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Windstorm Damage to Four Mile House Tavern, Livingston County, Michigan - May 29, 1942
Windstorm Damage to Four Mile House Tavern, Livingston County, Michigan - May 29, 1942
Was located at 4020 West Grand River Avenue, Howell, Michigan.
On June 3rd, 1942, the Livingston County Press reported that the Four Mile House "did a rushing business after the storm winds tore off the front of the structure and made it an open-air spot".
The Tavern was rebuilt after the windstorm but suffered a fire March 16, 1946.
Read the June 3, 1942 Livingston County Press article. -
Windstorm Damages at Wilson Farms, Livingston County, Michigan - June 1, 1951
Windstorm Damages at Wilson Farms, Livingston County, Michigan - June 1, 1951
Exact location is unknown
Read June 6, 1951 Livingston County Press article. -
Mrs. W.J. Hosley Farm, Oceola Township, Livingston, Michigan, 1941
This is a photograph of Mrs. W. J. Hosley's farm following a "Cyclone" on April 23, 1941. The Livingston County Press reported that Mrs. Hosley's farm sustained damage with part of the house roof blown off and a big barn wrecked, killing several sheep. -
John Ruttman Farm, Gregory, Michigan
This photograph is of the John Ruttman farm, Gregory, Iosco Township, Michigan following being struck by a tornado on April 20, 1941. -
Tornado Damage, Fowlerville, Michigan - May 15, 1909
For more information view the Mastodons to Manufacturers: A History of Fowlerville, Michigan in the Local History Room.
View the Livingston Republican May 19, 1909 edition, articles Six Miles of Devastation In Livingston County and Cyclone Losses Paid (links work in the library or if you have newspapers.com subscription) -
Fred Berry's Barn, Tornado Damage, Marion Township, Livingston, Michigan, April, 1941
This photograph shows the damage to the Fred Berry Barn in Marion Township, Livingston, Michigan following a tornado that struck in April 1941.
The Livingston County Press & Argus/search/?query=tornado%20%20Berry%22&t=3786&p_province=us-mi&dr_year=1941-1941 (in library use only). -
Van Gilder Farm, Tornado, Marion Township, Livingston, Michigan, April 20, 1941
These photographs are of the Van Gilder Farm in Marion Township, Livingston, Michigan, after a tornado struck on April 20, 1941.
The Livingston Daily Press & Argus/image/454510040/?terms=tornado&match=1 (in library use only). -
A Tornado struck St. Agnes Catholic Church in Fowlerville, Michigan - 1909
Th is a picture of the aftermath of a cyclone which destroyed St Agnes Catholic Church on the corner of Church St and Maple St in Fowlerville, Michigan
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