Digital Archive of the Howell Carnegie Library Archives

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  • HCDL-ngp-D004-01-0151_u.jpg

    This photograph is of the southside of the 300 block of East Grand River Avenue, Howell, Michigan, and was taken as part of documentation for the R/UDAT Study, 1984.  In view is the Griffin Realty, 322 East Grand River Avenue, looking west, from North Barnard Street.   Griffin Realty was formerly Harold Crandall, Realty.  West of 322 is the former Michigan Bell Telephone Building.

    In 1983, the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce applied for a R/UDAT (Regional/Urban Design Assistance Team) study, an American Institute of Architects program that brought a team of professionals to the city for a four-day period to study Howell's downtown, its ability to compete for regional shopping, and to make recommendations for improvements to re-vitalize the city.  The team, in 1984, during the study took photographs, interviewed people, held forums, and in the end provided an outline of strategies.

    American Institute of Architects Regional/Urban Design Assistance Team
  • HCDL-ngp-T001-01-0031_u.jpg

    Photographs of a telephone booth outside the old Michigan Bell Telephone office, 310 E. Grand River, 1/2 block from Court House, Howell, Michigan, 1953.

    The names of the persons in the pictures are unknown.
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