Howell Area Archives Digital Archive

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  • HCDL-M002-01-Howell1965-plat_u.pdf

    Drawn in 1941 by Clay W. Gordon Registered Land Surveyor, Howell, Michigan
    Revised December 1958 and May 1960 by Lyle W. Munsell Registered Land Surveyor
    Revised August 1965 by Clay W. Gordon Registered Land Surveyor #505 Howell, Michigan

    Subdivisions / Additions / Plats etc.

    Almon Whipple's Addition
    Armory Site (1962)
    Assessor's Plat #1
    Assessor's Plat #10
    Assessor's Plat #2
    Assessor's Plat #3
    Assessor's Plat #4
    Assessor's Plat #5
    Assessor's Plat #6
    Assessor's Plat #7
    Assessor's Plat #8
    Assessor's Plat #9
    City Park
    City Park Marina
    Condensed Milk Company Addition
    Court House (1889)
    Cowdry's Addition
    Crane and Brooks Plat
    Episcopal Church
    Eugen E. Howe's Addition #1
    Fairlawn Beach Subdivision
    H.L. Williams Subdivision
    Harry Howe's Addition
    High School (1965)
    Hospital (1956)
    Howell Area Recreation Center (1965)
    Hugh A. McPherson Addition
    J.B. Skilbeck's Addition
    Jail (1950)
    Jaszewski's Subdivision
    Jewett's 2nd Addition
    John S. Page Athletic Field
    Junior High School (1921)
    Lake View Cemetery
    Lee Montague's Addition
    Lutheran Church
    Mansfields Addition
    McPherson and Browning Addition
    McPherson's 2nd Addition
    McPherson's 2nd Prospect Place Addition
    McPherson's Addition
    McPherson's Prospect Place Addition
    Mount Olivet Cemetery
    Northeast Elementary School (1955)
    Northwest Elementary School (1955)
    Parochial School
    Paul Bennett Field
    Peavy's Addition
    Prospect Addition #1
    Prospect Addition #2
    Read's Addition
    Roselane Point Subdivision
    Shopping Center
    Southeast Elementary School (1955)
    Southwest Elementary School (1955)
    Swann's Subdivision
    T.W. Mizner's Washington Heights Addition
    The First Marion Addition
    The Jewett Addition
    Thompson Lake
    Thompson's Addition
    Victory Gardens
    Whipple's 2nd Addition
    Wilcox's Addition
    Winkelmans Subdivision


    Aberdeen Way
    Alger Street
    Almon Street
    Ann Arbor Railroad
    Argyle Street
    Audrey Drive
    Barnard Street
    Bates Street
    Boston Blvd
    Bower Street
    Brae View Drive
    Brooks Street
    Browning Drive
    Burns Street
    Bush Street
    Byron Road
    Caledonia Road
    Catrell Drive
    Center Street
    Central Avenue
    Chestnut Street
    Church Street
    Clark Street
    Clinton Street
    Court Street
    Crane Street
    Crest Road
    Dearborn Street
    Detroit Avenue
    East Caledonia
    East Park Street
    Elm Street
    Factory Street
    Fair Avenue
    First Avenue
    Fleming Street
    Fowler Street
    Gay Street
    George Street
    Glen Road
    Glengarry Drive
    Grand River Avenue
    Gregory Street
    Griswold Street
    Hadden Avenue
    Heather Heath Drive
    Henry Street
    Hesse Street
    Higgins Street
    I-96 Business Loop
    Indiana Rye
    Inverness Road
    Isbell Street
    Jewett Street
    Jones Street
    Lake Avenue
    Lake Street
    Lakeside Drive
    Liberty Street
    Lincoln Street
    Livingston Street
    Madison Street
    Maple Avenue
    Marion Street
    Mason Road
    McCarthy Street
    McPherson Street
    Michigan Avenue
    Monroe Street
    National Avenue
    North Street
    Oceola Street
    Park Avenue
    Pauline Drive
    Pere Marquette Railroad
    Pinckney Road
    Prospect Street
    Pulford Street
    Riddle Street
    Roosevelt Street
    Roselane Court
    Second Avenue
    Sibley Street
    South Street
    Spring Street
    State Street
    Summit Street
    Sutton Avenue
    Third Avenue
    Thompson Lake Avenue
    Thompson Street
    Thurber Drive
    Tompkins Street
    Wallace Way
    Walnut Street
    Washington Street
    West Park Street
    West Street
    Wetmore Street
    Tags ,
  • HCDL-M002-01-Howell1941-plat_u.pdf

    Prepared by Clay W. Gordon, County Surveyor, Howell, Michigan
    Traced by L.A. Smith, East Lansing, Michigan

    City Officials

    Eric Reiner, Mayor
    H.R. Bush, Council
    M.T. Proctor, Council
    E.N. Baldwin, Council
    Fred Schafer, Council
    F.G. Catrell, Clerk
    Bertha E. Kirk, Treasurer
    W.H. Gartrell, Assessor

    Additions, Subdivisions, Plats, etc.

    Almon Whipple's Victory Gardens Addition
    Assessor's Plat #1
    Assessor's Plat #2
    Assessor's Plat #3
    Assessor's Plat #4
    Assessor's Plat #5
    Assessor's Plat #6
    Assessor's Plat #7
    Assessor's Plat #8
    Condensed Milk Company Addition
    Cowdry's Addition
    Crane and Brooks Plat
    Eugene Howe's Addition
    Fairlawn Beach Subdivision
    Harry Howe's Addition
    Hugh A. McPherson Addition
    Jaszewski's Subdivision
    Jewett's 2nd Addition
    Lake View Cemetery
    Lee Montague's Addition
    Mansfield's Addition
    McPherson and Browning Addition
    McPherson's 2nd Prospect Place Addition
    McPherson's Addition
    McPherson's Prospect Place Addition
    Mount Olivet Cemetery
    Peavy's Addition
    Prospect Addition #1
    Skilbeck's Addition
    Swann's Subdivision
    T.W. Mizner's Washington Heights Apartments
    The First Marion Addition
    The Jewett Addition
    Thompson Lake
    Thompson's Addition
    Whipple's 2nd Addition
    Wilcox's Addition
    Winkelman's Subdivision

    Roads, Streets, etc.

    Alger Street
    Ann Arbor Railroad
    Argyle Street
    Athletic Street
    Barnard Street
    Bates Street
    Boston Blvd
    Bower Street
    Brooks Street
    Burns Street
    Bush Street
    Byron Road
    Caledonia Road
    Center Street
    Central Avenue
    Chestnut Street
    Clark Street
    Clinton Street
    Court Street
    Crane Street
    Dearborn Street
    Detroit Avenue
    East Park
    Elm Street
    Factory Street
    Fair Avenue
    First Avenue
    Fleming Street
    Fowler Street
    Gay Street
    George Street
    Grand River Avenue/U.S. 16
    Gregory Street
    Griswold Street
    Hadden Avenue
    Henry Street
    Higgins Street
    Inverness Road
    Isbell Street
    Jewett Street
    Jones Street
    Lake Avenue
    Lake Side Drive
    Lake Street
    Liberty Street
    Lincoln Street
    Livingston Street
    Madison Street
    Maple Avenue
    Marion Road
    McCarthy Street
    McPherson Street
    Michigan Avenue
    Monroe Street
    National Avenue
    North Street
    Oceola Street
    Park Avenue
    Pere Marquette Railroad
    Pinckney Road
    Prospect Street
    Pulford Street
    Riddle Street
    Roosevelt Street
    Sibley Street
    South Street
    Spring Street
    State Street
    Summit Street
    Swann Court
    Third Avenue
    Thompson Lake Avenue
    Tompkins Street
    Walnut Street
    Washington Street
    West Park
    West Street
    Wetmore Street
    Williams Street
    Tags ,
  • HCDL-M002-01-Howell1875-plat_u.pdf

    Below are names found in the map.

    Original Howell and surrounding (orange)

    Allen & Brown,
    Angell,V.R. T.
    Champers,R. A
    Finn,J. H.
    Havens,H. J.
    Hewitt,L. K.
    Hickey & Galloway
    Hurtley,L. C
    Jewett,Mrs. G. W
    Kelly,Mrs. F
    Kenvony, Shields, Ramsey & Clark
    Love,Miss. A.D
    Marsh,F. H.
    Marsh,L. H.
    McPherson,W. & Sons
    McPherson & Co,Wm
    McPhersons & Hickey & Galloway
    Millett,Miss W
    Riddle,Mrs. E.J
    Rubert House,
    Wells Office,Dr. W. L.
    Wilcox & Skilbeck,
    Winans,E. B.
    Wyand,C. M
    Baptist Church
    Presbyterian Church
    Court House
    Catholic Church


    1 Cummiskey Est.
    2 W.R. Griffith
    3 J.V. Gilbert
    4 A. Blood
    5 Allen & Brown
    6 H & J Weimeister
    7 J. Sweeny
    8 R. Brand Restaurant
    9 S.F. Hubbell
    10 H.C. Huntley
    11 John Jones
    12 Alex McPherson & Co. Bank
    13 Crosman & Jewett
    14 A. Blank
    15 Green
    16 W. Brower Restaurant
    17 M Bergen
    18 W. McPherson & Sons
    19 S. Wallace
    20 W. McPherson & Sons
    21 Mrs. F. B. Sabin
    22 W.L & T. B Knapp
    23 W.L. & T. B. Knapp
    24 Mrs. Naylor
    25 Young & Dean
    26 W. McPherson & Sons Store
    27 J.B. Skileck
    28 W. McPherson & Sons
    29 G. Greenaway & Son Store
    30 S. Andrews
    31 E. McDaniels
    32 H. H. Mills
    33 F.N. Monroe Hardware Store
    34 A. Whipple
    35 J. I Van Deusen
    36 S. Andrews
    37 V.R.T. Angell
    38 John Leary
    39 H & J Weimeister Hotel

    Brooks Addition

    Adell, J.R.
    Allen, Mrs.
    Andrew, S.
    Axtell, Mrs
    Barber, Mrs. J.
    Barnard, P.
    Barrett, Mrs. A.
    Barwood, J.E.
    Bissell, Mrs.
    Blank, A.
    Boothbey, N.
    Boyd, Mrs. A.
    Brigham, Chas
    Brundell, B.W.
    Bush, H.M.
    Card, Jno
    Cardell, B.W.
    Carpenter, Mrs. C
    Clark, Mrs. C.
    Cook, Mrs.
    Cooper, Mrs.
    Culver Bros
    Curtis, R.B.
    Davis, Mrs. S.
    Dorn, Mrs.
    Eldridge, J.
    Edwards, Mrs.
    Fishbeck, D.A.
    Fishbeck, L.N.
    Fishbeck, M.
    Fishbeck, S.G.
    Fry, H.G.
    Galloway, J.H.
    Gilbert, J.V.
    Goodrich, W.
    Gorton, Mrs
    Granger, Mrs.
    Greenaway, E.
    Greenaway, Geo
    Gregory, E.B.
    Hall, A.
    Haven, H.J.
    Hennan, Jas
    Hoagland, Geo
    Holmes, Jno
    Hopper, H.W.
    Howell Union School
    Huggen, G.
    Huntington, Dr. W.
    Huntley, I.C.
    Huntley, J.H.
    Jenks, Mrs. L.
    Johnson, J.
    Johnston, R. McRay
    Kelley, F.
    Kenyon, M.H.
    Knapp, W.L.
    Knapp, W.L. & T.B.
    Krigler, Mrs.
    Lamore, T.
    Latson & Wright
    Lee, F.J.
    Lee, Mrs.
    Leroy, H.H.
    Losford, R.
    Lyon, Mrs. S.E.
    Martin, Jas
    McPherson, W.
    Methodist Church
    Miller, Mrs.
    Monroe, F.N.
    Mott, R.
    Musson, Wm
    Naylor, Mrs.
    Neely, Mrs.
    Pabner, Miss
    Parker, D.
    Phelps, D.
    Pinkney, Mrs. M.
    Pless, L.
    Prurlow, J.
    Reuble, F.
    Robinson, Mrs.
    Sabin, Mrs. F.D.
    Sexton, P.H.
    Scofield, Mrs.
    Shapmen, R.J.
    Smith, H.H.
    Smith, L.C.
    Smith, Mrs. S.E.
    Smiths, W.B.
    Staley, M.J.
    Stapleton, J.
    Stanley, H.
    Straw, C.
    Taylor & Clark
    Treadwell, H.B.
    Van Deusen, Mrs
    Van Deusen, J.I.
    Walker, Mrs.
    Wallace, J.
    Washburn, Mrs.
    Whalen, W.D.
    Whipple, Mrs.
    Wilcox, C.
    Wilcox, J.H.
    Williamson, W.
    Wines, E.D.
    Wright, J.W.
    Wylaff Clark & Immer
    Young, L.A.

    Cardells Addition

    McKinley, M.

    J.B. Cranes Subdivision

    Ackerman, F.M.
    Marble Shop
    Walters, E.
    Wheeler, H.P.

    P.A. Cowdry's Addition

    Andrews, S.
    Angell, V.R.T.
    Bennett, J.F.
    Bennett, P.
    Blackman, H.B.
    Blanck, A.
    Draper, J.
    Edmonds, J.
    Glover, L.M.
    Gregory, E.P.
    Helm, C.
    Helm, J.
    Mason, J.G.
    McPherson, W. & A.
    Sweeney, J.
    Wheeler, H.P.
    Wood, S.D.

    Jewetts Addition

    Clark, P.F.
    Coleman, J.K.
    Fishbeck, S.G.
    Grant & Sherwood
    Jenks, G.W.
    Jewett, W.B.
    Kenyon, W.W.
    Kneeland, E.E.
    Loomis, W.B.
    Perry, R.A.
    Stephens, T.
    Tayler, G.U.
    Topping, L.
    Waddell & Montague

    McPherson's Addition

    Bashford, M.
    Bissell, S.M.
    Blackman, H.B.
    Brewer, Thos W.
    Briggs, A.C.
    Burckman, G.C.
    Burns, Mrs
    Bush, I.W.
    Clark, G.L.
    Farrell, J.
    Gregory, E.P.
    Gregory, Mrs.
    Hearn, N.O.
    Hickey, F.E.
    Hitchcock, Mrs.
    Kneeland, D.C. & A.D.
    Lee, G.D.
    Melvin, F.J.
    Mills, Dr. W.J.
    Monroe, E.N.
    Moore, Jno
    Moore, Rob
    Presbyterian Church
    Preston, J.A.
    Porter, W.H.
    Reed, E.E.
    Rider, A.J.
    Smith, Mrs
    VanDeisen, W.E.
    VanKeeck, A.
    VanKleeds, A.
    Wheeler, H.B.
    Wickoff, F.S.
    Williams, C.L.
    Wing, H.
    Wright, Wm

    McPherson's 2nd Addition

    Burbank, G.
    Haight, L.
    Smith, J.
    Weaver, C.W.

    McPherson's Prospect Place Addition

    McPherson, W. & Son
    Neal, J

    McPherson's Second Prospect Addition

    Hunter, T.
    McPherson, M.J.
    Titus, J.T.

    J. & A. McPherson's Addition

    Burgess, G.S.
    Field, L.
    Gorton, E.
    Lareau, F.
    Lasher, C.W.
    Sexton, W.K.
    Sheldon, S.W.
    Shields, H.
    Young, V.

    Thompson's Addition

    Baptist Church
    Barnard, P.
    Beardsley, S.
    Franklin House
    Galloway, Jno H.
    Gay, M.L.
    Harmon, H.H.
    Hickey, N.J.
    Hubbell, S.F.
    Hutton, R.C.
    McBride, Mrs S.
    McPherson, A.
    McPherson, E.G.
    McPherson, W.
    Mills, H.H.
    Mynahem, M.D.
    Rumsey, W.C.
    Skilbeck, J.B.
    Smith, H.H.
    Spencer, Dr. H.N.
    VanDeusen, J.I.
    Waddell, A.D.
    Weimeister, J.
    Wells, Dr. W.L.
    Wright, E.C.

    Whipples Addition

    Allen, A.J.
    Allen, C.
    Allison, Mrs.
    Archie, F.
    Barber, Wm
    Brand, J.
    Brockway, F.
    Brockway, H.
    Bush, Geo
    Carpenter, W.W.
    Clark, T.
    Culver, C.
    Cummiskey, B.
    Daniels, J.
    Eddy, J.
    Fields, A.
    Fleason, J.
    Harmon, H.H.
    Harrington, H.
    Hazard, C.
    Hoagland, Mrs.
    Huntley, J.H.
    Huntley, R.D.
    Johnson, T.L.
    Kenyon, W.W.
    Knapp, W.L T.B.
    Monroe, F.N.
    Myer, C.
    Papsworth, T.
    Ramsey, R.H.
    Rubert, B.H.
    Sellman, H.G.
    Setchfield, G.
    Setchfield, R.
    Shields, D.
    Shitaker, A.J.
    Sintons, M.
    Smith, W.
    Truesdell, W.
    Wardell, A.D.
    Whipple, A.
    Winnegar, T.

    Wilcox Addition

    Finlay, R.
    Fitch, Mrs.
    Frey, M.
    Galloway Blackman & Co.
    Goodrich, N.
    Hatton, Mrs E.G.
    Holt, A.V.
    McPherson, W. & Son
    Meyer, C.
    Sexton, Wm
    Silsby, G.
    Smith, B.R.
    Switz, A.
    Switz, W.
    Vanzile & Black
    Whittaker, J.D.
    Wright, J.W.

    Skilbeck Addition

    Brockway, Mrs.
    Bush, Mrs.
    Carpenter, W.W.
    Coddington, E.
    Crippen, I.
    Humphrey, E.S.
    Jones, John
    McNinney, B.
    Sager, Chas
    Weller, R.

    Roads and Miscellaneous

    Arggle Street
    Bates Street
    Bernard Street
    Brooks Street
    Bush Street
    Byron Road
    Center Street
    Clinton Street
    Court Street
    Crane Street
    Dearborn Street
    Detroit Lansing Lake Michigan Railroad
    East Street
    Elm Street
    Emerson Street
    Fairgrounds Street
    Fleming Street
    Gay Street
    George Street
    Grand River Street
    Griswold Street
    Grove Street
    Higgins Street
    High Street
    Hubbell Street
    Isbell Street
    Jewett Street
    Jones Street
    Lake Street
    Liberty Street
    Lincoln Street
    Livingston County Agricultural Society Fairgrounds
    Livingston Street
    Madison Street
    Main Street
    Maple Avenue
    Marion Road
    McCarthy Street
    Mill Street
    Monroe Street
    Mulberry Street
    North Street
    Oak Grove Cemetery
    Pinckney Road
    Prospect Street
    Riddle Street
    Second Street
    Sibley Street
    South Street
    Spring Street
    State Street
    Summit Street
    Thompson Lake
    Thompson Street
    Tompkins Street
    Walnut Street
    Washington Avenue
    West Street
    Westmore Street
    Wheeler Street
    Whipple Street
    William Street
    Tags ,
  • HCDL-S002-21-Football-1963-yearbook_m.pdf

    1963 yearbook pages of the football team. The team went 9-0 in the regular season.
  • everett.jpg

    Howell won 7-0 at Page Athletic Field, Howell, Michigan. Everett was defending league champions. Of interest in this game was the participation of Everett's #55, Dean Look, who went on to be an All-American quarterback at Michigan State, a baseball player at MSU and in the major leagues, and a long-time NFL referee. (HCDL-S002-21-Football-1955-everett_u.mp4)

    During these films you may notice occasional breaks in the action, caused when Duane Zemper had to stop and put a new 100 foot roll of film in his movie camera.

    Mentions during footage:
    Dean Look, Roger Quinn, Dick McMacken, Doug Gerkin, John Struble, #21 John McCloskey, Harold Haller, Russ Smith, Dick Lamphere, Jim Bibbley
  • eatonrapids.jpg

    Howell won 2-0 at Page Athletic Field, Howell, Michigan. (HCDL-S002-21-Football-1955-eaton-rapids_u.mp4)

    During these films you may notice occasional breaks in the action, caused when Duane Zemper had to stop and put a new 100 foot roll of film in his movie camera.

    Persons mentioned in film: 
    Dick McMacken, Dick Lowe, Jim Bibbley, John Struble, Doug Gerkin, Bill Earl, Jerry Humphries, Harold Haller, and Jim Rogers
  • charlotte.jpg

    Howell won 19-7 at Page Athletic Field, Howell, Michigan. It was the homecoming game. (HCDL-S002-21-Football-1955-charlotte_u.mp4)

    During these films you may notice occasional breaks in the action, caused when Duane Zemper had to stop and put a new 100 foot roll of film in his movie camera.

    Mentions/observed in the film:
    Howell High School Marching Band, Cheerleaders, Dick Lowe, Harold Haller, Dick McMacken, John Struble, Gerald Humphries, Charlie Brigham, Tom Westmoreland, #21 John McCloskey
  • homecoming.jpg

    Homecoming at Page Field, Howell, Michigan and crowning of queen Marjie Simmons by Margaret Deveraux, graduate of Howell High School 1952 and 1955 Miss Michigan. The football game was between Howell and Charlotte. (HCDL-S002-21-Football-1955-homecoming_u.mp4)

    Names Mentioned:

    Marjie Simmons, Homecoming Queen, Superintendent John Page, Judy Klier, Rosemary Richards, Caren Cooley, Nancy Jubb, Principal William Christopherson, Miss Michigan Margaret Deveraux
    Assistant Coach Guy Jameson, Athletic Director Paul Bennett, Coach Harold Fulk, Jack Vince, 
    Managers: Ron Walker, Ed Bucknell, Milt Walsh

    Players: John McCuskey, Oliver Albright, Dick Lamphere, Eugene Steinacker, Lee Ward, Jim Rogers, Russell Smith, Jim Bippley, John Struble, Harold Haller, Dick Lowe, Charlie Brigham, Bill Earl, Stan Warner, Carl Seim, Paul Wylie, Doug Gerkin

    Roster of the Charlotte Orioles Football Team and Cheerleaders

    Howell High School Marching Band and Twirlers

    Business sponsors mentioned in the Program:
    Baldwin Drug, Slayton Motor Sales, Bob Akin Insurance, Pierce's, Smith-Lowe Sales, Itsell's Clothing, Citizens' Insurance, Don Main Motor Service, W.D. Adams, Johnson Drugs, D & C Store, Dickson's Bakery, Tom McShane, Chevrolet Sales, McPherson Oil Company, Baldwin Hardware Co., Beurmann & Clark, Family Restaurant, Gilkes & Zizka Hardware, Zemper's Studio, Snednicor's Cleaners, Russell D. Smith Company, Swann's Store, Haller's Hardware, Goodnow's Department Store, Ed Robin, Hay Jeweler's, Lud-Mor Shoe Store, C.N. Holkins & Son, McPherson State Bank, Scully-Monroe Insurance Agency, Livingston Drug Store, Beurmann's Furniture, Ford A. Garland Men's Apparel, Watson & Roberts Mobil Service, 

  • intro.jpg

    This video is the introductory video to the Howell High School Football Team's  1955 season.

    The Howell Highlanders' record was 9 - 0; they were a member of the Capital Circuit Conference, and played Lansing Everett, Eaton Rapids, and Charlotte.

    Places include Page Field, Howell, Michigan.  The narrator in these videos was John McCloskey, player, class of 1956, HHS.

    Persons mentioned or pictured in this video:

    Coach Harold Fulk, Assistant Coach Guy Jameson, Manager Ron Walker, Athletic Director Paul Bennett, Players, Oliver Albright, Dick Lowe, Charlie Brigham, Bill Earl, John McCloskey, John Struble, Tom Westmoreland, Harold Haller, Dick Lamphere, Ron Clay, Glen Meyer, Stan Warner, Melvin Gillett, Jim Bippley, Russ Smith, Ron Battle, Bob Carroll, Gene Steinacker, Dean Kypke, Ed Robin, Gary Chapel, Lee Ward, Don Penzien, Gerald Humphries, Jim Rogers, Dick McMacken, Doug Gerkin, and Dick White.
  • HCDL-S002-21-Football-1955-trophy_u.jpg

    Coach Harold Fulk (left) watches Oliver Albright (center) and John McCloskey (right) place the champion undefeated team trophy in the trophy case.

    Had not been undefeated since 1896.
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