Digital Archive of the Howell Carnegie Library Archives

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  • HCDL-ngp-D004-01-0181_u.jpg

    100 block W. Grand River Avenue, Howell, MI 1984 Photo of the south side of Grand River Avenue between Michigan Avenue and Walnut Street. Two unknown boys and their bikes are pictured. Signage: Welcome R-UDAT TEAM banner Schafer's House of Music: Everything in Music Garlands clothing store Sutton's Hardware Flags Street and highway signs Vehicles and pedestrians 

    In 1983, the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce applied for a R/UDAT (Regional/Urban Design Assistance Team) study, an American Institute of Architects program that brought a team of professionals to the city for a four-day period to study Howell's downtown, its ability to compete for regional shopping, and to make recommendations for improvements to re-vitalize the city.  The team, in 1984, during the study took photographs, interviewed people, held forums, and in the end provided an outline of strategies.

    American Institute of Architects Regional/Urban Design Assistance Team
  • Float for Genoa Township.
  • HCDL-ngp-S004-01-0061_u.jpg

    This photograph is of 101 West Grand River Avenue, Howell, Michigan, the D & C Store.  Next to the D & C is the Family Restaurant.  The view is looking southwest from the intersection of West Grand River Avenue and Michigan Avenue.  Traffic and the traffic light are visible.  The date of this photograph is unknonw.
  • HCDL-ngp-S004-01-0044_u.jpg

    101-111 West Grand River Avenue, Howell, Michigan
    Year unknown, possibly 1910.
    View of the south west corner at the intersection of Grand River Ave. and Michigan Ave, known locally as the Main Four.
    101-111 W. Grand River Ave
    "This entire double front block to be reconstructed as the new home of Lines 5c to $5.00 Stores."
    "Closing out sale"

    Per The Howell Bicentennial History, page 234, "Closing of the Strobel Grocery to start the building of the new Line 10c store."

    Later home of D&C General Store, Mr. B's Restaurant, and Diamonds Steak and Seafood.
    First National Bank building
    Other buildings, traffic lights.
  • HCDL-ngp-S004-01-0042_u.jpg

    101-111 West Grand River Avenue, Howell, Michigan

    View of the south west block at the intersection of Grand River Avenue and Michigan Avenue, known locally as the Main Four.

    101 W. Grand River Avenue - Line 5c-$5.00 Store. Next to it was the First National Bank.

    Later other business occupied 101 West Grand River Avenue, Howell, Michigan including  Mr. B's, Rustic Tavern, then Diamonds.

    Original note states "New home of Line Dime store"
  • HCDL-ngp-D004-01-0070_u.jpg

    This photograph is of the northside of the 100 block of West Grand River Avenue, Howell, Michigan, and was taken as part of documentation for the R/UDAT Study, 1984.  In view is 106 - 116 West Grand River Avenue  . Signage, vehicles, and pedestrians in view.

    In 1983, the Howell Area Chamber of Commerce applied for a R/UDAT (Regional/Urban Design Assistance Team) study, an American Institute of Architects program that brought a team of professionals to the city for a four-day period to study Howell's downtown, its ability to compete for regional shopping, and to make recommendations for improvements to re-vitalize the city.  The team, in 1984, during the study took photographs, interviewed people, held forums, and in the end provided an outline of strategies.

    American Institute of Architects Regional/Urban Design Assistance Team
  • HCDL-ngp-S004-02-0034_u.jpg

    This is a photograph of the northside of the 100 block of East Grand River Avenue, Howell, Michigan.   The photograph shows the storefront Curtis Men's Wear.

    Curtis Men's Wear was owned by Cecil and Mrs. Nina Curtis of Howell, Michigan, in the 1960's.

    The date of this photograph is unknown.
  • HCDL-ngp-S004-01-0005_u.jpg

    This is a photograph of the north side of the 100 block of West  Grand River Avenue, Howell, Michigan.

    In view are the businesses from 110 to 114 West Grand River Avenu, inclduing ,Eagers Restaurant, Livington Drugs, Charles Itsell Men and Boys Wear.   On the street is parked an old Ford Falcon.
  • HCDL-ngp-S004-02-0037_u.jpg

    This is a photograph of the 100 block of East Grand River Avenue, Howell, Michigan.   The view, looking north, includes the intersection of State Street and Grand River Avenue.  To the left at 110 East Grand River Avenue is the American Title Company, and 112 is just east of it.  That building now, (2022) is home to the Dairy Queen.

    The date of the photograph is unknown.
  • HCDL-ngp-P005-01-0003_u.jpg

    112 W. Grand River Avenue, Howell, Michigan 1936
    Livingston Drugs
    Signage: Rexall Drugs
    Soda, Sealtest Products

    Dinners, Steaks, Chops in the window next door
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