Digital Archive of the Howell Carnegie Library Archives

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  • HCDL-gn-Cooper3_u.jpg

    This is a photograph of unknown men believed to be in Livingston County, Michigan.
  • HCDL-gn-Teeple-08_u.jpg

    This photograph developed from a glass negative is labeled, "Charlie Britten'" believed to be in Livingston County Michigan. A John C. Britton lived in Conway Township, 1847 - 1921; unknown if any relationship.
  • HCDL-gn-Teeple-17_u.jpg

    This is a photograph of Unknown Women on a Swing, Unknown House, Livingston County, Michigan
  • HCDL-gn-Teeple-52_u.jpg

    This is a photograph of an unknown woman standing near the shore of a lake believed to be in Livingston County, Michigan.
  • HCDL-gn-Teeple-N030A_u.jpg

    This is a photograph of an unknown man kneeling on a dock at a lake in Livingston County, Michigan. There are boats in the background. The exact location and date are unknown.
  • HCDL-gn-025_u.jpg

    This portrait was done by Walter E. Cleave, Howell, Michigan, around 1876 and was labeled Mary Allison.
  • HCDL-gn-026_u.jpg

    This portrait done by Walter E. Cleave, Howell, Michigan, was done around 1876 and was labeled Mrs. Kilpatrick.
  • HCDL-gn-027_u.jpg

    This portrait of an unknown woman was done by Walter E. Cleave, Howell, Michigan, around 1876.
  • HCDL-gn-028_u.jpg

    This portrait of an unknown woman was done by Walter E. Cleave, Howell, Michigan, around 1876.
  • HCDL-gn-029_u.jpg

    This portrait of an unknown man was done by Walter E. Cleave, Howell, Michigan, around 1876.
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