M006 Obituaries Book
M006 Obituaries Book
Contains obituaries, marriages and articles.
17th Annual Flower Show M006 018
21 Persons Granted US Citizenship M006 021 1942
421 pupils in Fowlerville schools M006 012 1941
52nd Fowlerville Fair M006 071 1938
Acker-Valentine vows M006 019
Adams, Carry Belknap Tanner M006 016 1945
Adams, Emily M006 089
Adams, George M006 013 1942
Adams, William D M006 081 1938
Affleck-Chapman vows M006 104 1939
Akin, Robert M006 071 1936
Aldrich, Hugh M006 085 1938
Alexander, Arch M006 063
Alexander, Archie M006 051
Alexander, Eva Thayer M006 081 1938
Alexander, Wm M006 073
Allen, George H M006 020
Allen, Mrs. Jess M006 001 1941
Allen-Glover vows M006 045
Allmendinger-Zwinck vows M006 006 1941
Anderson, Fred M006 050
Anderson, Maggie M006 002 1942
Anderson, Mrs. G. C. M006 079 1938
Antcliff, Bert M006 008 1941
Armstrong Bros M006 048 1936
Armstrong Bros M006 056 1938
Armstrong Bros M006 061 1937
Armstrong, Bert M006 065 1936
Armstrong, Glen M006 030
Armstrong-Newton vows M006 029
Augustyniak, Mrs Walter M006 095 1939
Austin, Claud M006 018
Austin, Townsend M006 081 1938
Backus, Orange Urial M006 059
Baker, Mr and Mrs J. B M006 087 1938
Baker, Steve M006 059 1936
Barber, John D M006 029
Barber, Mr and Mrs. John M006 014 1941
Barnes building Howell M006 072 1936
Barnes, George M006 047
Barnum-Lound vows M006 061
Barrett, Jimmie M006 096 1939
Barrett, Margaret M006 096 1939
Barron, John M006 066
Basing, Alton J M006 037 1942
Beall, Desde M006 097 1939
Beasley, Theodore M006 074 1938
Bell, Madeline Krause M006 055 1937
Benjamin, Ella Bailey M006 059
Benjamin, Maude M006 099 1939
Bergin, Lena M006 008 1941
Berry, Chester C M006 066 1936
Berry, Fred M006 007 1941
Berry, Ishamel M006 030
Berry-Jackson vows M006 025
Beurmann-Withey vows M006 047 1937
Beyster, Hendricka M006 090
Birdsall, Edward M006 055 1938
Birdsall, Edward M006 055 1938
Birds's Eye View Howell M006 067 1935
Blank, H. T M006 104 1939
Bolander, Clarence M006 021
Bowen, Sarah M006 068 1937
Bowers, Benjamin Monroe M006 081 1938
Bowman, Wilburn M006 098
Boyes, Herbert M006 013 1942
Brady, Eunice M006 051 1937
Brady, Sarah Mae M006 054 1938
Brandt, Hildgard M006 031
Bravender-Meaben vows M006 205
Bravener-Thompson vows M006 041
Breslin, Phil M006 024
Breslin, Philip M006 037 1942
Brimley, Edward M006 003 1941
Bristol, William M006 081 1938
Brown, Robert H M006 017
Browne-Dey vows M006 055 1937
Bruce Products fire M006 043 1942
Bruce Products fire M006 044 1942
Bruff, William M006 082 1938
Brumbaugh-Weeks vows M006 009 1941
Bucknell, Mrs. H. G. M006 054
Buell, George D M006 042 1942
Bullis, George T M006 002 1942
Bullis, Mr and Mrs. Charles M006 055
Burden-Gehringer vows M006 061
Burkhart Elevator M006 028
Burkhart, Ettie May Pulver M006 061 1936
Burkhart, Eugene M006 083 1938
Burkhart, Glenn Pulver M006 019 1943
Burkhart, Mrs. Glen P M006 058
Bush, Frank M006 005 1941
Bush-Lawrence vows M006 003
Butt, Mae M006 020
Buxton, Lyle M006 087 1938
Calkins, Harry G M006 064 1936
Calkins, Harry G M006 085 1938
Calkins, Helen M006 020
Calkins, Sarah Ogden M006 097 1939
Calkins-Allen vows M006 027
Cameron, Lyle M006 028
Campbell, Mary (Burroughs) M006 065 1937
Cargo, Iris William M006 073
Carlier, Mary M006 031
Carr, Hope M006 062 1936
Carr, Orr E M006 053 1937
Carr, Robin M006 023
Carr, Robin M006 036
Carr-Nahstrol M006 095 1939
Carr-Rose vows M006 095 1939
Carusi-Jensen vows M006 016
Cassady, Marvel M006 034
Chapel, Mrs. George (Frances Wilbur) M006 080 1938
Chase, James Burr M006 039 1942
Chase-Hearl vows M006 056
Cheney-Basydlo vows M006 068
Chicago International M006 048 1936
Cieslak, Rose M006 083 1938
Class of 38 M006 080 1938
Clendening, Richard M006 031
Colan, Helaine Judith M006 081 1938
Cole, Allen M006 081 1938
Cole, Grace M006 081 1938
Cole, James M006 081 1938
Cole, Judge Arthur M006 062 1937
Cole, Mrs. Vern M006 001 1941
Collacott, Allen M006 030
Collins, Mary J M006 054
Conklin, Ray M006 021
Cook, Flora Pearl M006 068 1937
Cooper, Lewis H M006 103 1939
Copeland, Mrs. Cleve (Bristol) M006 045
Cornell-Sharpe vows M006 047 1936
Corrigan, Douglas M006 087 1938
County Farm infirmary M006 070 1938
Courthouse pictures M006 069 1938
Cowing, Mrs. W. N. M006 079
Crofoot, Marvin W M006 040 1941
Cummiskey, Margaret M006 101 1939
Curtis, Fred M006 087 1938
Curtis, Mrs. P. S. M006 079 1938
Cusino, Mr. M006 031
Cyclone Damage M006 007 1941
Cyclone Damage M006 008 1941
Dairy Herd Loses Tester M006 040 1942
Daley, William P M006 075 1938
Damman, Henry M006 028 1943
Damman, John M006 037 1941
Damman, Mr and Mrs Clayton M006 067
Damman-Briggs vows M006 103 1939
DAR Pilgrimage M006 097 1939
Darling, Mrs. T. N. M006 026
Darling, Mrs. Theodore M006 001 1941
Darling, Theodore M006 067 1938
Davis, Lena M006 099 1939
DeForest, Grant M006 031
DeForest, Wm M006 057
Dennis, Eleanor Dorothy M006 031
Denton, Sam M006 096 1939
DeVries-Wichers vows M006 099 1939
Dexter, Donald M006 085 1938
Dey, Theodore M006 042
Dibble-Jenkins vows M006 099 1939
Dillibaugh-Meader vows M006 079 1938
Dillinger-Allen vows M006 083 1938
Dillingham, Ella Irene M006 010 1942
Dillingham, Sgt. Frederick H M006 024 1943
Donohue-Munsell vows M006 055 1937
Dorrance, Mrs. Clarence M006 104 1939
Douglas, Minnie E M006 002 1941
Douglass, Harvey D M006 090 1939
Douglass-Risdon vows M006 051
Drewry, Mary Ann M006 080 1938
Drewry-Johnson vows M006 045
Drought M006 049 1936
Duffy, Dr. Ray M006 082 1938
Duncan-Joll vows M006 020
Duncan-Tennant vows M006 075 1938
Dunn, Alice Nelson M006 054
Dunn, William J M006 081 1938
Dutcher, Ernest Charles M006 017
Eager, Jacob M006 046 1945
Eaman, Gertrude M006 050
Eckhart-Douglass vows M006 061 1937
Eckhart-Stowe M006 063
Eisele, Edmund M006 030
Elliott-Meredith vows M006 023
Ellsworth, Elizabeth M006 101 1939
English, Floyd M006 015
Epley-Westmoreland vows M006 067
Erwin-Smith vows M006 055
Euler, John M006 027
Farnsworth-Wehnes vows M006 005 1941
Farrell, Patrick M006 074 1938
Faunce, Emma Jane M006 096 1939
Faunce, John Myron M006 069 1936
Faunce, Retta E M006 002
Felton-Redfield vows M006 001 1942
Field, Mary Gertrude M006 031
Finlan-Miner M006 083 1938
Finlan-Peterson vows M006 047 1937
Fitzgerald, Kathryn M006 071 1938
Forreider-Maycock vows M006 064
Foster, Orville M M006 072
Fowlerville Centennial Celebration M006 060 1936
Fowlerville graduates M006 080 1938
Francis, Rosalie M006 034
Fredrickson farm M006 037 1941
Fulkerson, Wm. Roy M006 060 1936
Gallup, M. A. M006 027
Gannon, Clement J M006 098 1939
Gardner, Mrs. John (Florence Miles) M006 011 1941
Garland, George M006 103 1939
Garland, Mrs. B M006 079
Garver-Turner vows M006 004 1941
Gatesman, Calvin M006 043 1942
Gehringer, Charlie M006 028
Gehringer, Charlie M006 033
Gehringer, Claude M006 068
Gehringer-Latson vows M006 105 1939
Ghione, Franco M006 101
Gies, Oscar M006 093 1939
Gleason, Vincent M006 016
Glick, John M006 027
Glover, Barbara M006 102 1939
Glover, George M006 062
Glover, Gerald M006 046 1941
Glover, Lyle M006 046
Grant, Hattie M006 053 1937
Graves, Jean M006 018
Gray, John M006 003 1941
Greenberg, Max M006 038 1941
Gregory, Rittie I M006 040
Grieve-Yax vows M006 056 1937
Grover, Lyle M006 021 1942
Grover, Margaret M006 099 1939
Grover-Humerich vows M006 082 1938
Gunderson, Officer John M006 015
Haarer, Ernest M006 097 1939
Hadley-Rider vows M006 053 1937
Hagman, Mrs. John M006 001 1941
Haist, Arist H M006 021 1943
Hall, Effie G M006 091 1938
Hall, Virginia M006 017
Hall-Monroe vows M006 041 1941
Hamilton, Claude M006 097 1939
Hamilton-Hill vows M006 074 1938
Hansen, Mrs. H. P. M006 079
Hanson, Alger M006 095 1939
Hanson, Grace M006 007 1941
Harder, Claude M006 095 1939
Hardy-Holtforth vows M006 059
Harmon, Gordon M006 030
Harris, Emmett M006 102 1939
Haskill, Corp. Richard M M006 018
Haskill, Jennie M006 014
Head, Jennie V M006 030
Hearrington, Barbara Ann M006 030
Hendee, Mr and Mrs Wirt M006 001 1941
Hendee, Mr and Mrs Wirt M006 046
Hendee, W. C M006 002 1941
Hendee-Parkinson vows M006 053 1936
Hendren Bros M006 030
Hendren Farm M006 042 1941
Hendren, Margaret M006 004 1942
Hendren-Griffin vows M006 029
Herbert-Clark vows M006 070
Herbert-Hill M006 070
Herrington, Charles M006 101
Hetchler, David M006 008 1941
Hildebrant, Wilkes M006 059 1936
Hill, Bert M006 008 1941
Hindenburg bursts into flames M006 053 1937
Hoag, Pfc Chas M006 017 1945
Hoag-Szable vows M006 025
Hoisington, Meredith M006 062 1938
Hoisington-Gilmore vows M006 096 1939
Holcomb, Mrs. Zittle M006 008 1941
Holt, Edwin J M006 041 1941
Honor Students are named Fowlerville M006 092 1939
Hoover, Burr J M006 091 1939
Hoover, Burr J M006 105 1939
Hoover, Burr J M006 106 1939
Horton, Clifton M006 056
Horton, Clifton M006 084
Horton, Elen M M006 095 1939
Horton-Finlan vows M006 098 1939
Horwood, Lee M M006 095 1939
Hosley, Mrs. W. J. M006 008 1941
House, Carol M006 026 1943
House, Elda M006 035
House, Idleane M006 034
House, Loretta Hodges M006 059
House, Tech Sergeant Walter M006 045
House, Walter M006 028
Howell Business man letter to editor M006 056 1938
Howell Post Office M006 072 1936
Howell Post Office M006 073 1938
Howell Post Office M006 074 1938
Howell Public Schools building pictures M006 050
Howell-Steinacker vows M006 075 1938
Howell-Webb vows M006 072 1938
Howlett, Joyce M006 001 1942
Hubbell, Fred F M006 039 1942
Hughes-Fogle M006 046 1945
Ikens, Mr and Mrs Harold M006 054
Ivankovich-Wainwright vows M006 038 1942
Ives-Killinger vows M006 020
Jensen, Niels Peter M006 069
Jensen, Swen M006 039 1941
Jewell, Merrie M006 062 1936
Johnson, Hazel M006 034
Johnson, Mrs. Harriet Wilber M006 049 1937
Johnston, Garry M006 014 1941
Joll-Bridger vows M006 093 1939
Jonckheere, Charles M006 069 1937
Jones, Anna Smith M006 105 1939
Jones-Raymer vows M006 096 1939
Joslin, Edward M006 010 1942
Joslin, Mr. E. M. M006 020
Joy, Arthur H M006 002 1942
Jubb, Mr and Mrs. Elijah M006 067 1937
Judd, Arthur M006 042 1941
Kane, Ella M006 011 1941
Kasuda, Raymond Joseph M006 101
Kasuda, Raymond Joseph M006 102
Keeney, Victor M006 014 1942
Keeny, Frank M006 065 1937
Kelly, Norine M006 034
Kern, Ira E M006 045
Kern, PFC Howard E M006 045
Kice, Henry F M006 056 1938
King, Burr M006 045
King, Ira N M006 025 1943
King, Mary Ella MacIntyre M006 046 1945
Kingsley-Howard vows M006 027
Kintak, Stephen J M006 103 1939
Kirkland, George Albert M006 087 1938
Kleinschmidt-Allen vows M006 107
Knapp, Don M006 023
Kramer, Albert William M006 031
Krause, Ernest M006 029
Krebs, Eleanor M006 034
Kreitler-Jonckheere vows M006 026
Kruger-Boeve vows M006 038 1941
Kuhnert, Ruth M006 081 1938
Kulbicki, Anna M006 031
Kunde, Dorothy M006 092 1939
Kutnic, Paul Joseph M006 031
Laboe, Dr. Edward M006 039 1942
Lamoreaux, Dr. C. H M006 002 1942
Lange-Desnoyer vows M006 050 1936
Latson, Charles M006 107
Latson, Ruth M006 006 1941
Latson-Burns vows M006 025
Latson-Caskey vows M006 029
Leach-Roberts vows M006 041 1942
Ledwidge, Mary Roche M006 069
Lepard, C. L. M006 036
Liddicoatt, Mary Alice M006 099 1939
Lindstrom, Eric E M006 004 1941
Line, Dr. Grace Song M006 027
Line, Dr. Grace Song M006 045 1942
Line, Francis M006 020
Liverance-Becker vows M006 066 1937
Lobdell-Ackerman M006 059 1937
Lockwood, Donald M006 090 1939
Lockwood, Winifred M006 067
Lockwood-Hammond vows M006 037 1942
Lockwood-Spencer vows M006 096 1939
Lonczak, Anne M006 086 1938
Long, John W M006 063 1937
Loree-Dammon M006 053 1937
Lucas-Calhoun vows M006 019
Ludtke, George M006 039 1941
Lyons, Judge Willis M006 093 1939
Lyons, Mildred M006 001 1942
Major, Margaret M006 014 1941
Maleitzke-Herbert vows M006 096 1939
Maleitzke-McGuire vows M006 039
Marr-French vows M006 069 1937
Marsh, Hazel M006 003 1941
Martin, Bruce M006 045
Martyn, Tom M006 040 1941
Mason, Major James A M006 013 1942
Mauk, Alice M006 028
Maxwell-Richmond vows M006 021
McDaniels, Claude M006 027
McDaniels, Clayton M006 027
McDaniels, Lyle M006 027
McDaniels, Merrill M006 027
McDaniels, Orval M006 027
McDaniels, Wayne M006 027
McInnis-Fields vows M006 068
McPherson, Hugh M006 017
McPherson, Mrs. William III M006 001 1941
McQuaig, Henry M006 069 1937
Melvin-Delaforce vows M006 005 1942
Menzies, Robert M006 106 1939
Merrill, Dick M006 008 1941
Metz, Frank X M006 063 1937
Meyer, Grace M006 001 1942
Michigan Bell Telephone building M006 067 1935
Michigan Breeders Sale M006 073 1938
Michigan State Fair M006 040
Milen, Etta M006 050 1937
Milett-Hansen vows M006 018 1945
Miller, Fannie M006 075 1938
Miller, Sharon Marie M006 102
Miller, Virginia M006 042
Miller, Walter M006 075 1938
Miller, Walter M006 097 1939
Miller, William B M006 065 1937
Miller-Boles vows M006 039 1942
Miller-Love M006 058 1937
Miller-Rebholtz vows M006 054 1937
Minkley-Peterson vows M006 084 1938
Misslitz, Edward M006 031
Moffet-Frisbee vows M006 205
Montague, Arthur A M006 061 1936
Montague, Frank M006 103 1939
Moore, Joyce M006 034
Morgan, Alfred F M006 067
Morlock, Ezra M006 019
Mother Daughter Banquet M006 073 1938
Mountain, Mrs. William (Huck) M006 066
Mowell, Charles Norris M006 045
Munsell, Lawrence M006 069 1938
Munsell, Lawrence M006 095
Munsell, Rachel Fitch M006 050 1937
Munsell-Brigham vows M006 047 1937
Munsell-Markeson vows M006 005 1941
Munsell-Pitcher vows M006 025
Murnighan, J. D. M006 058 1937
Murnighan, Mr and Mrs Bernard M006 091 1939
Murninghan, Patrick Thomas M006 060
Musson, Ernest M006 097 1939
Musson, John R M006 061 1937
Nash-Klein vows M006 009 1941
Neilson, Christina M006 082 1938
Nelson, Virginia M006 035
Netting, Mrs. C. J. M006 079 1938
Newman, George A M006 080 1938
Newton, Newell M006 003 1941
Nichols, Hilyard M006 089 1939
Norton, Hattie B M006 104 1939
Norton, Henry M006 106 1939
OES Installed Officers M006 012 1941
OES Installed Officers M006 046
Oliver, Robert M006 030
Olsen, Edward M006 095 1939
Orchestra given superior rating M006 093 1939
Orr Theater M006 004 1941
Osborne, Bruce M006 045
Osborne, Morley M006 008 1941
Outwater-Seymour vows M006 065
Pajot, Lawrence M006 026
Palmerton, Mrs. Glenn M006 084 1938
Parker schoolhouse M006 008 1941
Pearen, Gloria M006 034
Peckens, Harold M006 012
Peckens-Pajot vows M006 047 1938
Peckens-Speak vows M006 056 1938
Peek, Wm. M006 097 1939
Peirce, Lelah M006 028
Peterson, Emma M006 055 1937
Peterson, Wayne M006 089 1939
Pettysville Mill M006 016
Pfau, Alfred M006 008 1941
Pfau, Alfred M006 047 1936
Pfau, Alfred M006 102 1939
Pierson, Donna M006 034
Piscopink, Mada M006 097 1939
Price, Mrs. Iva M006 095 1939
Proud-Lange vows M006 098 1939
Rajdl, Anton M006 031
Rajdl, Mary M006 031
Rathbun, Clair M006 021
Rathbun-Line vows M006 001 1941
Raymond, Ellen Grace M006 031
Raymond, Harold M006 026
Reader, J. Belle M006 058 1937
Reason, Helen M006 001 1942
Redfield, J. B. M006 031
Redfield-Shaffer vows M006 051
Redinger, John M006 025
Reed, Cordelia Adams M006 051 1936
Reed, Mulford M006 096 1939
Reiner-Peirce vows M006 028
Rieckhoff, Elizabeth M006 103 1939
Robb-Baumgartner vows M006 006 1941
Roberts-Humerich vows M006 042 1942
Robins, Carson E M006 046 1945
Roch-Westmoreland vows M006 024
Rockhold-Redinger vows M006 099 1939
Rogers, ?een M006 034
Ronschke, Private Raymond M006 005
Ross, Mrs. E. A. M006 001 1941
Rossetter-Simpson vows M006 025
Rounsville, Claude G M006 049 1937
Royce, Bula Mae M006 049 1937
Royce, Frank M006 062 1936
Rozek, Mrs. Leon (Lucinda Lowe) M006 055 1938
Rudnicki, Andrew M006 035
Ruttman, John M006 007 1941
Ruttman, John M006 008 1941
Ruttman, John M006 037 1941
Ruttman, Mrs. August M006 061 1937
Sabin, Beulah M006 092 1939
Sabin, Beulah M006 097 1939
Sabin, Beulah M006 098 1939
Sabin-Deming vows M006 054
Sabin-Haarer vows M006 005 1941
Sager, Thomas F M006 070
Schmidt-Bigelow vows M006 084 1938
Scott, Walter M006 049 1938
Scrap Drive M006 023
Scripture, Bert Erwin M006 097 1939
Sharpe, Earl M006 043 1942
Sharpe, Helen M006 034
Sharpe, Maurine M006 097 1939
Sharpe, Maurine M006 098 1939
Sharpe, Mr and Mrs Thomas M006 047
Sharpe, Tommy M006 035
Sharpe-Linman vows M006 035 1947
Sharpe-White vows M006 058 1937
Shepherd-Parmenter vows M006 084 1938
Sherwood, Patricia M006 034
Shoemaker, Lulu M006 055
Sidell, Leslie M006 014 1942
Sidell, Mr and Mrs. Will M006 082 1938
Sidell-Allmand vows M006 105 1939
Sigler, Dr. Claude M006 063 1937
Sigler, Mildred Emmaline M006 056 1938
Simpson, Frank M006 037 1942
Skym-Reyhl vows M006 046 1945
Sluzinski, Jan M006 031
Smalley, Maxine M006 034
Smith, Beverly M006 001 1942
Smith, Beverly M006 035
Smith, Beverly M006 046
Smith, Cora Ide M006 095 1939
Smith, Etha M006 070
Smith, Floyd M006 033
Smith, Mrs. Hiram M006 001 1941
Smith, R. B. M006 089 1939
Smith, Rev George M006 102
Smith, Robert M006 001 1941
Smith, Robert M006 038 1941
Smith, William M006 064
Smith-Elliott vows M006 038 1942
Smock, Lawrence M006 099 1939
Smock, Mr and Mrs Ashley M006 028
Smock-Carson vows M006 030
Snyder-Ryckman vows M006 049
Sober, James M006 028
Sober, James M006 092 1939
Sober-Klein vows M006 075 1938
Sober-Perkins M006 091
Spencer, Alice McPherson M006 066 1937
Stearns, Charles M006 099 1939
Stewart, Byron B M006 042 1941
Stilson, Mrs. Arthur M006 079 1938
Stowe-Slocum M006 082 1938
Street, Lucille M006 035
Strobel, H. G M006 010 1942
Strobel, Lieut. Florentine M006 016
Strobel-Peek vows M006 062 1937
Stuible, R M006 008 1941
Sturman, Mrs. Perrin M006 095 1939
Sutcliffe, Rev. A. B. M006 028
Swadling-Chandler vows M006 014 1942
Szabelski, Peter M006 031
Szcodronski, Anita M006 031
Tefft, Homer Leroy M006 041 1942
Thayer-Risch M006 098 1939
Thomas, Mrs. S. B. M006 001 1941
Thomas, S. B M006 027
Thomas, S. B. M006 100 1939
Thorton, Monte M006 085 1938
Tiedeman Hardware Store M006 019
Tiedeman, Henry M006 012 1941
Titmus-White vows M006 097 1939
Tryon, Hannah M006 068 1937
Tuesday Musicale Composers Group M006 022 1945
VanGilder, F. O. M006 007 1941
VanGorder, George M006 081 1938
VanKeuren, Jessie M006 104 1939
VanValkenburg, Randolph M006 008 1941
Vaughn-Kerr vows M006 037
Vogt-Lucas vows M006 091 1939
Walker Mill Parshallville M006 057 1938
Wallace, Colin M006 074 1938
Wallace, Colin Kemp M006 031
Wallace, Frank M006 095 1939
Walton, Mort M006 033
Ward, Angelia M006 028
Ward-Brady vows M006 037 1942
Ward-Brander vows M006 050
Ward-Elliott vows M006 051
Warner, Lee Sprague M006 069 1937
Warner-Wiltze vows M006 068
Watson, Dr.Arthur M006 104 1939
Watters, Chauncey M006 082 1938
Way, Mary A. Gould M006 026
Wells, H. M M006 005 1941
Wells, Mrs. R. S. M006 079 1938
Westphal, Lewis H M006 013 1942
White Mrs. Foster M006 064 1937
White, Agnes Leona (Dillingham) M006 020
Whited, Carl M006 058 1937
Whited, Lottie Ide M006 010 1942
White-Lange vows M006 084 1938
Wild, Kasper George M006 031
Wilkinson, James M006 010 1942
Wilkinson, Mr and Mrs Marshall M006 009 1942
Wilkinson-Fitch vows M006 071 1936
Williamson-Larkin vows M006 011 1942
Wilson, Rex M006 030
Wilson, Samuel M006 013 1942
Wilson-Wainwright vows M006 079 1938
Wiltse, Glenn M006 060 1936
Wimbles, George M006 051 1937
Winegar, Fred M006 061 1937
Wines, Henry H M006 031
Wines-Columbia vows M006 041 1942
Witty, Wesley M006 037 1941
Woll, Lewis M006 049
Woll, Rose Shepard M006 080 1938
Womble-Murninghan vows M006 041 1942
Woodard, Henry M006 068 1937
Woolley-Gerdom vows M006 006 1942
Worthington, Minnie E M006 047
Wright, Frank M006 098 1939
Wright, Robert M006 098 1939
Yelland, David C M006 005
Yerkes, Ethel Blanche Fields M006 082 1938
Youngs-Allen vows M006 072 1937
Yournd, Mabel M006 030
Zimmerman-Howell vows M006 075 1938
Zobl, Sherwood M006 037 1942
Zschunke vows M006 047
21 Persons Granted US Citizenship M006 021 1942
421 pupils in Fowlerville schools M006 012 1941
52nd Fowlerville Fair M006 071 1938
Acker-Valentine vows M006 019
Adams, Carry Belknap Tanner M006 016 1945
Adams, Emily M006 089
Adams, George M006 013 1942
Adams, William D M006 081 1938
Affleck-Chapman vows M006 104 1939
Akin, Robert M006 071 1936
Aldrich, Hugh M006 085 1938
Alexander, Arch M006 063
Alexander, Archie M006 051
Alexander, Eva Thayer M006 081 1938
Alexander, Wm M006 073
Allen, George H M006 020
Allen, Mrs. Jess M006 001 1941
Allen-Glover vows M006 045
Allmendinger-Zwinck vows M006 006 1941
Anderson, Fred M006 050
Anderson, Maggie M006 002 1942
Anderson, Mrs. G. C. M006 079 1938
Antcliff, Bert M006 008 1941
Armstrong Bros M006 048 1936
Armstrong Bros M006 056 1938
Armstrong Bros M006 061 1937
Armstrong, Bert M006 065 1936
Armstrong, Glen M006 030
Armstrong-Newton vows M006 029
Augustyniak, Mrs Walter M006 095 1939
Austin, Claud M006 018
Austin, Townsend M006 081 1938
Backus, Orange Urial M006 059
Baker, Mr and Mrs J. B M006 087 1938
Baker, Steve M006 059 1936
Barber, John D M006 029
Barber, Mr and Mrs. John M006 014 1941
Barnes building Howell M006 072 1936
Barnes, George M006 047
Barnum-Lound vows M006 061
Barrett, Jimmie M006 096 1939
Barrett, Margaret M006 096 1939
Barron, John M006 066
Basing, Alton J M006 037 1942
Beall, Desde M006 097 1939
Beasley, Theodore M006 074 1938
Bell, Madeline Krause M006 055 1937
Benjamin, Ella Bailey M006 059
Benjamin, Maude M006 099 1939
Bergin, Lena M006 008 1941
Berry, Chester C M006 066 1936
Berry, Fred M006 007 1941
Berry, Ishamel M006 030
Berry-Jackson vows M006 025
Beurmann-Withey vows M006 047 1937
Beyster, Hendricka M006 090
Birdsall, Edward M006 055 1938
Birdsall, Edward M006 055 1938
Birds's Eye View Howell M006 067 1935
Blank, H. T M006 104 1939
Bolander, Clarence M006 021
Bowen, Sarah M006 068 1937
Bowers, Benjamin Monroe M006 081 1938
Bowman, Wilburn M006 098
Boyes, Herbert M006 013 1942
Brady, Eunice M006 051 1937
Brady, Sarah Mae M006 054 1938
Brandt, Hildgard M006 031
Bravender-Meaben vows M006 205
Bravener-Thompson vows M006 041
Breslin, Phil M006 024
Breslin, Philip M006 037 1942
Brimley, Edward M006 003 1941
Bristol, William M006 081 1938
Brown, Robert H M006 017
Browne-Dey vows M006 055 1937
Bruce Products fire M006 043 1942
Bruce Products fire M006 044 1942
Bruff, William M006 082 1938
Brumbaugh-Weeks vows M006 009 1941
Bucknell, Mrs. H. G. M006 054
Buell, George D M006 042 1942
Bullis, George T M006 002 1942
Bullis, Mr and Mrs. Charles M006 055
Burden-Gehringer vows M006 061
Burkhart Elevator M006 028
Burkhart, Ettie May Pulver M006 061 1936
Burkhart, Eugene M006 083 1938
Burkhart, Glenn Pulver M006 019 1943
Burkhart, Mrs. Glen P M006 058
Bush, Frank M006 005 1941
Bush-Lawrence vows M006 003
Butt, Mae M006 020
Buxton, Lyle M006 087 1938
Calkins, Harry G M006 064 1936
Calkins, Harry G M006 085 1938
Calkins, Helen M006 020
Calkins, Sarah Ogden M006 097 1939
Calkins-Allen vows M006 027
Cameron, Lyle M006 028
Campbell, Mary (Burroughs) M006 065 1937
Cargo, Iris William M006 073
Carlier, Mary M006 031
Carr, Hope M006 062 1936
Carr, Orr E M006 053 1937
Carr, Robin M006 023
Carr, Robin M006 036
Carr-Nahstrol M006 095 1939
Carr-Rose vows M006 095 1939
Carusi-Jensen vows M006 016
Cassady, Marvel M006 034
Chapel, Mrs. George (Frances Wilbur) M006 080 1938
Chase, James Burr M006 039 1942
Chase-Hearl vows M006 056
Cheney-Basydlo vows M006 068
Chicago International M006 048 1936
Cieslak, Rose M006 083 1938
Class of 38 M006 080 1938
Clendening, Richard M006 031
Colan, Helaine Judith M006 081 1938
Cole, Allen M006 081 1938
Cole, Grace M006 081 1938
Cole, James M006 081 1938
Cole, Judge Arthur M006 062 1937
Cole, Mrs. Vern M006 001 1941
Collacott, Allen M006 030
Collins, Mary J M006 054
Conklin, Ray M006 021
Cook, Flora Pearl M006 068 1937
Cooper, Lewis H M006 103 1939
Copeland, Mrs. Cleve (Bristol) M006 045
Cornell-Sharpe vows M006 047 1936
Corrigan, Douglas M006 087 1938
County Farm infirmary M006 070 1938
Courthouse pictures M006 069 1938
Cowing, Mrs. W. N. M006 079
Crofoot, Marvin W M006 040 1941
Cummiskey, Margaret M006 101 1939
Curtis, Fred M006 087 1938
Curtis, Mrs. P. S. M006 079 1938
Cusino, Mr. M006 031
Cyclone Damage M006 007 1941
Cyclone Damage M006 008 1941
Dairy Herd Loses Tester M006 040 1942
Daley, William P M006 075 1938
Damman, Henry M006 028 1943
Damman, John M006 037 1941
Damman, Mr and Mrs Clayton M006 067
Damman-Briggs vows M006 103 1939
DAR Pilgrimage M006 097 1939
Darling, Mrs. T. N. M006 026
Darling, Mrs. Theodore M006 001 1941
Darling, Theodore M006 067 1938
Davis, Lena M006 099 1939
DeForest, Grant M006 031
DeForest, Wm M006 057
Dennis, Eleanor Dorothy M006 031
Denton, Sam M006 096 1939
DeVries-Wichers vows M006 099 1939
Dexter, Donald M006 085 1938
Dey, Theodore M006 042
Dibble-Jenkins vows M006 099 1939
Dillibaugh-Meader vows M006 079 1938
Dillinger-Allen vows M006 083 1938
Dillingham, Ella Irene M006 010 1942
Dillingham, Sgt. Frederick H M006 024 1943
Donohue-Munsell vows M006 055 1937
Dorrance, Mrs. Clarence M006 104 1939
Douglas, Minnie E M006 002 1941
Douglass, Harvey D M006 090 1939
Douglass-Risdon vows M006 051
Drewry, Mary Ann M006 080 1938
Drewry-Johnson vows M006 045
Drought M006 049 1936
Duffy, Dr. Ray M006 082 1938
Duncan-Joll vows M006 020
Duncan-Tennant vows M006 075 1938
Dunn, Alice Nelson M006 054
Dunn, William J M006 081 1938
Dutcher, Ernest Charles M006 017
Eager, Jacob M006 046 1945
Eaman, Gertrude M006 050
Eckhart-Douglass vows M006 061 1937
Eckhart-Stowe M006 063
Eisele, Edmund M006 030
Elliott-Meredith vows M006 023
Ellsworth, Elizabeth M006 101 1939
English, Floyd M006 015
Epley-Westmoreland vows M006 067
Erwin-Smith vows M006 055
Euler, John M006 027
Farnsworth-Wehnes vows M006 005 1941
Farrell, Patrick M006 074 1938
Faunce, Emma Jane M006 096 1939
Faunce, John Myron M006 069 1936
Faunce, Retta E M006 002
Felton-Redfield vows M006 001 1942
Field, Mary Gertrude M006 031
Finlan-Miner M006 083 1938
Finlan-Peterson vows M006 047 1937
Fitzgerald, Kathryn M006 071 1938
Forreider-Maycock vows M006 064
Foster, Orville M M006 072
Fowlerville Centennial Celebration M006 060 1936
Fowlerville graduates M006 080 1938
Francis, Rosalie M006 034
Fredrickson farm M006 037 1941
Fulkerson, Wm. Roy M006 060 1936
Gallup, M. A. M006 027
Gannon, Clement J M006 098 1939
Gardner, Mrs. John (Florence Miles) M006 011 1941
Garland, George M006 103 1939
Garland, Mrs. B M006 079
Garver-Turner vows M006 004 1941
Gatesman, Calvin M006 043 1942
Gehringer, Charlie M006 028
Gehringer, Charlie M006 033
Gehringer, Claude M006 068
Gehringer-Latson vows M006 105 1939
Ghione, Franco M006 101
Gies, Oscar M006 093 1939
Gleason, Vincent M006 016
Glick, John M006 027
Glover, Barbara M006 102 1939
Glover, George M006 062
Glover, Gerald M006 046 1941
Glover, Lyle M006 046
Grant, Hattie M006 053 1937
Graves, Jean M006 018
Gray, John M006 003 1941
Greenberg, Max M006 038 1941
Gregory, Rittie I M006 040
Grieve-Yax vows M006 056 1937
Grover, Lyle M006 021 1942
Grover, Margaret M006 099 1939
Grover-Humerich vows M006 082 1938
Gunderson, Officer John M006 015
Haarer, Ernest M006 097 1939
Hadley-Rider vows M006 053 1937
Hagman, Mrs. John M006 001 1941
Haist, Arist H M006 021 1943
Hall, Effie G M006 091 1938
Hall, Virginia M006 017
Hall-Monroe vows M006 041 1941
Hamilton, Claude M006 097 1939
Hamilton-Hill vows M006 074 1938
Hansen, Mrs. H. P. M006 079
Hanson, Alger M006 095 1939
Hanson, Grace M006 007 1941
Harder, Claude M006 095 1939
Hardy-Holtforth vows M006 059
Harmon, Gordon M006 030
Harris, Emmett M006 102 1939
Haskill, Corp. Richard M M006 018
Haskill, Jennie M006 014
Head, Jennie V M006 030
Hearrington, Barbara Ann M006 030
Hendee, Mr and Mrs Wirt M006 001 1941
Hendee, Mr and Mrs Wirt M006 046
Hendee, W. C M006 002 1941
Hendee-Parkinson vows M006 053 1936
Hendren Bros M006 030
Hendren Farm M006 042 1941
Hendren, Margaret M006 004 1942
Hendren-Griffin vows M006 029
Herbert-Clark vows M006 070
Herbert-Hill M006 070
Herrington, Charles M006 101
Hetchler, David M006 008 1941
Hildebrant, Wilkes M006 059 1936
Hill, Bert M006 008 1941
Hindenburg bursts into flames M006 053 1937
Hoag, Pfc Chas M006 017 1945
Hoag-Szable vows M006 025
Hoisington, Meredith M006 062 1938
Hoisington-Gilmore vows M006 096 1939
Holcomb, Mrs. Zittle M006 008 1941
Holt, Edwin J M006 041 1941
Honor Students are named Fowlerville M006 092 1939
Hoover, Burr J M006 091 1939
Hoover, Burr J M006 105 1939
Hoover, Burr J M006 106 1939
Horton, Clifton M006 056
Horton, Clifton M006 084
Horton, Elen M M006 095 1939
Horton-Finlan vows M006 098 1939
Horwood, Lee M M006 095 1939
Hosley, Mrs. W. J. M006 008 1941
House, Carol M006 026 1943
House, Elda M006 035
House, Idleane M006 034
House, Loretta Hodges M006 059
House, Tech Sergeant Walter M006 045
House, Walter M006 028
Howell Business man letter to editor M006 056 1938
Howell Post Office M006 072 1936
Howell Post Office M006 073 1938
Howell Post Office M006 074 1938
Howell Public Schools building pictures M006 050
Howell-Steinacker vows M006 075 1938
Howell-Webb vows M006 072 1938
Howlett, Joyce M006 001 1942
Hubbell, Fred F M006 039 1942
Hughes-Fogle M006 046 1945
Ikens, Mr and Mrs Harold M006 054
Ivankovich-Wainwright vows M006 038 1942
Ives-Killinger vows M006 020
Jensen, Niels Peter M006 069
Jensen, Swen M006 039 1941
Jewell, Merrie M006 062 1936
Johnson, Hazel M006 034
Johnson, Mrs. Harriet Wilber M006 049 1937
Johnston, Garry M006 014 1941
Joll-Bridger vows M006 093 1939
Jonckheere, Charles M006 069 1937
Jones, Anna Smith M006 105 1939
Jones-Raymer vows M006 096 1939
Joslin, Edward M006 010 1942
Joslin, Mr. E. M. M006 020
Joy, Arthur H M006 002 1942
Jubb, Mr and Mrs. Elijah M006 067 1937
Judd, Arthur M006 042 1941
Kane, Ella M006 011 1941
Kasuda, Raymond Joseph M006 101
Kasuda, Raymond Joseph M006 102
Keeney, Victor M006 014 1942
Keeny, Frank M006 065 1937
Kelly, Norine M006 034
Kern, Ira E M006 045
Kern, PFC Howard E M006 045
Kice, Henry F M006 056 1938
King, Burr M006 045
King, Ira N M006 025 1943
King, Mary Ella MacIntyre M006 046 1945
Kingsley-Howard vows M006 027
Kintak, Stephen J M006 103 1939
Kirkland, George Albert M006 087 1938
Kleinschmidt-Allen vows M006 107
Knapp, Don M006 023
Kramer, Albert William M006 031
Krause, Ernest M006 029
Krebs, Eleanor M006 034
Kreitler-Jonckheere vows M006 026
Kruger-Boeve vows M006 038 1941
Kuhnert, Ruth M006 081 1938
Kulbicki, Anna M006 031
Kunde, Dorothy M006 092 1939
Kutnic, Paul Joseph M006 031
Laboe, Dr. Edward M006 039 1942
Lamoreaux, Dr. C. H M006 002 1942
Lange-Desnoyer vows M006 050 1936
Latson, Charles M006 107
Latson, Ruth M006 006 1941
Latson-Burns vows M006 025
Latson-Caskey vows M006 029
Leach-Roberts vows M006 041 1942
Ledwidge, Mary Roche M006 069
Lepard, C. L. M006 036
Liddicoatt, Mary Alice M006 099 1939
Lindstrom, Eric E M006 004 1941
Line, Dr. Grace Song M006 027
Line, Dr. Grace Song M006 045 1942
Line, Francis M006 020
Liverance-Becker vows M006 066 1937
Lobdell-Ackerman M006 059 1937
Lockwood, Donald M006 090 1939
Lockwood, Winifred M006 067
Lockwood-Hammond vows M006 037 1942
Lockwood-Spencer vows M006 096 1939
Lonczak, Anne M006 086 1938
Long, John W M006 063 1937
Loree-Dammon M006 053 1937
Lucas-Calhoun vows M006 019
Ludtke, George M006 039 1941
Lyons, Judge Willis M006 093 1939
Lyons, Mildred M006 001 1942
Major, Margaret M006 014 1941
Maleitzke-Herbert vows M006 096 1939
Maleitzke-McGuire vows M006 039
Marr-French vows M006 069 1937
Marsh, Hazel M006 003 1941
Martin, Bruce M006 045
Martyn, Tom M006 040 1941
Mason, Major James A M006 013 1942
Mauk, Alice M006 028
Maxwell-Richmond vows M006 021
McDaniels, Claude M006 027
McDaniels, Clayton M006 027
McDaniels, Lyle M006 027
McDaniels, Merrill M006 027
McDaniels, Orval M006 027
McDaniels, Wayne M006 027
McInnis-Fields vows M006 068
McPherson, Hugh M006 017
McPherson, Mrs. William III M006 001 1941
McQuaig, Henry M006 069 1937
Melvin-Delaforce vows M006 005 1942
Menzies, Robert M006 106 1939
Merrill, Dick M006 008 1941
Metz, Frank X M006 063 1937
Meyer, Grace M006 001 1942
Michigan Bell Telephone building M006 067 1935
Michigan Breeders Sale M006 073 1938
Michigan State Fair M006 040
Milen, Etta M006 050 1937
Milett-Hansen vows M006 018 1945
Miller, Fannie M006 075 1938
Miller, Sharon Marie M006 102
Miller, Virginia M006 042
Miller, Walter M006 075 1938
Miller, Walter M006 097 1939
Miller, William B M006 065 1937
Miller-Boles vows M006 039 1942
Miller-Love M006 058 1937
Miller-Rebholtz vows M006 054 1937
Minkley-Peterson vows M006 084 1938
Misslitz, Edward M006 031
Moffet-Frisbee vows M006 205
Montague, Arthur A M006 061 1936
Montague, Frank M006 103 1939
Moore, Joyce M006 034
Morgan, Alfred F M006 067
Morlock, Ezra M006 019
Mother Daughter Banquet M006 073 1938
Mountain, Mrs. William (Huck) M006 066
Mowell, Charles Norris M006 045
Munsell, Lawrence M006 069 1938
Munsell, Lawrence M006 095
Munsell, Rachel Fitch M006 050 1937
Munsell-Brigham vows M006 047 1937
Munsell-Markeson vows M006 005 1941
Munsell-Pitcher vows M006 025
Murnighan, J. D. M006 058 1937
Murnighan, Mr and Mrs Bernard M006 091 1939
Murninghan, Patrick Thomas M006 060
Musson, Ernest M006 097 1939
Musson, John R M006 061 1937
Nash-Klein vows M006 009 1941
Neilson, Christina M006 082 1938
Nelson, Virginia M006 035
Netting, Mrs. C. J. M006 079 1938
Newman, George A M006 080 1938
Newton, Newell M006 003 1941
Nichols, Hilyard M006 089 1939
Norton, Hattie B M006 104 1939
Norton, Henry M006 106 1939
OES Installed Officers M006 012 1941
OES Installed Officers M006 046
Oliver, Robert M006 030
Olsen, Edward M006 095 1939
Orchestra given superior rating M006 093 1939
Orr Theater M006 004 1941
Osborne, Bruce M006 045
Osborne, Morley M006 008 1941
Outwater-Seymour vows M006 065
Pajot, Lawrence M006 026
Palmerton, Mrs. Glenn M006 084 1938
Parker schoolhouse M006 008 1941
Pearen, Gloria M006 034
Peckens, Harold M006 012
Peckens-Pajot vows M006 047 1938
Peckens-Speak vows M006 056 1938
Peek, Wm. M006 097 1939
Peirce, Lelah M006 028
Peterson, Emma M006 055 1937
Peterson, Wayne M006 089 1939
Pettysville Mill M006 016
Pfau, Alfred M006 008 1941
Pfau, Alfred M006 047 1936
Pfau, Alfred M006 102 1939
Pierson, Donna M006 034
Piscopink, Mada M006 097 1939
Price, Mrs. Iva M006 095 1939
Proud-Lange vows M006 098 1939
Rajdl, Anton M006 031
Rajdl, Mary M006 031
Rathbun, Clair M006 021
Rathbun-Line vows M006 001 1941
Raymond, Ellen Grace M006 031
Raymond, Harold M006 026
Reader, J. Belle M006 058 1937
Reason, Helen M006 001 1942
Redfield, J. B. M006 031
Redfield-Shaffer vows M006 051
Redinger, John M006 025
Reed, Cordelia Adams M006 051 1936
Reed, Mulford M006 096 1939
Reiner-Peirce vows M006 028
Rieckhoff, Elizabeth M006 103 1939
Robb-Baumgartner vows M006 006 1941
Roberts-Humerich vows M006 042 1942
Robins, Carson E M006 046 1945
Roch-Westmoreland vows M006 024
Rockhold-Redinger vows M006 099 1939
Rogers, ?een M006 034
Ronschke, Private Raymond M006 005
Ross, Mrs. E. A. M006 001 1941
Rossetter-Simpson vows M006 025
Rounsville, Claude G M006 049 1937
Royce, Bula Mae M006 049 1937
Royce, Frank M006 062 1936
Rozek, Mrs. Leon (Lucinda Lowe) M006 055 1938
Rudnicki, Andrew M006 035
Ruttman, John M006 007 1941
Ruttman, John M006 008 1941
Ruttman, John M006 037 1941
Ruttman, Mrs. August M006 061 1937
Sabin, Beulah M006 092 1939
Sabin, Beulah M006 097 1939
Sabin, Beulah M006 098 1939
Sabin-Deming vows M006 054
Sabin-Haarer vows M006 005 1941
Sager, Thomas F M006 070
Schmidt-Bigelow vows M006 084 1938
Scott, Walter M006 049 1938
Scrap Drive M006 023
Scripture, Bert Erwin M006 097 1939
Sharpe, Earl M006 043 1942
Sharpe, Helen M006 034
Sharpe, Maurine M006 097 1939
Sharpe, Maurine M006 098 1939
Sharpe, Mr and Mrs Thomas M006 047
Sharpe, Tommy M006 035
Sharpe-Linman vows M006 035 1947
Sharpe-White vows M006 058 1937
Shepherd-Parmenter vows M006 084 1938
Sherwood, Patricia M006 034
Shoemaker, Lulu M006 055
Sidell, Leslie M006 014 1942
Sidell, Mr and Mrs. Will M006 082 1938
Sidell-Allmand vows M006 105 1939
Sigler, Dr. Claude M006 063 1937
Sigler, Mildred Emmaline M006 056 1938
Simpson, Frank M006 037 1942
Skym-Reyhl vows M006 046 1945
Sluzinski, Jan M006 031
Smalley, Maxine M006 034
Smith, Beverly M006 001 1942
Smith, Beverly M006 035
Smith, Beverly M006 046
Smith, Cora Ide M006 095 1939
Smith, Etha M006 070
Smith, Floyd M006 033
Smith, Mrs. Hiram M006 001 1941
Smith, R. B. M006 089 1939
Smith, Rev George M006 102
Smith, Robert M006 001 1941
Smith, Robert M006 038 1941
Smith, William M006 064
Smith-Elliott vows M006 038 1942
Smock, Lawrence M006 099 1939
Smock, Mr and Mrs Ashley M006 028
Smock-Carson vows M006 030
Snyder-Ryckman vows M006 049
Sober, James M006 028
Sober, James M006 092 1939
Sober-Klein vows M006 075 1938
Sober-Perkins M006 091
Spencer, Alice McPherson M006 066 1937
Stearns, Charles M006 099 1939
Stewart, Byron B M006 042 1941
Stilson, Mrs. Arthur M006 079 1938
Stowe-Slocum M006 082 1938
Street, Lucille M006 035
Strobel, H. G M006 010 1942
Strobel, Lieut. Florentine M006 016
Strobel-Peek vows M006 062 1937
Stuible, R M006 008 1941
Sturman, Mrs. Perrin M006 095 1939
Sutcliffe, Rev. A. B. M006 028
Swadling-Chandler vows M006 014 1942
Szabelski, Peter M006 031
Szcodronski, Anita M006 031
Tefft, Homer Leroy M006 041 1942
Thayer-Risch M006 098 1939
Thomas, Mrs. S. B. M006 001 1941
Thomas, S. B M006 027
Thomas, S. B. M006 100 1939
Thorton, Monte M006 085 1938
Tiedeman Hardware Store M006 019
Tiedeman, Henry M006 012 1941
Titmus-White vows M006 097 1939
Tryon, Hannah M006 068 1937
Tuesday Musicale Composers Group M006 022 1945
VanGilder, F. O. M006 007 1941
VanGorder, George M006 081 1938
VanKeuren, Jessie M006 104 1939
VanValkenburg, Randolph M006 008 1941
Vaughn-Kerr vows M006 037
Vogt-Lucas vows M006 091 1939
Walker Mill Parshallville M006 057 1938
Wallace, Colin M006 074 1938
Wallace, Colin Kemp M006 031
Wallace, Frank M006 095 1939
Walton, Mort M006 033
Ward, Angelia M006 028
Ward-Brady vows M006 037 1942
Ward-Brander vows M006 050
Ward-Elliott vows M006 051
Warner, Lee Sprague M006 069 1937
Warner-Wiltze vows M006 068
Watson, Dr.Arthur M006 104 1939
Watters, Chauncey M006 082 1938
Way, Mary A. Gould M006 026
Wells, H. M M006 005 1941
Wells, Mrs. R. S. M006 079 1938
Westphal, Lewis H M006 013 1942
White Mrs. Foster M006 064 1937
White, Agnes Leona (Dillingham) M006 020
Whited, Carl M006 058 1937
Whited, Lottie Ide M006 010 1942
White-Lange vows M006 084 1938
Wild, Kasper George M006 031
Wilkinson, James M006 010 1942
Wilkinson, Mr and Mrs Marshall M006 009 1942
Wilkinson-Fitch vows M006 071 1936
Williamson-Larkin vows M006 011 1942
Wilson, Rex M006 030
Wilson, Samuel M006 013 1942
Wilson-Wainwright vows M006 079 1938
Wiltse, Glenn M006 060 1936
Wimbles, George M006 051 1937
Winegar, Fred M006 061 1937
Wines, Henry H M006 031
Wines-Columbia vows M006 041 1942
Witty, Wesley M006 037 1941
Woll, Lewis M006 049
Woll, Rose Shepard M006 080 1938
Womble-Murninghan vows M006 041 1942
Woodard, Henry M006 068 1937
Woolley-Gerdom vows M006 006 1942
Worthington, Minnie E M006 047
Wright, Frank M006 098 1939
Wright, Robert M006 098 1939
Yelland, David C M006 005
Yerkes, Ethel Blanche Fields M006 082 1938
Youngs-Allen vows M006 072 1937
Yournd, Mabel M006 030
Zimmerman-Howell vows M006 075 1938
Zobl, Sherwood M006 037 1942
Zschunke vows M006 047
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