Browse Items (13 total)
Green Oak Free Methodist Church, Brighton, Michigan, 1967
This is a photograph of the Green Oak Free Methodist Church, 10111 Fieldcrest Drive, Brighton, Michigan, 1967. -
Kensington Baptist Church, Kensington, Green Oak Township, Michigan
This is a photograph of the Kensington Baptist Church, Kensington, Green Oak Township, Michigan. -
Abstract for Green Oak Township, Livingston County, Michigan E 1/2 of Section 5 and NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 4 and Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan SE 1/4 of Section 32 and S 1/2 of Section 33 1832-1923
Names Mentioned
Grand River Lakes Colony, Green Oak Twp, Island Lake Shores, Pere Marquette Railroad, Edward Drewry, Howell, Lewis Fornd, Andrew Jackson, A Donaldson, George McCracken, Hiram Goff, Claripa Goff, Digby Bell, L Fonda, John Sowle, Juliette Sowle, Stephen Bonnet, Harriet Bonnet, Lucien Sanger, Joseph Briggs, A Van Buren, Martin Van Buren, Esther Morgan, Lyman Judson, Joseph Jennings, James Coe, Ira Bingham, Marie Abrams, George Briggs, Emily Briggs, Emily Cady, Lewis Fonda, Moses Lyon, Catherine Lyon, Thomas Dennis, Samuel Egbert, Epenetus Gray, John Wright, Robert Fowler, Daniel Downey, Francis Lecount, Marinda Lecount, Phoeba Burnett, John Mundy, John Doremus, Almon Maltby, John Spencer, Sherman Dix, S Williams, Catherine Doremus, Edward Mundy, William Burnett, Sarah Mundy, Jacob Doremus, Helen Burnett, Caleb Edson, Lovina Edson, William Clark, Hierome Goodspeed, Jotham Goodspeed, Jacinth Clark, Rebecca Goodspeed, Charles Sidway, Susan Sidway, Ernest Loehne, Wilhelmina Loehne, John Schmidt, John Smith, Ernest Loehne, William Loehne, Louisa Loehne, Hugh Bergin, Richard Bergin, Frank Marvin, Ellen Bergin, Lora Fonda, Juliette Fonda, Sophia English, Fanny Holdridge, Charles Holdridge, Obadiah Warner, Benj Clark, Benjamin Clark, L York, Lora Van Leuven, Arther Cole, Lavinia Fonda, Patric Donaly, Fanelove Holdridge, Fonda Holdridge, Nina Holdridge, Bud Holdridge, L York, Eugene Hicks, S Clark, Henry Maltby, L Clark, H Maltby, Arther Wood, Nora Wood, Plina Holdridge, Jacob Duke, Alex Fletcher, Sarah Fletcher, Daniel Rollings, Ausburn Dickinson, Alexander Fletcher, Walter Elliott, George English, Leroy Crane, Iva Case, Charles Fishbeck, Bertrand York, George Cushing, Adda Cushing, Francis Cushing, Charles Cushing, B Clark, W Stuhberg, Eugene Stowe, E Pipp, Willis Lyons, Clara Cushing, Norman Carpenter, Emily Cady, Marion Abrams, Mary Carpenter, Ina Balfour, George Walker, Lovina Edson, Thomas Edmonds, Sarah Walker, William Alvord, Royal Rumsey, Orson Quackenbush, Ann Quackenbush, Joseph Jennings, Eliza Jennings, W Stoddard, Abraham Lincon, Ephraim Cornish, George Walker, Almina Rumsey, Edward McPherson, William McPherson, M McPherson, Rosa McPherson, Martin McPherson, Franc McPherson, Jennie McPherson, Milton Draper, Ida Draper, Fredrick Matthews, Adelaide Matthews, Orville Draper, Orille Draper, Asa VanKleck, Franses Van Kleeck, Elizabeth Draper, Mary Draper, Squire Carter, Martha Carter, Charles Fowler, George Kennedy, Jane Durrah, Esther Hibbard, Mary Smith, Elizabeth Burrell, William Hibbard, Daniel Hibbard, Josiah Hammond, Clarence Bishop, Isidori Bishop, Henry Bergin, Edward Decker, Ellen Burgin, John Van Leuven, A Thompson, Bert Pate, Charles Judson, Arthur Montague, Philip Decker, Helen Decker, Edward Decker, Ella Decker, Arthur Wood, Elenor Casey, William Schneider, Elenor Casey, Nora Wood, St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum, The People, George Ratz, Ernest Burdick, Susan Sidway, Joseph Blockwood, Elias Pond, Selden Minor, J Schmidt, Frank Marvin, Benjamin Batcheler, Josiah Turner, Susan Wooden, Ada Treadwell, Ann Belding, De Forest Treat, Minerva Horton, Polly Wooden, Edward Treadwell, Bradley Granger, Celia McNamara, William Dunn, Edwin Denby, Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, George Cushing Farm, Paul Sorge, Pearl Parker, E Drewry, John McConnell, Asa Kleeck, Island Lake Association Ltd, Lyman Cook, Rollin Person, Marina Bennett, John Titus, John Doremus -
Abstract for Green Oak Township, Livingston County, Michigan N 1/2 of NW frl. 1/4 of Section 4 and Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan E 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 33 1836-1949
Names Mentioned
Fonda Lake, E Drewry, Phebe Burnett, John Mundy, Stephen Bonnell, William Burnett, Helen Burnett, John Doremus, Catherine Doremus, Caleb Edson, Lovine Edson, Sherman Dix, Jacob Doremus, Esther Doremus, Barrett, William Clark, Jacintha Clark, Hierom Goodspeed, Floyd Williams, Southerlans Williams, Jotham Goodspeed, Rebecca Goodspeed, Charles Sidway, Susan Sidway, Ernest Loehne, Joseph Blackwell, Wilhelmina Loehne, John Schmidt, Chas Sidway, Wm Loehne, John Smith, William Loehne, Louisa Loehne, Hugh Bergin, Richard Bergin, Frank Marvin, Staphen Bonnell, Harriet Bonnell, Lucian Sanger, Lewis Fonda, Lovinia Fonda, Ellen Bergin, Island Lake Camp Association, Bergins Woods, John VanLeuven, Adam Brown, Ella Brown, H Brown, Fonda Lake, Arthur Gibson, Irvin Rowe, Margaret Rowe, William Brown, Clinton Brown, Della LaFayette, Ella Gibson, Frank Bartle, Eleanor Warren, Maria Gillespie, Gladis Amenette, Arthur Gibsom, Arnold Cemetery, John Williston, Irving Rowe, Island Lake Colony, Ella Gibsom, Myrtle Bartle, Gladys Amenette, Arlene Warner, Floyd Felder, Leo Felder, Bertha Brown, Doris Felder, William Burnett, Willis Hale, Warren Clark, Alonzo Olds, Calvin Goodspeed, Abigail Goodspeed, Susan Sidway, Joseph Blackwood, Elias Pond, Joshiah Turner, Frank Marvin, Susan Woodin, Ada Treadwell, Adah Treadwell, Giles Kavanagh, Joe Gates -
Abstract for Green Oak Township, Livingston County, Michigan N1/2 of NE frl. 1/4 and SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 2 1835-1965
Abstract for Green Oak Township, Livingston County, Michigan N1/2 of NE frl. 1/4 and SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 2 1835-1965
Names Mentioned
Frank Bush,Joel Redway,John Beach, Andrew Jackson, Lyon Beach, A.S. Adams, Detroit & Howell Plank Road Company, Laura Redway, Louisa Beach, Legrand Beach, Frederick Murray, Jerry Murray, Jarvis Gage, Nelson Fuller, Nelson Toncray, Benton Toncray, Lagran Beach, Zuba Beach,John Doig, Hattie Doig, Frank Abrams, Henry Beach, James Edgar,Robert Olde, Alyah Gage, Ella Nichols, Mabel Abrams, Jessie Abrams, Frankie Abrams, Ella Abrams, Betsey Hooker, Margaret Beach, George Beach, Grace Beach, Roy Herald, Mable Herald, Charles Murray, Viola Murray, Ella Duffy, Selden Miner, Clark Miner, Hattie Sanborn, Frankie LeValley, Lou Beach, Louis Beach, Minnie Beach, Henry Beach, Ellen Beach, Walter Scott, Marie Sorge, Paul Sorge,Jennie Abrams, Clay Gordon, Charles Murray, Jerry Murray, Riley Crittenden, Harold Blake, Mabel Blake, Charles Hendrix, Betty Hendrix,Marie Oll, Christine Doig, Janet Benedict, Charles Placeway, James Edgar, State Savings Bank, Milton McAtee, Geraldine McAtee, -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 33 and Green Oak Township, Livingston County, Michigan NE part of NW frl. 1/4 and NW part of NW frl. 1/4 of Section 4 1833-1920
Names Mentioned
E Drewry,Fonda Lake Subdivision,Phebe Burnett,John Mundy,Stephen Bonnell,William Burnett,Helen Burnett,John Doremus,Catherine Doremus,Caleb Edson,Lovina Edson,Sherman Dix,Jacob Doremus,Esther Doremus,William Clark,Jacintha Clark,Hierome Goodspeed,Floyd Williams,Southerland Williams,Jotham Goodspeed,Rebecca Goodspeed,Charles Sidway,Susan Sidway,Ernest Loehne,Joseph Blackwell,Wilhelmina Loehne,John Schmidt,John Smith,Chas Sidway,Louisa Loehne,Hugh Bergin,Richard Bergin,Frank Marvin,Harriett Bonnell,Lucian Sanger,Lewis Fonda,Lovinia Fonda,Island Lake Association,Island Lake Camp Association,Adam Brown,Ella Brown,Willis Hale,Warren Clark,Alonzo Olds,Calvin Goodspeed,Abigail Goodspeed,Mary Chambers,Elias Pond,Josiah Turner,Susan Woodin,Ada Treadwell,Ellen Bergin,Henry Bergin -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan E 1/2 of SW 1/4 of section 10 1835-1927
Names Mentioned
Richard Lyon,Martha Lyons,Samuel Conely,Rebecca Conely,Smith Beach,William Seaver,Laura Seaver,William Beach,Willard Beach,Eugene Stowe,L. Johns,Ross Land Co.,J. W. Hilton,Francis Lecount,William Kenzel,Marinda Lecount,Timothy Warner,Lucretia Warner,Thomas Hilton,Adaline Hilton,John Hilton,Wilbur Beach,Jane Oliver,Max Buck,Mary Beach,Loa Markham,Pearl Beach,Clark Beach,Millie Buck,Fannie Hilton,Geneva Pitkin,Faith Musch,Frances Lincoln,Millie Buek,Max Buek,Gertrude Hilton -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan, Section 30, Green Oak Township, Hamburg Township, Putnam Township, Pinckney, 1969-1971
Names Mentioned
Ann Arbor Bank,Lester Rutter,Bessie Rutter,William Mccauley,William Mccauley's Addition,John Heald,Joanne Heald,Brown-mclaughlin Beach,Mary Heald,Roy Van Zant,Mary Van Zant,Groomes Subdivision,John Frazier,Helen Frazier,Frank Vosmik,Fay Vosmik,Harold Dunstan,Emma Dunstan,William Robson,Robert Juvinall,Doris Juvinall,Newton Plains Subdivision,James Tite,June Tite,Whitmore Hills Subdivision,Robert Fitzgerald,Mary Fitzgerald,Hammond Curtis,Darlene Curtis,Anthony Bell,Shirley Bell,White Lodge Country Club Subdivision,Thomas Kanocz,Kelsie Kanocz,Shady Shores Colony No. 3,Harold Devine,Shirley Devine,John Hannett,Robert Sell,Della Sell,Edgewood Shores Estates,James Janowski,Mary Janowski,Fox Point Beach Subdivision,Clarence Markeson,Margaret Markeson,Pleasant Lake Hills Annex,William Heston,Patrician Gardens Subdivision,Herman Shelton,Ernestine Shelton,Sil-ro-ken Beach,Melvin Janowski,Dorothy Janowski,Eugene Nissen,Patricia Nissen,Wayne Norton,Ruth Norton,Fulton's Subdivision,William Damm,Jacqueline Damm,Ore Lake Little Farms Subdivision,Heatherwood Realty Company,Charles Hulce,Clara Hulce,Deiman-stull Subdivision -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Green Oak Township, Livingston County, Michigan, SW 1/4 of Section 30, Section 10, 1835-1929
Names Mentioned
Carl Conrad,Esther Conrad,George Killins,Candace Killins,George Knight,Emma Marsh,Maude Dennis,Nina Cord,Newton Truxton,Mattie Truxton,John Cord,Brighton Light And Power Co.,William Miller,Nelson Benjamin,Lydia Benjamin,Alice Benjamin,Theresa Benjamin,Alice Davis,Edwin Bidwell,Eugene Sweet,Estella Bidwell,Wallace Long,Jennie Sweet,Phebe Long,Gustav Baetcke,Amelia Baetcke,E. G. Mcpherson,Rosa Mcpherson,Alex Mcpherson,Julia Mcpherson,A. M. Sweet,John Mccabe,Ambrose Sweet,Maria Sweet,William Mcpherson,Edward Mcpherson,Hiram Smith,Harriet Smith,Jennie Mcpherson,Frank Mcpherson,John Mcpherson,Elizabeth Cushing,John Cushing,Benjamin Cushing,Lovisa Cushing,Daniel Lee,Laura Lee,George Lee ,Ann Lee,Sophia Peck,George Peck,Charles Hyne,Hannah Hyne,Lawrence Charbneau,City Of Brighton,The Detroit Edison Co.,Celia Charneau,Bankers Trust Company -
Abstract for Brighton Township, Livingston County, Michigan, Section 32, Green Oak Township, Section 5 1945-1974
Names Mentioned
Fonda Lake Heights,Roy Teeple,Grace Teeple,Frances Larson,Georgia Yerkes,Bergie Larson,Ray Fillmore,Katherine Fillmore,John Miller,Harry Peet,Clifford Markell,Estella Markell,Haigh Investment Company,Mary Gehle,Henry Haigh,Evelyn Zannis,Elizabeth Haigh,Haigh Manufacturing Company,Jefferson Maintenance Company,F Levison,Robert Levison,Walter Drolet,Herbert Warner,Alice Warner,R Haigh
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