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Sutton Farm, Hartland Township, Fenton, Michigan, Plow Day 2008
Remembering Sutton Farm, Fenton, Michigan Plow Day 2008 George Winegar and Joyce Fisher interviewed and captured Plow Day for the Howell Area Archives, Howell, Michigan at the Sutton Centennial Farm, Fenton, Michigan (HCDL-bd-Sutton-Farm-Plow-Day_m.mp4).
Sutton Farm was located on Fenton Road, just south of Holtforth, Hartland Township, Livingston County, Michigan.
The exact date of the event is unknown. The background noise of tractors makes hearing the dialogue difficult.
- Names:George Winegar, Joyce Fisher (voice), Elaine Wyckoff Sutton, Sutton Farm, Fred Buckner, Tom Tooley
- Tractors: John Deere, Massey Ferguson, McCormick Deering Farmall, White, International, Allis Chalmers
- Steam Traction Engine: owned by Fred Buckner, Howell, Michigan, Peerless, manufactured by the Geiser Manufacturing Company
- Equipment: plows, corn sheller
- The names of the others in the video are unknown.
Cornerstone Laying, Hartland, Michigan, 1951
This group of photographs were taken during the Ceremonial Laying of the Cornerstone of the "51 Building", Hartland Public Schools, Hartland, Michigan, 1951.
The exact date, and names of the persons in the photograph are unknown. -
Hartland Public Schools, Hartland, Michigan, 1950
This is a photograph of a group participating in the contract signing for the new school, Hartland, Michigan, 1950. The location of this is inside Cromaine Library. The artwork behind the signees is the same artwork today. Cromaine was a part of Hartland Schools, but they are separate now
The exact date, and names of the persons in the photograph are unknown. -
Hartland High School, Hartland, Michigan, 1953
This is a photograph of the Hartland High School building, Hartland, Michigan, 1953. This building was called the "21 Building" because it was built in 1921. It has since been torn down. -
Hartland Music Hall, Hartland, Michigan
This is a photograph of the exterior of the Hartland Music Hall, 3619 Avon Street, Hartland, Michigan. -
Hartland Music Hall, Hartland, Michigan
This is a photograph of the exterior of the Hartland Music Hall, 3619 Avon Street, Hartland, Michigan. -
Hartland Music Hall, Hartland Michigan
This is a photograph of the Hartland Music Hall, 3619 Avon Street, Hartland, Michigan. -
Hartland Village Construction, Hartland, Michigan
This is a photograph of construction in the village of Hartland, Michigan. A small building sits south of the Music Hall was once a light fixture shop.
The date, exact location, and names of the persons in the photograph are unknown. -
Hartland, Michigan
This is an unknown bullding and people in Hartland Michigan.
The exact location, date and names of the persons are unknown. -
Crouse & Parshall Dairy Products Company, F. J. Winslow, Grocer, Hartland, Michigan
This is a photograph of a storefront, Crouse & Parshall Dairy Products Company, F. J. Winslow, Grocer, Hartland, Michigan.
The year and name of person in the photograph are unknown.
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