Digital Archive of the Howell Carnegie Library Archives

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  • HCDL-ngp-D004-01-0070_u.jpg

    This photograph is of the northside of the 100 block of West Grand River Avenue, Howell, Michigan, and was taken as part of documentation for the R/UDAT Study, 1984.  In view is 106 - 116 West Grand River Avenue  . Signage, vehicles, and pedestrians in view.

    In 1983, the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce applied for a R/UDAT (Regional/Urban Design Assistance Team) study, an American Institute of Architects program that brought a team of professionals to the city for a four-day period to study Howell's downtown, its ability to compete for regional shopping, and to make recommendations for improvements to re-vitalize the city.  The team, in 1984, during the study took photographs, interviewed people, held forums, and in the end provided an outline of strategies.

    American Institute of Architects Regional/Urban Design Assistance Team
  • HCDL-ngp-ZNB002-02-0034_u.jpg

    A portrait of Bill Hilton, owner of Hilton Sign Shop owner, 305 East Grand River Avenue,  Fowlerville Michigan.

    date unknown
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