanHorn, Stephen vows M005 014 1930
Killlinger-Lang vows M005 127 1935
Kilpatrick, Rev. R. T. M005 018
Kindness by Bill Hodge M005 135
King George V M005 009
Kirkland, Frances M005 066 1932
Klein, Clayton M005 143
Knickerbocker, Earl M005 127 1935
Knickerbocker, Earl M005 132 1935
Knickerbocker, George M005 003
Kovacs, Alex M005 070 1934
Kovacs, Alex M005 075 1934
Krubel, Stephen M005 054 1933
Kruithoff-Monroe M005 091 1934
Kruke, Marriann M005 121 1935
Kuhn, Mrs. Fred (Harvey) M005 071 1934
Kunde, Otto - Grostic, Inez vows M005 015 1936
Ladouceur, Daune M005 064
Lange, Virginia M005 130b 1935
Lange-Cushing vows M005 035 1932
Larkin, W. J. M005 066 1933
Laszlo, Steve M005 070 1934
Late by Ray Pierce M005 026
Latson, Mr and Mrs. Leslie M005 006
Lavan, Martin M005 096 1934
Leach, Elizabeth M005 130a 1935
Leach, Elizabeth M005 131 1935
Leach-Ludtke vows M005 129 1935
Leidlein, John M005 109 1934
Lentz - Joslin vows M005 044 1932
Let Us Be Thankful M005 147
Let Well Enough Alone M005 156
Let's Get Civilized by Bill Hodge M005 023
Lewis - Bennett vows M005 061 1934
Lewis, Patricia Jane M005 046 1933
Life's Cross Roads M005 153
Line, C. S. M005 105 1935
Line, Winfield M005 073
Line, Winfield M005 135
Livestock Officers for 1936 M005 015 1936
Lockwood, Helen M005 144
Loneliness by Ray Pierce M005 024
Loomis, Mrs. Ralph M005 130a 1935
Lozo, R. G. M005 117 1934
Ludtke, Virginia M005 130b 1935
Ludtke, Virginia M005 132 1935
Lyons, Samuel M005 122 1935
Lyons-Berry vows M005 093 1934
Maleitzke, Eleanor M005 144
Maleitzke, Raymond M005 134 1935
Marmenter, Betty M005 142
Martin, M. J. M005 008
Mason Road M005 090 1934
Masons Install officers Tuesday M005 010
Mathiesen, Leon M005 131 1935
Maycock, Leslie M005 122 1935
Maycock, Lieut. Leslie M005 044 1932
McCallam, Herb M005 120 1934
McCaslin, George M005 018
McDonald, Mary M005 096 1934
McGauley-Harmon vows M005 051 1933
McGuire, Philip M005 034 1932
McPherson, William III M005 076 1934
Mercer, George M005 125
Merritt, Chancey infant M005 011
Merritt, Gordon Earl M005 011 1935
Metz, Temple M005 124 1935
Meyer Adam M005 071
Meyer, Bill M005 121 1935
Mieras-Killinger vows M005 140
Milett, Edward M005 126 1935
Milett, Harold M005 099 1934
Milett, Harold T M005 082 1934
Millen, John M005 089 1934
Miller - Cummings vows M005 041 1932
Miller - Cummings vows M005 042 1932
Miller - Ricketts vows M005 046 1933
Miller, Emma M005 096 1934
Miner, Mrs. A. R. M005 061 1933
Minkley, LaVerne M005 038 1932
Mitchell-Haist vows M005 134 1935
Monroe, Chas. B. M005 054 1933
Monroe, Mr. Clifford M005 130b 1935
Moore, Shubal child M005 057 1933
Morlock, George birth M005 004
Morlok quadruplets M005 100 1934
MuMaugh-Duncan vows M005 093 1934
Munsell - Norton vows M005 047 1933
Munsell - Schadel vows M005 056 1933
Munsell, James M005 134
Munsell, Mr and Mrs Arthur M005 062 1934
Munsell, Raymond M005 043
Munsell, Raymond M005 096 1934
Murphy, Mr & Mrs Russell M005 004
Murphy, Patty M005 114 1935
Mutter, Virginia M005 041 1933
My Letter to Santa Claus by Bill Hodge M005 145
My Tailor by Bill Hodges M005 025
Naas, Mrs. A. Margaret Throne M005 070
New Year's Day by Bill Hodge M005 156
Newell, Amelia M005 051 1933
Nichols, Ardale M005 079 1934
Nichols-Peterson vows M005 129 1935
Noble, Dr. Homer M005 040
O'Brien, Mrs. James M005 003 1936
Odell - Fish vows M005 045 1932
Once Bitten Twice Shy by Bill Hodge M005 146
One Little Word by Margery Milton M005 023
Oxford show at Michigan M005 011
Palmer, George M005 115 1934
Palmerton, Ernest M005 134 1935
Parker, Charles D M005 109 1934
Parker, Theron - Quantrell,, Celie M005 096 1934
Patten, Agnes - Albaugh, Lawrence vows M005 011
Peavy, Cal M005 069 1934
Peckens, Alton M005 043 1932
Peirce, G. A. M005 002 1926
Perrigo, Hayes M005 142
Peterson -Copeland vows M005 057 1933
Peterson, Gale M005 077 1934
Peterson, L. J M005 069 1934
Peterson, Wayne M005 054
Pettit, Prof. Rufus H M005 101 1934
Pfau, Alfred M005 044
Pfau, Alfred M005 105 1935
Pfau, Herbert M005 040 1934
Pfau, Herbert Louis M005 053 1933
Pfau, Nina M005 036 1932
Pierson, Dr. W. M M005 050 1933
Pinckney Centennial M005 133 1935
Pless, Robert M005 144
Pop's Happy Day by C. M Andrews M005 153
Pratt, Edwin M005 106 1934
Quakenbush, Mrs. Corey M005 054 1933
Rain by Bill Hodge M005 021
Rathbun, Walter M005 036 1932
Redinger, Harold M005 011
Redinger, Lewis M005 101 1935
Redinger, Selma Pfau M005 003 1936
Reed, M. J. M005 099 1934
Reed, Mrs. C. A. M005 052 1933
Reed, R. Clark M005 011
Reickhoff Shoe store M005 134
Reimann, Ben M005 124 1935
Reimann-Roberts vows M005 076 1934
Render, Mr and Mrs Walter M005 124 1935
Render, Mrs. Walter M005 087 1934
Revelation by Farmer M005 024
Revenge by Dorothy Marie Davis M005 024
Richmond, Celia A M005 063 1932
Ricket, Homer M005 102 1934
Rieckhoff, L. M005 053 1933
Rieckhoff, Louis J. M005 010 1936
Ries - Coll vows 1933 M005 056 1933
Risch-Giegler vows M005 090 1934
Risdon, Mr. M005 082 1934
Robb, Wm. E. M005 080 1934
Robison, Eliz Newton M005 070 1934
Roche, James L M005 059 1933
Ross, Thomas M005 120 1934
Rounsville, Claude M005 132 1935
Rouse, James M005 102 1934
Rudnicki, Andrew M005 081 1934
Russell, W. A. M005 126 1935
Ruttman-Lounsberry vows M005 037 1932
Ruttman-White vows M005 139
Said the Girl Friend about Her Boyfriend M005 151
Satterla, Glenn child M005 017
Satterla, Meriam M005 006
Saum-Grill vows M005 126 1935
Saums, Leo M005 120 1934
Scalici, Salvatore M005 088 1934
Schlitz, Lucia M005 054 1933
Schmidt, Lange M005 071 1934
Schnackenberg, Fred M005 062 1934
Schneider-Lang vows M005 035 1932
Scott, Alfred E M005 082 1934
Sealici, Sam M005 087 1934
Seasonable by Bill Hodge M005 022
Seed Time by Bill Hodge M005 030 1934
Seigler, Donald M005 012
Seim, Ray M005 106 1934
Sharpe, Clarence M005 129
Sharpe, E. Alma M005 105 1935
Sharpe, Edith M005 058 1933
Sharpe, Thomas M005 046 1933
Sharpe, William M005 033 1932
Sharpe-Russell vows M005 124 1935
She Didn't do Much by M. L. Ford M005 021
Sheep Exhibits at Fair M005 139
Shields, Edmund M005 075 1934
Shields, Regent Edmund M005 042 1932
Shoup, Robert M005 127 1935
Shropshire awards at Michigan M005 134
Sias, Donald E M005 109 1934
Sidell, John M005 143
Sidell, Mrs. Will M005 039 1932
Sidell, Pierson M005 099 1934
Sidell, Will & Son HDWE M005 008 1936
Sidell, Will & Son HDWE M005 103 1934
Sigler, Dr. Claud l M005 018
Simich, Luke M005 131 1935
Simon, Joe M005 005
Simpson-Wright vows M005 135
Sleaford, Mr. and Mrs. William M005 006
Snedicor-Joslin vows M005 114 1935
Snell, Alvira - Fields, Chas vows M005 051 1933
Snyder, Barbara M005 079 1934
Sober Bros M005 057 1933
Sober, Mr and Mrs. Lawrence M005 068
Sober, O. W. M005 099 1934
Sober, O. W. M005 106 1934
Song, Kyung Shyn M005 094 1934
Sopp, Mabel Viola M005 054 1933
Sopp-Lewis vows M005 116 1934
Soule-Dankers vows M005 101 1934
Soules, Ella M005 066 1934
Spagnuolo, George M005 144
Spalding-Musson vows M005 100 1934
Sparks, Forest M005 002 1936
Spencer, Dr. C M005 054 1933
Sportsmanship by Bill Hodge M005 145
Spring Cleaning by Bill Hodge M005 155
Springtime in Alaska M005 145
Starr, John M005 060 1933
Starr, Mr. A. D. M005 128 1935
State Fair winners M005 099 1934
Stevens-Evans vows M005 130a 1935
Stowe, Mrs. Asel M005 123
Stowe, Mrs. Clarence M005 058 1933
Stowe, Wirt I M005 015 1936
Summer Evening M005 026
Sweeney, J. P. M005 093 1934
Sweeten, George M005 065 1933
Switz, Peter M005 130b 1935
Take Care of Young Animals M005 025
Thanksgiving by Bill Hodge M005 027
The Cause by Bill Hodges M005 150
The Clown by Bill Hodges M005 150
The Folks Down on the Farm by M Corey M005 022
The Killdeer by Edgar A. Guest M005 022
The King is Dead M005 013
The Miser by Bill Hodge M005 025
The People's Choice by Bill Hodge M005 023
The Spider and the Maid by Edgar Guest M005 155
The Unnecessary Surplus by Edgar Guest M005 155
The Wayward Boy by Bill Hodges M005 150
There's Not a Lover Waiting by Bill Hodge M005 031 1934
Thomas, S. B. M005 090 1934
Thompson, John M005 087 1934
Thornton, M. H. M005 106 1934
Tiedeman, Herman M005 104 1934
Tiedeman-Reinholz vows M005 128 1935
Tiger Game M005 090 1934
Titmus,Isabel M005 138
To A Mason by Bill Hodge M005 030 1934
Tomion, Alden M005 130a 1935
Tomion, Walter M005 142
Tomlin, Emmette M005 124 1935
Tooley, J. B M005 106 1934
Tooley, Ollie M005 129 1935
Topping, Emmet LaVerne M005 126 1935
Truhn, Charles M005 072 1934
Tuthill, Loren M005 144
Tyrrell, Edwin B M005 067 1934
Unchangable by Bill Hodge M005 152
Unknown man M005 091 1934
VanHoesen, Dr M005 081 1934
VanHorn, Adda Bell M005 120 1935
Vaughn, Morgan M005 143
Vogt, Helen M005 060 1933
Vogt, Helen M005 065 1933
Vogt, Louisa Angst M005 075 1933
Voorhees, Vern M005 109 1934
Vrooman - Eaton vows M005 060 1933
Wait, Alice M005 121 1935
Wakefield - Dey vows M005 043 1932
Wakefield, Lester M005 032 1933
Walker, Dorothy - Schnackenberg, Lyle vows M005 006
Walkker, Raymond M005 127 1935
Ward, Orrin M005 143
Warner - Chase vows M005 067 1933
Watkins, Howard Dale M005 142
Watkins, Wentworth M005 058 1933
Watters, Lorena M005 035 1932
We Thank Thee M005 145
Weeks, Floyd E M005 132 1935
Wells, Hattie M005 012 1926
West Marion Methodist Church M005 095 1934
What His Daddy's Little Darling Did to Me M005 148
What is Success M005 149
What Would You Do? By Bill Hodge M005 022 0
When Ma Reckons Expenses M005 149
When Pop Eats Corn M005 024
White, John D M005 072 1934
White, Mrs. John M005 056 1933
Williams, Charles Joseph M005 126 1935
Wimbles, Mr and Mrs Clyde M005 072 1934
Wimbles, Mrs. Geo A M005 055 1933
Wing, Mrs. Earl M005 043
Winkelhaus, Henry M005 007
Wintry Blasts Strike County M005 007
Wooden, Descum M005 062
Wooden, Deskum Clayton M005 056 1933
Wriggelsworth, Alice M005 129
Wrigglesworth, Nancy M005 141
Wrigglesworth, Nancy M005 141
Yelland, Chester John M005 139 1935
Young, David l M005 060 1933
Your Best Friend by Bill Hodge M005 029
Your Character M005 030 1934
Zimmerman, Edward M005 041 1933
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